Das Vieh

1) All praise is to Allah Who formed the heavens/universe and the earth, made all the darkness and the light; no one else may be praised. Yet, those who deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb equate some things with their Rabb.
2) He is the One Who formed you from a clay. Then He decreed "end of the term". And that predetermined end of the term is with Him. Yet, you still doubt about it.
3) And He is Allah Who is in the heavens/universe and on the earth. He knows your secret and what you disclose. He knows that which you earn as well.
4) And whenever an Ayat from the Ayat of their Rabb came to them, they surely turned away from it by keeping their distance.
5) Then when the truth came to them, they definitely denied it. Then, the important news of that which they have ridiculed will soon come to them.
6) Have they not seen that We manipulated/destroyed many generations to whom We had given all opportunities which We did not give you, upon whom We had sent the sky with its blessings and We made rivers flow underneath of them. We manipulated/destroyed them because of their sins and formed a new generation after them.
7) And had We sent down to you a book that was written on papyrus/paper and they had touched it with their hands, those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb would definitely have said: "This is nothing but an explicit magic".
8) And they said: "Why has an angel not been sent down to this prophet?". Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have certainly been concluded. Then they would not have been given a respite.
9) If We had made the prophet an angel, We would still have made him in a man shape and they would have fallen in doubt like they did anyway.
10) And surely, the messengers were ridiculed before you as well. Then, that which they ridiculed surrounded those among them who ridiculed.
11) Say: "Travel through the earth, then observe how was the end of those who denied!".
12) Say: "For whom are those things that are in the heavens/universe and on the earth?" Say: "For Allah". He decreed mercy upon Himself. He surely will gather you to the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] about which there is no doubt. Those who make themselves lose, they do not believe.
13) And that which dwells in the night and in the day belongs to Him. He is the One Who hears best, knows best.
14) Say: "Should I take a familiar who helps, guides, protects other than Allah Who created the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing, the One Who feeds but is not fed?". Say: "I have been commanded to be the first of the Islam people". And do not ever be of those who associate others with Allah!
15) Say: "Indeed, if I disobey my Rabb, I fear the punishment of a great day".
16) Whoever is averted from associating others with Allah/disobeying Him; Allah will have mercy upon him on that day. And this is the explicit salvation.
17) And should Allah touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. And if He touches you with good, He surely is the One Who is competent over everything.
18) And He is the One Who subjugates those who rebel against Him as the subjugator over His servants. And He is the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible, the One Who knows inner/hidden sides of everything well.
19) Say: "What thing is greater in testimony?". Say: "Allah is witness between me and you. And this Qur'an has been revealed to me so I may warn with it you and all those it reaches. Do you truly testify that there are other deities with Allah?". Say: "I do not". Say: "He is the One and the Only God and I surely am away from what you associate with Him".
20) Those to whom We gave the book know the Prophet as they know their own sons. Those who make their own selves lose, they do not believe.
21) And who can do more wrong; act more against their own good than those who invent a lie about Allah or deny His Ayat? Surely, these ones who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah will not reach the salvation.
22,23) And on that day We will gather all of them. Then We will say to those who associate others with Allah: "Where are your partners whom you believed wrongly?". Then throwing of them into the fire is nothing but them saying: "Our Rabb! We swear by Allah that we were not among those who associated others with Him".
24) See how they will lie against themselves! And that which they invented will depart from them and be lost.
25) And among them are those who heed you; but We made coverings layers upon layers upon their hearts and a heaviness in their ears so they would not understand it. They will not believe in it even though they see all evidences/signs. Even when those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb come to you, they say arguing with you: "This is nothing but the invented legends of the ancients".
26) And they prevent from it and they keep themselves away from it. And they drag themselves to be manipulated/destroyed without perceiving.
27) If you could see when they are made to stand upon the fire, they will say: "Oh, if only we were returned to the world, we have not denied the Ayat of our Rabb and we have become of the believers!".
28) Rather, what they have been concealing has now been disclosed. If they were returned, they would definitely return to that which was forbidden to them. Yes, they are truly liars.
29) And they said, "There is no life other than our simple worldly life, and we will not be resurrected either".
