Das Haus Ìmráns

1) Alif/1, Lam/30, Mim/40.[#350]
2) Allah is the One except Whom there is no deity, He is the ever living, the One Who sustains, protects everything.
3,4) Allah has sent down this book with the truth to confirm its contents. He had sent down Torah and Bible as well as a guidance to the righteous path for the people before. And He is the One Who has sent down the Furqan as well. Surely, the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; they are the ones for whom a severe punishment will be. Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the One Who maintains justice by seizing, recompensing the criminals.
5) Indeed, Allah is the One from Whom nothing in the heavens/universe and on earth is hidden.
6) He is the One Who forms you in the womb as He wills. There is no deity except Him. He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
7,8,9) Allah is the One Who has sent down this book to you. Part of this book are the Ayat which contain laws, they are the foundation of the book. And the others have analogous meanings. Yet, even though this is the case, those in whose hearts is deviation/inconsistency follow of it which have analogous meanings to avert people from the religion, drive them to associate others with Allah and seek to interpret most suitable meaning of it. Yet, only Allah and those who are expert on that knowledge -who say: "We have believed this, all of this is from our Rabb. O our Rabb! Do not avert our hearts after You have guided us! Grant mercy to us from Yourself! Surely, You are the One Who bestows abundantly. O our Rabb! Surely, You are the One Who will gather the people for that day on which there is no doubt. Surely, Allah does not break His promise"- know the most appropriate interpretation. And only those who are able to understand will be reminded.
10,11) Indeed, the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; their wealth and children, -like the close people of Pharaoh and those before them- will not avail them against Allah at all. And they are the fuel of the fire. The close people of Pharaoh and those before them denied our Ayat and Allah seized them because of their sins. And Allah is the One Whose recompense/seizure is severe.
12) Say to the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb: "You will be defeated soon and gathered to Jahannah [Hell]". How an evil bed it is!
13) There is an evidence/a sign in two troops that met; one of the troops was fighting for the cause of Allah; and the others were infidels; the people who concealed/disbelieved in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. They saw them twice of themselves by eyesight. And Allah strengthens whom He wills with His help. Indeed, there is definitely an evidence/a sign in this for those who have foresight; common sense.
14) Excessive and passionate desire for women, sons, heaped up gold and silver, fine branded horses, cattles bred for their meat and milk and crops has been beautified/made attractive to people. These are the enjoyments of the simple worldly life. And Allah is the One with Whom is the best return.
15,16,17) Say: "Shall I inform you of what is better than this? For those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah; who say, "Our Rabb! Indeed We have believed, then forgive our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire!", who have patience; who resist, who are true, show respect constantly, who spend for the cause of Allah and ask forgiveness at the daybreaks, there will be gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow and wherein they will abide eternally, pure spouses [who have not been stained by eye, thought; totally new] and approval from Allah. And Allah is the One Who sees the servants best.
18) Allah, forces of the nature/harbinger Ayat and those knowledgeable ones that maintain justice and equity have witnessed that there is no deity except Allah. There is no god but the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker.
19) Surely, in the sight of Allah, the religion is Islam. And those who had been given the Book differed only out of envy between themselves after that knowledge had come to them. And whoever conceals the Ayat of Allah; surely, Allah is swift in reckoning.
20) If they argue with you despite this, say: "I have Islamized myself for Allah/I have become Muslim. And those who follow me have also become Muslims". And say to those who have been given the Book and those who are from the Mother City: "Have you strengthened too/accepted Islam?". If they strengthen/enter Islam, then they have followed the righteous path they have been guided. But if they turn away, upon you is only to convey the message. And Allah is the One Who sees His servants best.
21) Surely, those who conceal the Ayat of Allah, kill the prophets without right and kill the people who command justice and equity from among the people; give them immediately the tidings of a painful punishment!
22) They are the ones whose deeds are all in vain in this world and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. There will be no helpers for them.
23) Have you not seen/thought about those who were given a share from the Book? They are invited to the book of Allah to judge between them, then some among them turn away by keeping their distance.
24,25) This is because they say: "The fire will not touch us except for a numbered few days". And that which they invented, deluded them in their religion. So, how will it be when We gather them on the day upon which there is no doubt and everyone will be recompensed for what they earned without being treated unjustly?
