1) O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them for their Iddah[#387] and count Iddah/waiting period. And enter under the guardianship of Allah, your Rabb. Do not take them out of their homes unless they have committed an explicit transgression, immorality, nor should they leave. These are the limits of Allah. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah has definitely treated unjustly to himself. You do not know, perhaps Allah will bring about another matter after this.
2,3) And when they have reached the end of their term, either keep them in a way that is acceptable for all or part with them in a way that is acceptable for all. Take two people who are just from among you witnesses. And establish the testimony for Allah. This is instructed to those who believe in Allah and the last day. And whoever enters under the guardianship of Allah, Allah will make for him a way out and will provide him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies on Allah, He is sufficient for him. Surely, Allah is the One Who fulfills His command. Allah has definitely determined/set a measure for everything.
4) Eh bien, comment furent Mon châtiment et Mes avertissements?
5) Puis ils appelèrent leur camarade/leaders. Et lui, il prit tout ce qu'il pouvait, et a effondré le système en asséchant les sources de revenus qui faisaient vivre les institutions sociales.
6) Eh bien, comment furent donc Mon châtiment et Mes avertissements?
7) Nous lâchâmes sur eux un seul Cri, et voilà qu'ils furent réduits à l'état de paille d'étable.
8) Et vraiment, Nous avons rendu le Coran facile pour la méditation/ le conseil. Y a-t-il quelqu'un pour réfléchir?
9) Les avertissements vinrent certes, aux gens de Pharaon. Ils traitèrent de mensonges tous Nos signes. Nous les saisîmes donc, à la force d'un Puissant Omnipotent.
10,11) Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment. Then, o you of understanding who have believed! Enter under the guardianship of Allah. Surely, Allah has sent down to you a reminder, a messenger that recites to you clear Ayat/evidences/signs of Allah to bring those who have believed and done amendatory deeds out from all darkness into the light. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds, Allah will admit him into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow in which he will abide eternally. Allah has perfected the provision for him.
12) Vos Kâfir; ceux qui renient délibérément la seigneurie et la divinité d'Allah [Dieu] sont-ils plus bénéfiques qu'eux ? Ou bien y a-t-il dans les Ecritures une immunité pour vous émise par Allah? Ou bien ils disent: "Nous formons un groupe fort qui s'aide les uns les autres et nous vaincrons?"