1,2) O people! Enter under the guardianship of your Rabb, indeed the tremor of the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] is a great thing. On the day that you will see it, every nursing woman will forget that she is nursing. And every pregnant woman will deliver what she carries or miscarry. And you will see people intoxicated while they are not. Yet, the punishment of Allah is severe.
3,4) Some of the people dispute about Allah without knowledge and follow every rebellious satan. -It has been decreed about the rebellious satan: "Indeed, whoever makes satan his familiar who is guide, guardian; satan will surely lead astray the one who has made him his guide, guardian and he guides him to the punishment of Jahannah [Hell]".-
5) O people! If you doubt that you will be resurrected after you die, know that We formed you from dust, and then from a drop of semen, and then from an embryo, and then a disfigured piece of flesh so We may make clear to you what you are. And We keep whom We will in the wombs for a specified term. Then We bring you out as a child so that then you may reach time of maturity. And some of you are reminded that which you did in the past and failed to do while being obliged to/lives of some of you are taken. And some of you are made to reach to miserable time of his life to have no knowledge after his previous knowledge. And then you see the earth barren; then it quivers, swells and grows plants of every beautiful kind when We send down water on it.
6) This is because Allah is the truth, He is the only One Who gives life to the dead and indeed He is the only One Who is the most competent over everything.
7) The day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] will certainly come. There is no doubt about it. And indeed, Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves.
8) Some of the people dispute about Allah without knowledge; without guidance, without an enlightening book.
9) Twisting his hip/acting arrogantly is to lead astray from the path of Allah. Disgrace is for him in this world. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], We will make him taste the punishment of the burning Jahannah [Hell].
10) This is because that which his both hands bring forth and that Allah is not the One Who treats unjustly those who are good servants.
11,12,13) And among the people is he who worships Allah on an undefined edge/in an irresolute manner, without a defined frame. Therefore, when a good comes to him, he becomes assured by eliminating all question marks in his mind with it. And if a social fire/distress comes to him, he turns on his face. He has lost the world and Akhirat [Afterlife] as well. This is what is the explicit loss. He invokes those which are not able to harm and benefit him, from among those that are inferior to Allah. This is what is the distant astray. He invokes one whose harm is closer than his benefit. How an evil helper, protector and evil fellow is that which he invokes.
14) Surely, Allah will admit those who believe and do amendatory deeds into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow. Indeed, Allah does what He wills.
15) And whoever thinks Allah will not help him in this world and in Akhirat [Afterlife], let him turn to Us immediately in good faith, and let him also sever his ties with that which can not harm and benefit him from among those that are inferior to Allah. Then let him see if this plan of his will remove that which enraged him/that which he is obsessed with![#394]
16) Thus We have sent down the Qur'an as such clear Ayat. And surely, Allah guides whomever He wills/whoever wills.
17) Surely, those who have believed, who have become Jews, the Sabeans/those who were of the religion of the prophet John, Christians, the Magians, and those who have associated others with Allah; indeed, Allah will judge between them on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. Indeed, Allah is over all things a witness.
18) Have you not seen/thought about that whoever is in the heavens/universe and on the earth, the sun, the moon, stars, mountains, trees, moving creatures and many of the people submit to Allah? And many of them are the ones upon whom the punishment has been justified. And whomever Allah humiliates; there is none to exalt him. Surely, Allah does what He wills.
19,20,21,22) Those two, believers and infidels are two adversaries who have disputed about their Rabb. And for the infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, garments of fire will be cut out for them. Scalding water will be poured down upon their heads. Thus that which is within their bellies and their skins will be melted. And for them will be iron maces. Every time they want to get out of there from anguish, they will be returned to it and: "Taste the blazing punishment!".
23,24) Surely, Allah will admit those who believe and do amendatory deeds into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow. And they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls. And their garments therein will be silk. And they have been guided to the good/beautiful of the speech. And they have been guided to the path of Allah Who is praiseworthy.
25) Indeed, as for those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, those who forbid people from Masjid al-Haram [the untouchable school of theology] which We made to build for the people -both those who are there to worship and those who come from outside- and those who intend to go astray to the wrong path with injustice therein; We will make them taste a painful punishment.
