1) A surah that We have revealed and divided into divisions! We have sent down clear Ayat as well in it so you may be reminded.
2) The man who commits unlawful sexual intercourse and the woman who commits unlawful sexual intercourse; lash each of them with hundred lashes, if you believe in Allah and the day of Akhirat [Afterlife], do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah! And let a group from among the believers witness their punishment.
4) And those who accuse married, free women of unlawful sexual intercourse and then can not bring four witnesses; lash these with eighty lashes and do not accept testimony from them ever after. And they are the ones who have gone astray from the righteous path.
6,7) And those who accuse their wives of unlawful sexual intercourse and have no witnesses other than themselves; testimony of each of them is equal to that they testify four times that they tell the truth and the fifth time that they take Allah witness for His curse be upon them if they are liars.
8,9) If the woman testifies four times that her husband is among those who lie and that she takes the fifth oath to take Allah witness that Allah will not be pleased with her if her husband tells the truth, will remove the punishment from herself.
5) However, except for those who repent after slandering; confess their slandering and promise not to do again and amend. Indeed, Allah is the One Who forgives much, the One Who is very merciful.
10) What if Allah did not have bounties and mercy upon you...! And what if Allah was not the One Who accepts the repentances the most, gives much opportunities to repent, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible...
3) A man who commits unlawful sexual intercourse does not marry except a woman who commits unlawful sexual intercourse or who associates others with Allah; only a man who commits unlawful sexual intercourse or who associates others with Allah marries a woman who commits unlawful sexual intercourse. And this; such a marital rule has been made haram/forbidden to the believers.[#389]
11) Surely, those who brought forth such a gross slander is a group from among you. -Do not consider this a bad thing for you; rather, it is good for you.- For every person among them is what he has been made to earn from that which causes to waste time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming. And a great punishment will be for the one who gets closer to the greater of these.
12) And when you heard it, why did not the believing men and women, when they heard about this slander, think good for themselves and say, "This is a explicit slander"?
13) Why did not those who brought forth this accusation bring four witnesses for this? Since they did not bring witnesses, then it is they who are the liars in the sight of Allah.
14) If it had not been the bounty and mercy of Allah in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife], a great punishment would definitely have touched you in which you were involved.
15) When you take this slander from the tongues of each other and say this invented news about which you had no knowledge with your mouths and think that it is insignificant. However, it is tremendous in the sight of Allah.
16) And why did you not say, when you heard it: "It is not right for us to speak of it. Purified You are; my Allah! This is a great slander..."!?
17) If you are those who have believed, Allah warns you not to conduct like of it ever.
18) And Allah makes clear His Ayat for you and Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
19) Surely, as for those who like it when transgression, immorality spread among the believers; a painful punishment will be for them in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And Allah knows but you do not know.
20) And if it had not been the bounty and mercy of Allah upon you and if not Allah was very compassionate and very merciful...!
21) O you who have believed! Do not follow the footsteps of satan. And whoever follows the footsteps of satan, let him know that he instructs transgressions, immorality and all kinds of evil. And if not for the favor and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would have ever been pure. However, Allah purifies whom He wills. Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
23) Surely, those who accuse free, married and unaware believing women of unlawful sexual intercourse are cursed in this world and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And there will be a great punishment for them.
24) On that day, their tongues, hands and feet will bear witness against them to what they did.
25) On that day, Allah will recompense them fully. And they will know that Allah is the truth itself.
26) Evil women are for evil men and evil men are for evil women; pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women/evil words and evil deeds suit evil people. And good words and good deeds suit good people. They are the ones who are away from what the slanderers say. For them is forgiveness and a noble provision.
22) And do not let those among you who are blessed with wealth and resources swear not to give to their relatives, the needy, those who emigrate in the path of Allah; let them pardon, tolerate. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.[#391]
27) O you who have believed! Do not enter the houses other than yours before making yourselves being noticed and without giving assurance to the household. It is better for you so you may reason and be reminded.
28) And if you do not find anyone there, do not enter until you are permitted. And if you are told, "Go back!", go back right away; this is more purifying for you. And Allah is the One Who knows best what you do.
29) There is no blame upon you for entering houses that are not inhabited within which is something valuable that belongs to you. And Allah knows that which you disclose and that which you conceal.
30) Tell the believing men to reduce a part of their stare and guard their chastity. This is more purifying for them. Indeed, Allah is all aware of what they do.
31) And tell the believing women to reduce a part of their stare and guard their chastity. Let them not to expose their parts of the body that will cause sexual attraction for men -except for those which are visible-. Let them dangle their veils over their cleavage. And let them not to expose their parts of the body that will cause sexual attraction for men to those other than their husbands, fathers, fathers of their husbands, sons, sons of their husbands, brothers, sons of their brothers, sons of their sisters, women, those whom their covenants possess[#392], those who are at their service from among the men who do not have sexual desire anymore and children who are not yet aware of vulnerable parts of women [buttocks and genitals]. And let them not to stamp their feet to make known their hidden of the parts of the body that will cause sexual attraction for men. O believers! Repent for your fault and turn to Allah all together so you may succeed!
32) And marry those who are not married from among you, the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they become/will be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty. Surely, Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who knows best.
33) And those who could not have an opportunity to marry; let them guard their chastity until Allah enriches them from His bounty. And sign the contract/covenant right away with those who wish to sign a freedom contract/covenant from those who have been given under your protection in accordance with the laws, if you see any good in them. Give them from the wealth of Allah that Allah has given you. And do not compel your young ones to repel/transgress who wish to be free, to marry just because you will obtain the transitory benefits of the simple worldly life and free them indeed. Whoever compels them to this, it should be known that Allah is very forgiving and very merciful after their compulsion.