30) And if only you could see them when they will be made to stand before their Rabb ! Their Rabb will say to them: "Is this not the truth?". They will say: We swear by our Rabb it is the truth". Their Rabb will say: "Then taste the punishment for you disbelieved; consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb!".
31) Those who denied to meet Allah, they have definitely lost and suffered. When the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] comes unexpectedly, they will say, bearing their sins upon their backs: "O woe to us for the sins we committed in the world!". -Behold! How evil is what they bear/their sins!-
32) And the simple worldly life is only diversion and amusement. The final settlement/the home of Akhirat [Afterlife] is definitely better for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah. Will you still not reason?
33) We surely know that what they say definitely saddens you. But actually they do not deny you; but those people who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah consciously deny the Ayat of Allah.
34) And surely, the messengers before you were denied as well and they were patient against being denied and harmed until Our help came. And no one can alter the words of Allah. And indeed, some of the news of the messengers have come to you.
35) And if their staying away is hard for you, if you are able to, seek a hole into the ground or a ladder up to the sky and bring them an evidence/a sign! Had Allah willed, He would have definitely gathered them upon the guidance to the righteous path. Then never be among the ignorant!
36) Only those who listen will respond. The dead ones; only Allah will resurrect them. Then they will be returned only to Him.
37) And they said: "Why has an evidence/a sign from his Rabb not been sent down to him?". Say: "Surely, Allah is the One Who is able to send down an evidence/a sign, but most of them do not know".
38) And there are no moving creatures, small-large, and no birds flying with its two wings on the earth except that they are a community with a leader like you. We left nothing out/missing in the Book. Then they will be gathered to their Rabb.
39) And those who deny Our Ayat are the deaf and dumb who are in the darkness. Whoever wills, Allah leads him astray and whoever wills, Allah puts him upon the righteous path.
40) Say: "Have you ever thought about yourselves? If the punishment of Allah came to you or if the hour of the Qiyamat [Resurrection] arrived, would you invoke anyone else than Allah? -If your are righteous.-
41) Actually you would invoke only Allah and He would remove what you ask for if He willed and you would forget that which you associated with Him.
42) And surely, We sent messengers before you to those peoples with a leader and We seized them with unbearable hardship; poverty and adversities so they might humble themselves.
43) And when Our harsh punishment came to them, should not have they humbled themselves? But their hearts hardened and satan made that which they were doing attractive to them.
44) And when they abandoned what they were reminded, We opened the doors of everything upon them. Then We suddenly seized them when they 'rejoiced and became spoiled' in that which they had been given. Then they became the ones whose hopes were lost.
45) Thus eradicated were the people who did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah, by disbelieving. -And all praise is to Allah, Rabb of all universes; no one else may be praised.-
46) Say: "Have you ever thought, if Allah takes your hearing and sight and seals your hearts; which deity other than Allah can bring them to you?" Look, how We explain the Ayat. Then they turn away and forbid!
47) Say: "Have you ever thought about yourselves? If the punishment of Allah comes upon you unexpectedly or manifestly, will anyone but the people of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah be manipulated/destroyed?"
48) And We send the messengers that are sent only as bringers of good tidings and warners: And whoever believes and amends, there will be no fear for them. They will not grieve either.
49) Punishment will touch those who deny Our Ayat for they go astray from the righteous path.
50) Say: "I do not tell you that 'the treasures of Allah are with me'. I do not know the unseen, the unheard, the past and the future either. I do not tell that 'I am an angel'. I only follow what is revealed to me". Say: "Is a blind equal to the seeing? Will you not think?".
51) And warn those who fear that they will be gathered before their Rabb with what you are revealed so they may enter under the guardianship of Allah. They do not have any familiars who help, guide, protect nor supporters, intercessors from among those that are inferior to Him.
52) And do not send away those who call their Rabb morning-evening; always seeking His countenance! No liability is upon you from their account and no liability is upon them from your account. If you sent them away, you would be of those who do wrong; act against their own good!
53,55) And We have led some of them into the fire, tested them so they would say, "Is it these whom Allah favored among us?". Is Allah not the One Who knows better those who repay for the blessings they are given? Thus We explain the Ayat in detail. So the path of the criminals may be disclosed/manifest for you.