26,27) Say: "O Allah, the sovereign of the sovereignty! You give rulership to whom You will, take rulership away from whom You will, You make powerful whom You will, and disgrace whomever You will. The good is in Your hands. Surely, You are the One Who is competent over everything! It is You Who puts the night into the day, and puts the day into the night; it is You Who brings out the living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living. You provide for whom You will without account".
28) Let not the believers take the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and who are lower than themselves as their familiars who help, guide, protect/make them governors, entrust their lives to them. And whoever does that, he will have nothing from Allah. Except when protecting from them/verbally managing the situation. Allah warns you of Himself. And the final destination is only to Him.
29) Say: "Whether you conceal or disclose that which you have within your hearts, Allah knows it. And Allah knows that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth. And Allah is the One Who is competent over everything".
30) On that day, everyone will find that which he has done of good as present and that which he has done of evil as present. He will wish there would be a great distance between him and his evil deeds. Allah warns you of Himself. Indeed, Allah is very compassionate to His servants.
31) Say: "If you love Allah then follow me so Allah may love you and forgive your sins for you. And Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy".
32) Say: "Obey Allah and the Messenger!". But if they turn away, then know that Allah surely does not like the infidels; those who consciously deny His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb".
33,34) Indeed, Allah favored Adam, Noah, family of Abraham and family of Imran -being from each other's lineage- over the people of the time. And Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
35) When the wife of Imran said: "My Rabb! I surely have devoted what is in my womb for you. Accept it from me, You surely are the One Who hears best, knows best".
36) And when she delivered her, she said: "My Rabb! I have definitely delivered a female; -yet Allah knows better what she has delivered- male is not like female. And surely, I have named her Mary. And indeed, I make her and her descendants seek refuge in You from Iblis".
37) So her Rabb accepted Mary with a beautiful acceptance. And He made her grow as a beautiful plant and made Zachariah a guarantor to Mary that she did not deliver Jesus unlawfully but without a father by the will of Allah. And whenever Zachariah entered upon her/in the private room, he would find a provision with her. Zachariah said: "O Mary! Where is this from?". Mary said: "From Allah". Surely, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.
38) -Then Zachariah invoked his Rabb: "My Rabb! Grant me a pure lineage from Yourself. Surely, You are the One Who hears the supplication best".
39) Then, while Zachariah was fulfilling Salah [teaching], standing on the special desk, the harbinger Ayat called him: "Surely, Allah is giving you the good tidings of John, of the righteous as the confirmer of the words of Allah, the master/the leader, a prophet of modesty".
40) Zachariah said: "My Rabb! How can I have a boy while me being an old man and my wife is infertile?". Allah said: "Thus it will, Allah does what He wills".
41) Zachariah said: "My Rabb! Show me an evidence/a sign for me". Allah said: "Your evidence/sign is that you will not speak to people except for signs for three days. And remember your Rabb much, purify Him all the time from all deficiencies".-
42,43) And when the harbinger Ayat said: "O Mary! Surely, Allah has chosen you, made you pure and chosen you above the women of the time. O Mary! Show respect to your Rabb, submit to Him and declare the oneness of Allah with the men who declare the oneness of Allah!".
44) This is what We have revealed to you from the important news of the past which you did not have possibility to perceive. And you were not with them while they were casting their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. And you were not with them when they were disputing.
45,46,48) And when the harbinger Ayat once said: "O Mary! Allah gives you the good tidings of a word from Him. His name will be Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary. He will be honorable in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And he will be among those who have been brought close and the righteous. He will speak with the people as an adult and in a higher position. And Allah will teach him the book, the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos and the Bible and the Torah.