26,27,28,29) And when We prepared for Abraham the site of that house/Kaaba saying: "Do not associate anything with Me; keep My house pure and clean for those who walk around, rise against injustice, acknowledge the oneness of Allah, submit, proclaim among the people that theology education will be provided so they may witness certain benefits that belong to them and remember His name on certain days over the flawless animals which Allah provided for them. -So, eat from them as well and feed the poor that is in hardship.- Let them come to you on foot or riding fatigued beasts, passing over every deep valley! Then let them clean and purify themselves. And let them fulfill their wows. Let them walk around in the ancient house/free house/Kaaba".
30,31) Thus it is! And whoever shows respect to what Allah made untouchable, it is better for him in the sight of his Rabb. And all livestock other than which have been recited to you are made halal/permissible to you. Therefore, avoid the evil which is from those idols as the ones who have turned to Allah, who do not associate others with Him, and avoid lies as well. And whoever associates others with Allah is like that which falls from the sky and snatched by birds or that which the wind drags to a desolate place.
36) As for the cattle; We have made them among the signs of the existence of Allah. There is good in them for you. Therefore, mention the name of Allah while you slaughter them, one of their forelegs is tied/while they are in line. And when they are on their sides, eat them and give to those who hide their need and those who ask. Thus We have given them to your service so you may repay for the blessings you are given.
32,33) Thus it is! Whoever shows respect to that which is a sign of the existence of Allah, -surely this respect is from the fact that their hearts are under the guardianship of Allah-, there are benefits in them for you until a specified term. Thereafter, their destination is the ancient Bayt/free house/Kaaba.[#395]
34,35) And for every people with a leader, We made a way of servitude so they may mention His name over the flawless of the animals Allah has given as provision to them. So, your god is the One God. Therefore, be Muslims only for Him. Give the good tidings to those whose hearts shake with awe when Allah is mentioned, those who are patient over what has afflicted them, who establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and spend from what We have provided for them for the cause of Allah, who sincerely submit to Allah.
37) Their meat and blood will definitely not reach Allah. However, only your "entering under the guardianship of Allah" will reach Him. He gave the cattle to your service [created them in a characteristic so that they will be at your service without changing or advancing] so you may glorify Allah as He has guided you. And give the good tidings to those who do good deeds.
38) Indeed, Allah defends those who believe. Surely, Allah does not like treacherous and extreme ungrateful.
39,40,41) Quand un après-midi, on lui présenta de magnifiques chevaux de course; “Il dit: "Oui, je me suis complu à aimer les biens de ce monde pour le rappel de mon Seigneur – à la fin ils se sont mis derrière un voile. – “Ramenez-les moi." Dit-il. Alors il se mit à leur caresser les pattes et les cous.
42,43,44) "Et prends dans ta main un faisceau de brindilles en guise de capital/ un capital sous forme d'épices, de basilic, pars pour chercher ton dû et ne sois pas indécis, ne dévie pas de la vérité, ne commets pas péché." Oui, Nous l'avons trouvé vraiment endurant. Quel bon serviteur était-il! Sans cesse il se repentait.
45) Et rappelle-toi aussi Abraham, Isaac et Jacob, Nos serviteurs puissants et clairvoyants.
46) Sans aucun doute, nous les avons purifiés avec une "Pensée pour la patrie/Envie d'une patrie libre". Ils sont auprès de Nous, certes, parmi les meilleurs élus. Et rappelle-toi Ismâîl [Ismaël] et Elisée [Elyasâ], et Zal-Kifl [Zukifl]. Chacun d'eux sont parmi les bénéfiques/meilleurs.
47) And they ask you to hasten the punishment. Yet, Allah will never break His promise. And indeed, a day with your Rabb is like a thousand years of those which you will count.
48) And so for those many cities which did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Myself; I gave them respite then seized them. Only to Me is the return.
49,50) Say: "O people! I am only an explicit warner/a warner who clarifies for you. And those who have believed and do amendatory deeds; forgiveness and a noble provision will be only for them".
51) And those who strive against Our Ayat to incapacitate; they are the companions of Jahannah [Hell].