54) And when those who believe in Our Ayat come to you, say: "Salam [health, peace, happiness...] be upon you! Your Rabb decreed mercy upon Himself. Indeed, whoever of you commits an evil deed unintentionally and then repents and corrects; surely Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy!".
56) Say: "Indeed, I have been forbidden to worship those whom you invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah". Say: "I do not follow your vain, transitory desires. If I did, I would go astray and I would be of those who have not followed the righteous path that they were guided".
57) Say: "I am upon an explicit evidence from my Rabb. But you have denied that evidence. That which you want to come quickly is not with me, the judgment belongs only to Allah, He is the One Who tells/fulfills the truth and He is the best of deciders".
58) Say: "If that which you want to come quickly had been with me, the matter between you and me would have already been concluded. And Allah is the One Who knows best those who do wrong; act against their own good.
59) Keys to the unseen, the unheard, the past and the future are only with Him. No one knows them except Him. He also knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not even a leaf falls but that He knows it. No grain is there within the darkness of the earth and no moist or dry thing except that it is within an explicit book.
60) And He is the One Who takes your life[#230] in the night; reminds you one by one what you did in the past and what you failed to do while being obliged to; knows what you earn by the day; raises you up to fulfill that predetermined end of the term. Then your return is only to Him. Then He will inform you about what you have did.
61,62) And Allah maintains sovereignity over His servants and sends protectors upon you. And when the death comes upon any of you, Our messengers take his life, with nothing more nothing less; remind him one by one what he did in the past and what he failed to do while being obliged to. Then they will be returned to their real God, Allah. Be careful, judgment belongs only to Him and He is the swiftest of accountants".
63) Say: "Who saves you from the darkness of the land and the sea when you call upon Him privately, humbling yourselves, 'we will absolutely be among those who repay if He saves us from this'?".
64,114) Say: "It is Allah Who saves you from it and from every distress. Then you associate others with Him. And should I seek for a judge other than Allah while He is the One Who has sent down to you the Qur'an in detail/truth-falsehood separated?". And those to whom We gave the Book, they surely know that the Qur'an is sent down by their Rabb with the truth. Then, do not ever be among those who doubt concerning that they know that this book is sent down by Allah.
65) Say: "He is the One Who is able to send punishment from above you and from beneath your feet or to divide you into clans and make you taste the resentment of one another". Look, how We diversify/explain in detail Our Ayat so they may understand very well.
66,67,104) Your people, on the other hand, have denied it although the punishment/the Qur'an/explanation of the Ayat in detail is the truth. Say: "I am not the one upon you who arranges the affairs pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it". Every important news has a predetermined time, you will know soon too. Surely, there has come upon you from your Rabb the information that will open your eyes, make you follow the righteous path. Then, whoever sees the truth, its benefit is for himself and whoever is blind, its harm is for himself. I am not a watcher upon you!"[#231]
68) And when you see those who struggle in vain about Our Ayat/evidences/signs, keep away from them immediately until they enter into a new conversation. And even if satan makes you forget about it, when you remember, do not sit with those people who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah.
69) And those who enter under the guardianship of Allah are not liable for the accounts of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah. But a reminder for them so they may enter under the guardianship of Allah!
70) And leave those who have taken their religion as amusement and diversion/who have taken amusement and diversion as their religion, whom the worldly life has deluded and remind with the Qur'an: If a person falls into a manipulation and destruction with what his own hands produced and earned, there will be no familiar who helps, guides, protects nor supporter, intercessor for him from among those that are inferior to Allah. Even though he wants to pay any price for his crime, it will not be taken from him. Those are the ones who fall into manipulation/destruction with what they earned. A drink of scalding water and a painful punishment will be for them for they were not grateful.
71,72) Say: "Shall we invoke those that do not benefit us and do not harm us from among those that are inferior to Allah? Or should we be turned back just like those whom the devils enticed and made them wander on the earth confused while they have companions who invite them to the right and good, saying 'come to us!' after Allah has guided us to the righteous path?". Say: "Surely, the righteous path of Allah is what the true righteous path is. And we have been commanded to be Muslims for Rabb of all universes and to fulfill Salah; establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community and to enter under the guardianship of Allah. And Allah is the One only to Whom we will be gathered".