47) Mary said: "My Rabb! How will I have a child when no human has ever touched me? Allah said: "Thus it is! Allah forms what He wills; when He decrees about a matter, He only says to it "Be!" and it immediately is".[#352]
49,50,51) And He will make him a messenger to Israelites to say, 'The truth is that I have brought/come to you with an evidence/a sign from your Rabb; surely, I design for you a clay; mud; ceramic object; thurible (censer) that resembles a bird. Then I blow into it; form an aerosol so, by permission of Allah, all that which causes illness will become a bird/fly away. I remove the blindness which is not from birth, poisoning of snake, scorpion and lizard/harmful plants in the vineyards, gardens and farms by permission/knowledge of Allah and I revive the social dead by permission of Allah. I inform you about your food that you will eat and store in your houses; save to eat later. -If you are the ones who believe, there is definitely an evidence/a sign in this for you.- I confirm the contents of Torah only which is contained in the Bible as well. I will make lawful a part of that which has been forbidden to you. I have brought to you an evidence/a sign from your Rabb. Now enter under the guardianship of Allah and follow me. Surely, Allah is my Rabb and your Rabb. Therefore, worship Him! This is the righteous path'".
52,53) And when Jesus felt disbelief; denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb from them, he said: "Who are my helpers in the path of Allah?". The Apostles said: "We are the helpers of Allah, we have believed in Allah, now testify that we are Muslims. -O our Rabb! We have believed in that which You have revealed and followed the messenger as well. Then, write us down among the witnesses"-.
54) And the disbelievers made an evil plan, but Allah made their evil plan fail. And Allah is the best of those who make the evil plans fail.
55,56,57) And when Allah said: "O Jesus! Surely, I am the One Who reminds you one by one what you did in the past and what you failed to do while being obliged to/the One Who takes your life and raises you to Myself and purifies you from the infidels; those who consciously deny My divinity and the fact that I am Rabb. And I am the One Who favors those who have followed you until the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] above the infidels; those who consciously deny My divinity and the fact that I am Rabb. Then you will be returned only to Me. Then I will judge among you about that over which you differed. And as for the infidels; those who consciously deny My divinity and the fact that I am Rabb; I will punish them in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife] with a severe punishment. There will not be anything for them from the helpers. And as for those who believe and do amendatory deeds; Allah will pay their reward fully. And Allah does not like those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Himself".
58) We recite this to you from the Ayat and from the reminders/the Qur'an that contains laws.
59) Indeed, example of Jesus in the sight of Allah is like the example of Adam/every human; He formed him from dust and then said to him, "Be!" then he immediately was.
60,61) This truth is from your Rabb then do not be among the doubters. And whoever argues with you after what came to you of the knowledge, say: "Let us invite our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then curse each other then invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars".
62) Surely, this is the narration which is true. There is no deity except Allah. And surely, Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
63) And if they turn away, let it be known that Allah is the One Who knows the corrupters best.
64) Say: "O People of the Book! Come to a word that is common between you and us; the principle of 'let us worship none except Allah, not associate anything with Him and not take one another as rabbs from among those that are inferior to Allah'. If the People of the Book turn away despite this, then say, "Witness that we surely are Muslims".
65) O People of the Book! Why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Bible were revealed after him? Will you not still use your reason?
66) This is what you are. You have argued about that of which you have some knowledge but why do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge? And Allah knows, you do not know.
67) Abraham was not a Jew and Nazarene/Christian. But he was a Muslim who turned to the truth/the one who Islamized [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...]. And he was not of those who associated others with Allah.
68) Surely, those who are closest to Abraham among the people are the ones who indeed followed him, this Prophet and those who believe. Allah is the familiar Who is helper, guide, protector of the believers.
69) A group from among the People of the Book wished to lead you astray. Yet they only lead themselves astray and they do not perceive.
70) O People of the Book! Why do you deny the Ayat of Allah intentionally while you witness?
71) O People of the Book! Why do you mix the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?
72,73,74) A group from among the People of the Book said: "Believe at the dawn in that which has been revealed and at the end of the day, consciously deny/disbelieve it. And do not believe in that a similar of what was given to you has been given to someone else or do not believe in people other than those who follow your religion concerning that they would bring evidences against you before your Rabb" so that the believers might turn away. Say: "Surely, the guidance, is the guidance of Allah". Say: "Indeed, grace is in the hands of Allah and He gives it to whomever He wills. And Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who knows very well. He selects for His mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty".
75) And among the People of the Book are such people, if you entrust them with great amount, they will return it to you. And among them are such people, if you entrust them a single gold coin, they would not return it back unless you are standing over him. This is because they say: "It is not possible that those who are from the Mother City will find a way against us". They also lie about Allah while they know.