52,53,54) And We did not send any messenger and prophet before you except that when he desired something, satan threw something into his desire. Then, Allah removes that which Satan/Iblis throws. Then Allah, reinforces and protects His Ayat so He may avert with that which satan has left from the religion for those in whose hearts is disease; ill-minded and stone-hearted, -indeed, those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are in a distant opposition-, so those who have been given knowledge may certainly know that the Qur'an is the truth coming from your Rabb so their hearts may respect it. And Allah is the One Who knows very well, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who strengthens. And indeed, Allah is the One Who guides the ones who believe to the straight path.
55) And those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will keep doubting the Qur'an until the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] or the punishment of a barren [unavailing, infertile] day has come to them unexpectedly.
56) That day, the dominion will belong to Allah. He will judge among them. And those who believe and do amendatory deeds will be in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] of abundant blessings.
57) And those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and deny Our Ayat; for them will be a humiliating punishment.
58,59) And those who emigrate for the cause of Allah and then are killed or die; surely, Allah will provide for them a good provision. And surely, Allah is certainly the One Who is the best of providers. He certainly will admit them into a place where they will be pleased. And surely, Allah is the One Who knows very well, forbears much.
60) Thus it is! And whoever responds with the equivalent of the punishment that was done to him and then he is treated unjustly again, Allah will definitely help him. Indeed, Allah is pardoning, very forgiving.
61) This is because Allah causes the night enter the day and causes the day enter the night. Indeed, Allah is the One Who hears very well, sees very well.
62) This is because Allah is the truth itself and that which they associate with Him from among those that are inferior to Him are only falsehood and surely, Allah is the most sublime, He is the One Who is the grand.
63) Have you not seen/thought about that indeed Allah has sent down water from the sky and the earth becomes green? Indeed, Allah is the One Who gives bounty much, the One Who is all aware.
64) All that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Him. And indeed, Allah is the One Who is free of need, the praiseworthy.
65) Have you not seen/thought about that Allah created what is on the earth in such structure so you may benefit and the ships that flow through the sea by His command? And it is He Who restrains the sky from falling without His permission/knowledge. Indeed, Allah is very compassionate, very merciful to the people.
66) And He is the One Who has given you life and then will take your life and then will resurrect you. Indeed, man is very ungrateful.
67) We have appointed a way of servitude for every community with a leader. Let them perform their servitude accordingly. Then, let them never dispute with you about this matter. And invite to your Rabb. Indeed, you are upon a straight guidance.
68,69) And if they dispute with you, then say: "Allah is the One Who knows best what you do. Allah will judge between you concerning that over which you differed on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection].".
70) Do you not know that Allah absolutely knows what is in the heavens/universe and on the earth? Surely, this is in a book. Indeed, this is very easy for Allah.
71) And they worship that which Allah has not sent down an evidence at all and that of which they have no knowledge from among those that are inferior to Allah. And there will be no helper for those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah.
72) And when Our Ayat are recited explicitly to them, you will recognize that which is considered evil by Wahy [Revelation] and common sense in the faces of those who disbelieve; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. They almost attack those who recite Our Ayat to them. Say: "Then, shall I inform you of what is worse than that? The Fire! Allah has promised the Fire to the infidels; those who consciously deny His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb. How an evil destination it is!"
73) O people! An example is presented, now listen to it: Even if those whom you invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah gather together, they can never form a fly. And should the fly harm them, they can not save it. Weak are the demanded and the demander.
74) They have not appraised Allah properly. Surely, Allah is very powerful, almighty.
75,76) Allah chooses messengers from among the harbinger Ayat and from among the mankind. Indeed, Allah is the One Who hears best, sees best, He knows that which is between their hands and behind them. And all matters will be returned only to Allah.
77,78) O you who have believed! Acknowledge the oneness of Allah, submit, worship your Rabb, do good deeds and strive for the cause of Allah properly so you may win victory, maintain your status. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you any difficulty in the religion; the religion/lifestyle of your ancestor, Abraham. He has named you "Muslims" before and in the Qur'an so the Messenger; the Qur'an may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. Therefore, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established and hold fast to Allah. He is your familiar Who guides, helps, protects. How an excellent familiar Who guides, helps, protects, how an excellent helper He is!