73) And He is the One Who formed the heavens/universe and the earth in truth. And the day He says, "Be!", it immediately is. His word is the truth. On the day when the Sur will be blown, the dominion and ownership of everything is His as well. He is the One Who knows what is hidden and what is disclosed. He is the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible, the One Who knows inner/hidden sides of everything well.
74) And Abraham once said to his father Azar, "Do you take idols as your deities? Surely, I see you and your people in a clear astray".
75) And thus We showed Abraham the dominion and governance of the heavens/universe and the earth so he might obtain evidence and be among those who believe in certainty.
76) Therefore, Abraham saw a star when the night covered him and he said: "This is my Rabb". And when the star set he said: "I do not like those which set".
77) And when he saw the moon rising, he said: "This is my Rabb". And when it also set, he said: "Surely, unless my Rabb guides me to the righteous path, I will be among the people who have gone astray".
78,79) And then when he saw the sun rising, he said: "This is my Rabb" this is greater. And then when it also set, he said: "O my people! Surely I am away from those which you associate with Allah. Indeed, as a man who has turned away from falsehood, I have turned my face to the One Who created the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing/Who will destroy the heavens/universe and the earth and I am not among those who associate others with Allah".
80,81) And his people argued with him. Abraham said: "Do you argue with me concerning Allah while He has shown me the righteous path? I do not fear those which you associate with Him at all. -Except for that which my Rabb wills.- My Rabb encompasses everything in knowledge. Do you still not think? And how should I fear that which you associate while you do not fear to associate others with Allah even though He has not sent down any power/authority about them? So, if you should know, which of these two communities has more right to be safe?".
82) Those who believe and do not mix the belief of associating others with Him/being against their own good with their belief, it is those for whom the security is. And they are the ones who follow the righteous path they are guided.
83) And these are the evidences that We gave Abraham against his people. We raise in degrees whomever We will. Indeed, your Rabb is the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible, knows very well.
84) And We gave him Isaac and Jacob. We showed them all the righteous path. We had shown the righteous path to Noah and his descendants, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron before. Thus We recompense those who do good-beautiful deeds.
85) And We showed Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elijah the righteous path as well. They all were of the righteous.
86) We showed Ishmael, Elisha, Jonas and Lot the righteous path. We favored all of them above the people of the time.
87) And We favored among their ancestors, descendants and brothers as well. And We chose them, guided them to the righteous path.
88) This is the guidance of Allah. He guides whomever He wills of His servants with it. Had they associated others with Him, surely all they had done would have been for nothing.
89) They are the ones to whom We gave the book, judgment and prophethood. Now, if they do not believe in them, We have definitely made a people who will believe in this/will not conceal this, the ones who implement this schedule by maintaining, supporting it.
90) Those are the ones whom Allah guided. Now you, follow their guidance/the revelation. Say: "I do not ask you a payment for it. It is only a reminder for the mankind".
91) And they did not appraise Allah truly/they could not know Allah appropriately when they said: "Allah has not sent anything to any human". Say: "Who is the One Who sent down the Book which Moses brought to enlighten and guide the people, you used as text material piece by piece, disclosed some parts of it but concealed most of it; from which you and your ancestors learned many things you had not known before?". Then you, say: "Allah!". Then leave them amusing themselves with their vain deeds.
92) This is the Book full of blessings and confirming what is mentioned within, which We have sent down upon you so you may warn the Mother City and the people nearby. Those who believe in Akhirat [Afterlife] also believe in it and they protect their Salah [supporting financially and spiritually establish and the institutions that enlighten the community].
93) And who can do more wrong; act more against his own good than the one who invents a lie about Allah or says "I have been revealed" even though he has not been and says "I will also reveal like what Allah revealed"? If only you could see those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah when they are in violence of death and when authorities in charge extend their hands to them saying: "Discharge your souls. Today, you will be recompensed with an humiliating punishment for you have told lies about Allah and acted arrogantly towards His Ayat!".
94) And you have certainly come to Us all alone/one by one as We formed you the first time and you have left behind that which We gave you. And We do not see your so-called supporters with you whom you believed that they were associates among you. Surely, you have been severed/torn apart and that which you believed wrongly has vanished.
95) Surely, Allah is the One Who splits and sprouts grain and seed: He brings the living out of the dead, it is He Who brings the dead out of the living. That is Allah! So how you are deluded?