76) No, whoever is faithful to His covenant/the promise he has given to Him and enters under the guardianship of Allah, let him know that indeed, Allah likes those who have entered under the guardianship of Himself.
77) Surely, those who sell the covenant of Allah/the promises and the oaths they have given to Allah for a price; it is those for whom will be no share in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], Allah will not speak to them, will not look at them nor purify them. And a painful punishment will be for them.
78) And there is a fool and rogue group among the People of the Book who twist and turn their tongues towards the book so you may assume that it is from the book while it is not from the book. They say, "This is from Allah" while it is not from Allah. They lie about Allah while they know.
79) It is not for those from among the mortal people upon whom Allah has given the book, authority to judge and prophethood to say: "Be servants to me who is from among those that are inferior to Allah". But, it is for them to say: "Be sincere servants to Rabb in compliance with the book that you teach and take lessons from/recite".
80) And Allah does not order you to take the natural forces; tyrants, tyrannical governments and prophets as your rabbs. Would He order you to disbelieve; consciously deny His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb after you have become Muslims?!
81) And when Allah took covenant of the prophets, saying: "Indeed, I have given you from the book and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos, and when a messenger has come to you to confirm that which is already with you, you will definitely believe in and help him!". Allah said: "Have you acknowledged and accepted this? And have you taken upon my heavy covenant/will you definitely fulfill your promise?". They said: "We have acknowledged". Allah said: "Then testify, I testify with you".
82) And whoever turns away after this, it is those who go astray from the righteous path.
83) And do they seek other than the religion of Allah while all those who are in the heavens/universe and on the earth have been Islamized [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] for Him and will be returned only to Him?
84) Say: "We have believed in Allah, the Qur'an which has been revealed to us, what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and grandsons, Moses, Jesus and what was given to the messengers from their Rabb. We do not make distinction between any of them. And we are those who are Islamized [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] only for Him".
85) And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, then it will never be accepted from him. And one who seeks a religion other than Islam will be among the losers in Akhirat [Afterlife].
86) How will Allah guide a people who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb after their belief, having witnessed that the messenger is true and clear evidences came to them? And Allah does not guide a people of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Himself.
87,88) Their recompense will be that the curse of Allah, natural forces/harbinger Ayat, all the people is upon them, abiding therein eternally. This punishment will not be lightened from them and they will not be given respite.
89) Except for those who have repented after this by being conscious and corrected. Then Allah is definitely the One Who forgives much, shows great mercy.
90) Surely, those who disbelieve after their beliefs; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and who have increased their disbelief; activities to conceal the truth; their repentance will never be accepted. And they are the ones who have gone astray.
91) Indeed, those who disbelieved; consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and die while they are disbelievers; never will the whole capacity of earth of gold be accepted from any of them -even if they give it as ransom/compensation-. It is those for whom an unbearable punishment will be. And there will be no helpers for them.
92) You can not attain the degree of "righteous person" unless you spend from that which you love for the cause of Allah. And whatever you spend, indeed Allah is the One Who knows it best.
93,94) Before the Torah was revealed, all food was halal/permissible for Israelites except for what Israel/Jacob made haram/forbidden for himself. Say: "If you are truthful, bring the Torah and recite it at once. And whoever invents a lie about Allah after this, then it is those who do wrong; act against their own good".
95) Say: "Allah has told the truth. Then, follow the religion of Abraham as a person who has forsaken associating others with Allah and consciously denying the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah".
96,97) Indeed, the first house that was built as a blessing for the mankind and a guide for all universes is the one that is in Mecca. There are explicit evidences/signs; the place where Abraham performed duty [where he was educated, trained and rose up against association others with Allah] in it. And whoever enters there will be safe. And visiting the Bayt [House]/theological education center, going there for theological education is a right of Allah upon the people who are able. And whoever conceals the truth, let him know that Allah is certainly free of need of all universes.
98) Say: "O People of the Book! Why do you conceal the Ayat of Allah while Allah witnesses what you do?".