34) And indeed, We have sent down to you distinct Ayat, examples of those who passed away before you and reminder for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah.
35) Certes, Nous avons créé toute chose, oui toute chose avec mesure.
36,37,38) There are such men in the houses in which Allah lets Himself to be raised and His name to be mentioned, who continuously purify Allah, commerce and business do not distract them from remembering Allah, establishing Salah [establishing and maintaining the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and giving zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established. They fear a day in which hearts and eyes will overturn so Allah may recompense them with the best of what they did and increase from His bounties for them. And Allah provides for whom He wills without account.
39,40) And as for the infidels; those who have consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; their deeds are like a mirage in the desolate deserts that the one who is without water thinks it is water, but when he reaches it he can not find anything there. But he finds Allah beside him. Then, Allah pays his account fully. Allah is swift in accounting. Or it is like the deep darkness in a very deep, vast sea; waves cover it; and there is a cloud over it. Darkness upon darkness... Whomever he extends his hand, he can barely see it. And whomever Allah has not given the light, then there will be nothing from the light for him.
41) Have you not seen/thought about that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth, that which flies in line [birds, bees, clouds, storms] purifies Allah from all deficiencies? Each of them certainly knows its purification and support/contribution to the nature. And Allah is the One Who knows best what they do.
42) Dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs only to Allah. And the return is only to Allah.
43) Have you not seen/thought about that Allah drives clouds and then gathers them together and then piles them over each other? And you see that He brings rain out from them. And He descends clouds like mountains from the sky which contains hail within them and strikes with them whom He wills, and keeps them away from whom He wills. And the flash of the lightning almost takes away the eyesight!
44) Allah alternates the night and the day. Indeed, there is a lesson in this for those who have a reason.
45) And Allah formed every living creature from water/liquid. Some of them move upon their bellies and some of them walk on two feet and some of them walk on four feet. Allah forms what He wills. No doubt that Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
46) Surely, We have sent down Ayat which make clear. And Allah guides whomever wills to the straight path.
47) And they say: "We have believed in Allah and the Messenger and we have obeyed". Then, a group from among them turns away after that and these are not believers.
48,49) And when they are invited to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, you see that a group among them keeps its distance. But if the truth is for their advantage, they will come to him as the ones devoted.
50) So, are their hearts ill; or are they ill-minded? Or have they doubted? Or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will treat them unjustly? Rather, they are the ones who do wrong; act against their own good!
51) The word of the believers when they were invited to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, was only that they said, "We have heard and we have obeyed". They are the ones who will reach the salvation.
52) And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, fears Allah in awe with respect, love, knowledge and enters under the guardianship of Him, it is those who will reach success.
53) And those hypocrites swore by Allah with their strongest oaths that they would go forth to fight if you ordered them to fight. Say: "Do not swear. Obedience is what is accepted as good for all! Indeed, Allah is aware of what you do".
54) Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger as well". If you turn away, know that upon him is only that with which he has been charged. Upon you is that with which you have been charged. If you obey the Messenger, you will follow the righteous path you are guided. And upon the Messenger is only to convey the explicit message.
55) And Allah has promised to those among you who have believed and have done amendatory deeds that He would make them inherit others as He had made those before them to inherit others, and He would definitely establish the religion for them that He has liked, chosen for them and He would change them into safety after their fear. They worship Me, they do not associate others with Me. And whoever disbelieves; consciously denies My divinity and the fact that I am Rabb; it is those who have gone astray from the path.
56) And establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established and obey the Messenger so you may receive mercy.
57) Never think/let them think that the infidels; those who have consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb incapacitate on the earth! Their final destination will be the Fire. And indeed, how an evil destination it is!
58) O you who have believed! Let those who are under your protection in accordance with the laws[#393] and those among you who have not yet reached the age of ability to distinguish between good and evil to ask permission on three occasions; before the morning education-training, at noon when you put aside your clothing and after the night education-training. These are the three times for you, open and unprotected. There is no sin upon you nor upon them other than these. They move among you and some of you are upon some others. Thus Allah makes the Ayat clear to you. Allah is the One Who knows very well, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
59) And when the children among you reach the age of ability to distinguish between good and evil, let them ask permission as the ones before them; their elder brothers and sisters did. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to you and Allah is the One Who knows very well, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
60) And those older women who have no expectation for marriage, there is no blame upon them to put aside their outer garments without exposing parts of the body that will cause sexual attraction. And it is better for them to guard their chastity. And Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
61) There is no blame upon the blind; no blame upon the lame; no blame upon the sick; and there is no blame upon you to eat from your own houses, houses of your fathers, houses of your mothers or houses of your brothers or houses of your sisters or houses of your father's brothers or houses of your father's sisters or houses of your mother's brothers or houses of your mother's sisters or houses of which you possess the keys or houses of your friends. And there is no blame upon you to eat together or separately. And when you enter the houses, establish safety upon yourselves as a wish of blessed and a good life from Allah. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to you so you may reason.
62) The believers are only those who believed in Allah and His Messenger and who do not leave until they have asked for the permission of the Messenger when being engaged in a social matter together with him. Surely, those who ask for your permission; they are the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger. Then, when they ask your permission for some of their affairs, give permission to whom you will from among them and ask Allah for His forgiveness for them. Indeed, Allah is the One Who forgives much, shows great mercy.
63) Do not make calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Allah surely knows those who slip away, hiding. Therefore, let those who disobey His commands avoid that a social fire should strike them or a painful punishment should hit them.
64) Open your eyes! All that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Allah. He surely knows what you are up to. And on the day when they will be returned to Him, He will inform them about what they did. And Allah is the One Who knows all best.