96) He is the One Who splits the daybreak. He made the night resting time, the sun and the moon by calculation. This is the determination, arrangement of the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the One Who knows very well.
97) And Allah is the One Who made the stars so you may find the righteous path you are guided through the darkness of the land and the sea. Indeed, We have explained the Ayat in detail for a people who know.
98) And He is the One Who built you from a single self. Then a place of settlement and place of security...[#232] -We have definitely explained the Ayat in detail for a people who understand well.-
99) And Allah is the One Who sends down the water from the sky. Thus We brought forth plants of all things with it. And We brought forth from it grains, similar and non similar, arranged in layers; clusters hanging down from the sprout of date, grapevines and the sprout from which We brought forth olive and pomegranate. When these yield fruit, look at their fruits and ripening! There are evidences/signs in these for a people who certainly believe.
100,101) And they attributed unseen forces and entities to Allah partners. Yet is it He Who formed them. They invented sons and daughters without knowledge. -His glory is purified from that which they describe and high above it.- He is the One Who created the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing. How could He have a child while He has no companion? And it is He Who formed all things. And He is the One Who knows all best.
102) This is Allah, your Rabb! There is no deity except Him. He is the One Who formed all things. Therefore, worship Him. He is the One Who arranges upon everything pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it.
103) Eyes can not reach Him but He can reach all eyes; He is the possessor of vast bounty, aware of all things.
105) Thus We diversify/explain in detail the Ayat so they may say to you, "You have studied/read and learned these" and We may make clear.
106,107) Follow what is revealed from your Rabb except Whom there is no deity, to you. Stay away from those who associate others with Allah. Had Allah willed, they would not have associated. We have not made you a guardian over them, and you are not the one over them who arranges the affairs pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it either!
108) And do not insult those whom they invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah so they will not insult Allah without knowledge by transgressing. Thus We made pleasing the deeds of every people with a leader. Then their return is to their Rabb. Then He will inform them about what they did.
109) And those who associate others with Allah swore by Allah with their strongest oaths that they would certainly believe in it if an evidence/a sign came to them. Say: "Evidences/signs are only with Allah". Do you not understand that they would not believe even if evidences/signs came to them?
110) And We turn away their hearts and eyes just as they did not believe in the first time. And We leave them blind and confused in their transgression.
111) And if We had sent down to them some powers, the dead had spoken to them and We had gathered all things in front of them, -except that Allah wills- they would not have believed. But most of them are ignorant.
112,113) Thus, for every prophet We made his concealed-apparent devils an enemy: Some of these inspire/whisper to some other alluring words so that, hearts of those who did not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife], due to their indulgence into the allurement of the worldly life, may incline towards them, they may be content of them and do what they were doing. -And if your Rabb had willed, they would not have done it. Then, leave them and that which they invent!-
115) And the word of your Rabb is fulfilled in truth and in justice. There is no one that can alter His words. He is the One Who hears best, knows best.
116) If you follow the majority of those who are on the earth, they will lead you astray from the path of Allah. Because they follow only "assumption" and they only do nonsense.
117) Surely, your Rabb is the One Who knows best who has gone astray from His path. And He is the One Who knows better those who follow the righteous path they are guided.
124) And when an Ayah came to them, they said: "We will never believe until we are given like what was given to the messengers of Allah". Allah knows better where He gives the duty of prophethood. A humiliation before Allah and a severe punishment will touch those who committed crimes for what they conspired.
125) And whomever Allah wants to guide to the righteous path, He opens up his heart for Islam. And whomever He wants to lead astray, He makes his chest extremely distressed as though he is ascending to the sky. Thus places/throws Allah the filth [things that inflict harm, punishment] upon those who do not believe.
119) And what is the matter with you, why do you not eat upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned although He explained you in detail what has been made haram/forbidden to you except to that which you are forced? And surely, many lead astray by following their desires without knowledge. Surely, your Rabb is the One Who knows the transgressors very well.
120) Leave what is apparent and what is concealed of that which causes to waste time/to delay the good/to make reluctant for the good/to harm! Surely, those who earn wasting their time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming will be recompensed for that which they earned.
121) And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned. Surely, it is a complete going astray from the path. And surely, devils inspire those who are close to them to dispute with you. And if you obey them, indeed you will become those who associate others with Allah.