99) Say: "O People of the Book! Why do you avert those who believe from the path of Allah, seeking to make the path of Allah look deviant while you have witnessed? Allah is not apathetic to what you do".
100) O you who have believed! If you obey a group from among those who had been given the Book, they would turn you after your belief as infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
101) How could you disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb while the Ayat of Allah are recited to you and His Messenger is among you? And whoever clings firmly to Allah has definitely been guided straight.
102) O you who have believed! In order to become people who have entered under the guardianship of Allah, enter under the guardianship of Allah as how it is supposed to be surrendered and only die as Muslims.
103) And cling firmly onto the rope of Allah all together/guard yourselves with the rope of Allah, do not become divided and remember the favor of Allah upon you: When you were enemies to each other and Allah brought your hearts together. Then you became brothers by His favor. You were on the edge of a fire pit and He saved you from there. Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat/evidences/signs for you so you may follow the righteous path you are guided.
104) And let there be a group of people with a leader from among you who invite to good, instruct good that is accepted by all, preclude evil via Wahy [Revelation] and common sense. And they are the ones who will reach salvation.
105,106,107) Do not be like those who became divided and differed among themselves after explicit proofs came to them. For those will be a great punishment on the day when some faces will turn white while some faces will turn black. Those whose faces will turn dark will be said: "Did you become infidels; people who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb after you had believed? Then taste the punishment for your disbelief; your denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb!". And as for those whose faces will turn white; know that they will be in the mercy of Allah. They will abide therein eternally.
108) These are the Ayat of Allah. We recite them to you in truth. Allah does not want any injustice, any wrong to the worlds.
109) And all that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs to Allah. And all matters will be returned only to Allah.
110) You are the best community who is brought forth for mankind. You command that which is accepted good by everyone, forbid that which is accepted evil by Wahy [Revelation] and common sense and you believe in Allah. If the People of the Book had believed, it would indeed have been better for them. Some of them are believers but most of them are those who have gone astray from the path.
111) They can not harm you except a hurt. If they fight you, they will turn their backs to you and flee. Then, they will not be helped.
112) Wherever they are, seal of humiliation has been put upon them. And they -except those who are under the covenant of Allah and under the covenant of the people- have been hit by the punishment of Allah and poverty has been cast upon them. This is because they have concealed the Ayat of Allah and killed prophets without right. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed as well.
113,114) Not all of them are the same. There is a group of righteous people among the People of the Book who recite the Ayat of Allah in the hours of the night in submission. They believe in Allah and Akhirat [Afterlife], command that which is accepted good by everyone, strive to avert from that which is accepted evil by everyone and they race each other in good deeds. They are among the righteous.
115) And whatever they do of good will never be hidden/left unrecompensed. And Allah is the One Who knows best those who have entered under the guardianship of Himself.
116) Wealth and children of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will never avail them at all before Allah. And they are the companions of the fire. They will abide there eternally.
117) The example of that which they spend in this simple worldly life is like that of the wind containing freezing cold that hit and manipulated/destroyed the crops of a people who treated themselves unjustly by associating others with Allah. And Allah did not treat them unjustly. Yet, they treat themselves unjustly by associating others with Allah.
118) O you who have believed! Do not take intimates from among those who are not the same level with you. They would not hesitate to harm you. They wished that you would be in distress. Their hatred has definitely appeared from their mouths. And greater is that which they hide within their hearts. If you should use your reason, We have definitely made the Ayat/evidences/signs clear for you.
119) You are such people who love them but they do not love you, you believe in all of the book but they only say, "we have believed" when they meet you but when they are alone they bite the tips of their fingers because of their hatred at you. Say: "Die with your hatred!". Indeed, Allah is the One Who knows the essence of the hearts best.
120) When good touches you, it distresses them and when evil touches you, they rejoice at it. If you have patience and enter under the guardianship of Allah, their plot will never harm you at all. Surely, Allah has surrounded them with that which they do.
121,122) And when you left your family early in the morning to post the believers at their stations for the battle. -And Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.- At the time, two groups from among you were about to corrupt although Allah was their familiar Who helps, guides, protects. -Then, let the believers rely only on Allah!-.
123,124,125,126,127) And surely, Allah helped you at Badr when you were weak so you might repay for the blessings you are given: When you said to the people: "Is it not sufficient for you that Allah has helped you with three thousand harbinger Ayat that have been sent down?". If you have patience and enter under the guardianship of Allah, your Rabb will indeed support you. And should they come upon you suddenly, your Rabb will help you with five thousand harbinger Ayat that are marked/that train/that are sent. And Allah made it only to give you good tidings and your hearts may be assured. And this help comes from Allah Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible so Allah may eradicate or devastate a section of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb so they may turn back as losers. Therefore, enter under the guardianship of Allah.
128) You have nothing from this matter. Allah either accepts their repentance or punishes them. Then, they surely are the ones who do wrong; act against their own good.
129) All that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs to Allah. He forgives whom He wills, punishes whom He wills. And Allah is the One Who forgives much, shows great mercy.
130,131,132) O you who have believed! Do not consume the riba [income earned without effort, service, risk], multiplied many times. Enter under the guardianship of Allah so you may reach salvation. And avoid the fire that is prepared for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. Obey Allah and the Messenger so that you may be shown mercy.
133,134,135) And hasten to forgiveness from your Rabb and Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] that is as wide as the heavens/universe and the earth, which is prepared for those who spend for the cause of Allah in prosperity and hardship, restrain their anger, pardon the people, remember Allah and ask forgiveness right away because of their sins when they treat themselves unjustly or commit an immorality, -and who is it who forgives sins other than Allah?-, do not persist intentionally in that evil which they do, have entered under the guardianship of Allah. And Allah likes those who do good deeds.
136) Recompense of these is forgiveness from their Rabb and gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], underneath of which rivers flow, wherein they will abide eternally. How excellent is the recompense/reward of those who do!
137) Indeed, many implementations have passed before you. Now, travel across the earth and see how was the end of the deniers.
138) These commandments are explanations for the people and a guide and a reminder for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah.
139) And do not weaken and do not grieve! If you are believers, it is you who are superior.
140,141) If a wound touched you, a similar wound touched that people as well. And those days; We cause them to revolve around the people so Allah may declare/mark and show those who have believed among you and may take witnesses from among you, may purify those who have believed and may destroy the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And Allah does not like those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Himself.
142) Do you really think that you will enter Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] before Allah has declared/marked and shown those from among you who strive and as well as those from among you who have patience?
143) Surely, you wished for death before you met it. Now you have truly seen it while you were looking on.
144) And Muhammad is only a messenger. Indeed, messengers have passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back, let him know that he can not harm Allah at all. And Allah will recompense those who repay for the blessings they have.
145) And everyone dies at a decree which is determined by the knowledge of Allah. And whoever desires the reward of this world, We will certainly give him from it. And whoever desires for the reward of Akhirat, We will certainly give him from it. And We will recompense those who repay for the blessings they are given.
146) There were many prophets, with whom many soldiers of Allah fought; they did not weaken, corrupt and give in because of what afflicted them in the path of Allah. And Allah likes those who are steadfast.
147) All they said was: "O our Rabb! Forgive our sins and our transgressions in our affairs and set our feet firm, help us against the infidels; those who consciously deny Your divinity and the fact that You are Rabb!".
148) For this reason, Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of Akhirat [Afterlife]. And Allah likes those who do good deeds, amend.
149) O you who have believed! If you obey the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, they will turn you back on your heels and then you would become among the losers.
150) Truly, Allah is your familiar Who is helper, guide, protector. And He is the best of helpers.
151) We will cast terror into the hearts of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb for their association with Allah of which He has not sent down evidence about. Their final destination is the fire. How evil is the refuge of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah!
152) And Allah had fulfilled His promise to you when you were killing your enemies by His knowledge. You weakened, disputed about that matter and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you love. Some among you desired this world and some among you desired Akhirat [Afterlife]. Then, Allah turned you back from them so He might test you and He surely forgave you. And Allah is possessor of bounty for the believers.
153) And when you were fleeing uphill, you were not looking at anyone. And the Messenger was calling you from your behind. So, Allah gave you distress upon distress so you would not grieve for what escaped from you and what hit you. Allah is aware of what you do.