122) Is the example of the one whom We gave life when he was dead and gave him a light so he might walk among the people like the example of the one who is in all darkness and not able to find a way out of it? Thus, the deeds of those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb have been shown to them 'adorned and alluring'.
123) And We made the chiefs in every city the criminals of that city so they might conspire therein. But they do evil only against themselves and they do not perceive.
126) And this is the path of your Rabb, straight. Indeed, We have explained the Ayat in detail for a people who remember.
127) Peace, safety and health with their Rabb will only be theirs for what they did. And their Rabb is their helper, guide and protector.
128) And the day when Allah will gather all of them: "O secret group of enemy! You indeed increased of such people!..." The ones who are close to them from among the people will say: "O our Rabb! We have earned from each other. And eventually We have reached the end of our term which You have appointed for us". Allah will say: "The fire is your destination. You will abide there eternally except that Allah wills". Indeed, your Rabb is the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible, knows best.
129) Thus We make some of those who do wrong; act against their own good closer to some others because of the sins they earned.
130) O company of hidden, apparent, today, future mankind! Did messengers from among you not come to relate My Ayat to you and warn you about that you will meet this day of yours? They will say: "We bear witness against ourselves". The simple worldly life deluded them and they will bear witness that they were those who were infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He was Rabb.
131) This is the because your Rabb is not the One Who manipulates/destroys the lands unjustly while their people are careless, unaware.
132) And there are degrees for all according to what they have done. And your Rabb is not unaware of/apathetic to what they do.
133) And your Rabb is free of need, the possessor of mercy. Just as He brought you from the descendants of another people, if He wills, He may take you away as well and bring whomever He wills after you.
134) Surely, that which you have been promised will definitely come. And you will not prevent it.
135) Say: "O my people! Do what you can, surely I do my best as well. Soon you will know for whom will the end of the Land be. Indeed, those who do; act against their own good by associating others with Allah will not reach the salvation".
136) And they allocated a share for Allah from the crops and livestock Allah created and said according to their deviant belief: "This is for Allah; and that is for our partners". The share which is for their partners does not reach Allah, and that which is for Allah reaches their partners. How evil is what they judge!
138) And due to their wrong belief, they said: "These are untouchable animals and crops. No one can eat these except whom we will. These are the animals whose backs are forbidden". And they do not mention the name of Allah upon some animals by inventing a lie about Allah. Allah will surely recompense them for that which they invented.
139) And they said: "What is in the bellies of these animals belong only to our men and are forbidden to our women. If it is dead, then they have their shares". Allah will give them their descriptions as recompense. Indeed, He is the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible, knows very well.
137) And their partners made killing of their children pleasing with reasons of burden, shame, sacrificing for gods for many of those who associate others with Allah so they might ruin themselves and confuse and corrupt their religion. Had Allah willed, they would not have done this. Then, leave them and that which they invent!
140) Those who killed their children foolishly due to ignorance and those who made haram/forbidden what Allah has provided for them by inventing a lie about Allah have indeed lost. They surely have gone astray and they are not the ones who have followed the righteous path they were guided.
141) Allah is the One Who builds gardens with and without trellises, dates, crops with many kinds of fruits, olives and pomegranates, similar to one another and dissimilar. Eat of its fruit when it yields, and give its due on the harvest day and do not be extravagant. Surely, Allah does not like those who commit extravagance.
142) And He is the One Who builds of the livestock which carry load and that which are used to make bed. Eat from that which Allah has provided for you. Do not follow the steps of satan. Indeed, He is an explicit enemy for you.
143) Eight mates: Two of sheep and two of goat. Say: "Has Allah forbidden two males or two females or what the wombs of two females enshrouded; children? If you are truthful, inform me with knowledge".
144) And two of camel and two of cattle... Say: Has Allah forbidden two males or two females or children of two females? Or were you with Allah when He charged you this liability?" Who can do more wrong; act more against his own good than the one who invents a lie about Allah to lead people astray without relying upon any such information? Indeed, Allah does not guide that people of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah.