154) Then after that distress, Allah sent down upon you a security, a drowsiness that covered a group from among you. And a group followed their desires; they made up assumptions as untrue assumptions of ignorance about Allah. They said: "Is there anything for us in this matter?". -Say: "All matters belong to Allah.- They were hiding within themselves that which they could not reveal to you. They said: "If there had been anything for us in this matter, we would not have been killed here". Say: "Even if you had been at your homes, those upon whom the death has been decreed would have gone to the places where they would lie down [would be killed]". And it was so that Allah might test what is within your chests and purify what is within your hearts. And Allah is the One Who knows very well what is in your hearts.
155) Surely, those of you who turned away and went on the day when two people met, satan wanted to cause them to slip because of the grief of what they had earned. Yet, Allah forgave them indeed. Surely, Allah is the One Who forgives much, forbears much.
156) O you who have believed! Do not be like those who deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and who say for their brothers that travelled through the earth or went out to fight: "Had they been with us, they would not have died, not have been killed". -Surely, Allah will make this a wound in their hearts.- And it is Allah Who gives life and takes life. And Allah is the One Who sees best what you do.
157,158) If you are killed or die in the path of Allah, then a forgiveness and mercy from Allah is indeed better than what they accumulate. Surely, whether you die or are killed, you will certainly be gathered to Allah.
159) So, you treated them leniently only because of the mercy of Allah. If you had been rude and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from you. Then, pardon them and ask forgiveness for them. Consult them in the matter; find and discover the best of the matter together, and once you have decided, rely on Allah. Indeed, Allah likes those who rely on Himself.
160) If Allah helps you, there will be no one to defeat you. If He leaves you helpless, who else can help you but Him? Then, let the believers rely on Allah.
161) And it is not to any prophet that he would be unfaithful to public property. And whoever betrays public property will come on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] with that public property he betrayed. Then, everyone will be recompensed fully. And they will not be treated unjustly.
162) Then, is the one who pursues the pleasure of Allah like the one who brings upon himself the punishment of Allah and whose final destination is Jahannah [Hell]? How an evil destination it is!
163) They are varying degrees in the sight of Allah. Allah is the One Who sees best what they do.
164) Indeed, Allah did a great favor to the believers by having sent them a prophet from among them who recited them His Ayat, purified them and taught them the book and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos. But they had been in an explicit astray before.
165) So did you say "Where is this from!?" when a disaster hits you, with which you hit with twice of it before? Say: "This disaster that hits you is from yourselves". Surely, Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
166,167,168) That which touched you on the day when two people met was by permission/knowledge of Allah. And it is because that He may declare/mark and show the believers and declare/mark and show the hypocrites -those who say for their brothers while sitting: "Had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed"-. And it was said to them: "Come, fight or defend for the cause of Allah". They said: "If we had known about the war, we would definitely have followed you". On that day, they were closer to conceal the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb than faith. They said with their mouths that which was not in their hearts. Allah is the One Who knows better that which they conceal. Say: "If you are truthful ones, move the death away from yourselves".
169,170,171) And never think of those who were killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive, being provided with that which Allah gives of his bounties with their Rabb. They wish to give to those who have not joined them yet the good tidings that there will be no fear for them and they will not grieve. They wish to give the good tidings of a favor, reward from Allah and that Allah will definitely not let rewards of the believers be lost.
172,173) Those who responded to the invitation of Allah and the Messenger after wound touched them; those who increased in faith get when people said to them: "Surely, the people have united against you, fear them!" and who say: "Allah is sufficient for us. How excellent that He is the One Who arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it!"; for those from among them who do good deeds and have entered under the guardianship of Allah will be a great reward.
174) Then they returned with the favor and bounty of Allah, no harm having touched them and they followed the approval of Allah. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.
175) Surely, that devil/ill-minded person frightens those who are close to him. Do not fear them, fear Me if you are believers.
176) Do not let those who hasten in disbelief; denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb grieve you. They will not harm Allah at all. Allah intends that He would not give them any share in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And there will be a great punishment for them.
177) Surely, those who purchase disbelief; denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb for the faith will never harm Allah at all. And there will be a painful punishment for them.
178) Do not let those who disbelieve in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb think that the respite that We give them is better for them. Surely, We give them respite so they may waste their time/delay the good/be reluctant for the good/harm more. And there will be a humiliating punishment for them.
179) Allah would not leave the believers in the state in which you are now until He separates the impure from the pure. Allah will not make you the ones who would have the knowledge about the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future. Yet Allah chooses from His messengers whom He wills. Then, believe in Allah and His Messenger. And if you believe and enter under the guardianship of Allah, then there will be a great recompense for you.
180) And do not let those who withhold the blessings that Allah has given them of His bounty think that it is better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. That which they withhold will be tied to their necks on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. And the heritage of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs only to Allah. And Allah is aware of what you do.
181,182) Allah has surely heard the words of those who say: "Surely, Allah is poor, we are rich". We will record that which they say and their killing of the prophets without right. And We will say: "Taste the punishment of that which burns! This is the recompense of what your hands have sent forth". And indeed, Allah is never the One Who treats the servants unjustly.
183) "Those who say: "Allah is poor, we are rich" are the ones who talk nonsense, saying: "Allah has promised us that we would not believe in any messenger unless he brings us an offering which the fire will consume". Say: "Surely, before me, many messengers came to you with clear evidences and that of which you speak about so, why did you kill them -if you are truthful-?".
184) And if they have denied you now, know that the messengers who came with clear evidences, scriptures and the enlightening book before you were denied as well.
185) Every creature that has self will taste the death. And surely, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], you will be recompensed fully. Whoever is drawn away from the fire and admitted into Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], let him know that he has reached the salvation. And the simple worldly life is nothing but a deluding enjoyment.
186) No doubt that you will wear out/you will be tested about your wealth and lives. And you will hear many disturbing, annoying things from those who were given a Book before you and those who associate others with Allah. If you have patience and enter under the guardianship of Allah, indeed that is of the matters that require determination.
187) And when Allah took a strong covenant from those who were given the Book: "You will certainly bring forth the book clearly to the people and not conceal it". Yet, they threw this behind their backs and sold it for a price. How evil is that which they purchase!
188) Never think those who rejoice in that which they have done and like to be praised for that which they have not done! And do not think that they will be in a place where they will escape from the punishment! And there will be a painful punishment for them.
189) Dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs to Allah. And Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
190,191,192,193,194) There are many evidences/signs in the formation of the heavens/universe and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the day surely for those who remember Allah while standing, sitting and lying on their sides; those who are able to comprehend, who give thought to the formation of the heavens/universe and the earth: "O our Rabb! You did not form this without a purpose; purified are You from all deficiencies. Protect us from the punishment of the Fire! O our Rabb! Indeed, whomever you admit into that fire, You have surely disgraced him. And there will be none from helpers either for those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah. O our Rabb! Surely, we have heard a caller inviting, "Believe in your Rabb!" and immediately believed. O our Rabb! Forgive our sins and remove our evil deeds and remind us that which we did in the past and that which we failed to do while being obliged to/take our lives with "the righteous people". O our Rabb! Bestow us that which You have promised upon the messengers, do not disgrace us on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. Indeed, You do not break Your promise".
195) And, their Rabb responded to them: "Surely, I never let the deed of any worker among you get lost, whether male or female -that you all are same-. Therefore, those who emigrated, were driven out from their homes, were harmed in My cause, who fought and are killed; I will definitely remove their evil deeds from them and admit them into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], underneath of which rivers flow, as a reward from Allah. And Allah is the One Who has the good of the reward with Him".
196,197) Do not let the travels of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb across the cities, a very small enjoyment, deceive you. And their final destination is Jahannah [Hell] and how an evil bed it is!
198) But as for those who have entered under the guardianship of their Rabb, as a convenience from Allah, there will be gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow, wherein they will abide eternally. And what is with Allah is better for "the righteous people".
199) And indeed, among the People of the Book are those who believe in Allah, what has been revealed to you and what was revealed to them -as the ones who respect Allah sincerely-. They do not exchange the Ayat of Allah for a price. They are the ones whose reward is with their Rabb. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is swift in accounting.
200) O you who have believed! Have patience and ensure that each of you has patience and cling one another and enter under the guardianship of Allah so you may reach the salvation and be successful.