145) Say: "I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything that is haram/forbidden for those who eat it other than carcass or spilled blood or the flesh of swine -flesh of swine is indeed impure, disturbing- or anything that is dedicated for anyone other than Allah; which is a sign of going astray from the righteous path. But whoever is forced, he may eat of these without transgressing and exceeding the necessity limit". Indeed your Rabb is the One Who forgives much, shows great mercy.
118) If you are believers in the Ayat of Allah, eat that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned.[#233]
146) And We made haram/forbidden all animals with uncloven hooves to Jews. We made haram/forbidden to them also the fat of the cattle and sheep other than the fat that they carry on their backs or in their intestines or mixed with their bones. This is the way We recompensed them for their aggression. And indeed We are truthful.
147) If they deny you, then say: "Your Rabb is the possessor of vast mercy. And His punishment is not repelled from the people of criminals".
148) Those who associate others with Allah will say: "Had Allah willed, we would not have associated, our ancestors would not have either and we would not have forbidden anything". Those before them were like this until they tasted Our punishment. Say: "Is there a knowledge with you that you can produce for us? You follow only assumption and you only do nonsense".
149) Say: "The absolute and perfect evidence belongs to Allah. Therefore, if Allah had willed, He would indeed have guided you all".
150) Say: "Now, bring your witnesses who will testify that Allah has absolutely forbidden this". If they testify despite this, do not testify with them. And do not follow the vain, transitory desires of those who deny My Ayat and who do not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And they equate with their Rabb.
151) Say: "Come, I will recite you what your Rabb has tabooed; made untouchable to you". 'Not to associate anything with Him, to do good to mother and father - treat them good, not to kill your children out of poverty/being made poor, -We provide for you and them.- not to approach apparent and concealed of evil, not to kill a self which Allah has forbidden except by right, -These are what He brought upon you as a liability so you may use your reason.-
152) And do not approach orphan's property, -But until he reaches the age that he is able to distinguish between good and evil, you can approach in a way which is best and spend in the appropriate way.-, weight in justice and equity and give full measure, -We never burden anyone other than what he is able to; other than what is within his capacity.- be just when you speak even if it is against someone close to you, and fulfill the covenant of Allah.' -These are what Allah brought upon you as liabilities so you may be reminded and take lessons.-"
153) And surely, this is My path, straight. Follow it right away. And do not follow other paths so it will not take you away from His path. These are what Allah brought upon you as liabilities so you may enter under the guardianship of Allah.
154) Then We gave Moses the Book to explain all things in detail and as guidance and mercy with all necessary explanations for those who produced good so they might believe in that they would meet their Rabb.
155,156,157) And the Qur'an is a blessed book that We have sent down so some of you will not say, "The book was sent down to only two groups before us, Jews and Christians; but we could not read these books and we could not understand their language" or some of you will not say, "Had a book been sent down to us, we would have been on a righteous path better than them". Therefore, follow it and enter under the guardianship of Allah so you may be shown mercy. A clear proof, guidance and mercy have come to you as well from your Rabb. Therefore, who can do more wrong; act more against their own good than those who deny the Ayat of Allah, turn away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from Our Ayat with the worst of the punishment for they have turned away.
158) Do they wait for anything except that angels should come or your Rabb should come or some of the evidences/signs of your Rabb should come? On the day when some of the evidences/signs of your Rabb will come, the faith of the one who has not believed before or has not earned any good through his faith, will not benefit him. Say: "Wait; surely we are the ones who also wait".
159) Surely, those who divided their religion and have divided into groups; you are not of them in any way and behaviour. Surely, their affair is to Allah. Then Allah will inform them about what they did.
160) Whoever brings good, then there will be ten times the like of what he brings for him. And whoever brings evil, he will be recompensed only with the like of it and they will not be treated unjustly.
161) Say: "Surely, my Rabb has guided me to the righteous path; to a religion standing tight, the religion and the lifestyle of Abraham who turned away from associating others with Allah, consciously denying the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. Abraham was not among those who associated others with Allah".
162,163) Say: "My Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; striving to enlighten the community], my servitude; all my worship, my life and my death are only for Allah, Rabb of all universes, Who has no partners. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims".
164,165) Say: "Should I seek for another Rabb other than Allah while Allah is Rabb of all things?". Whatever anyone earns belongs only to himself. The one who bears his burden does not bear the burden of another. Then, only to your Rabb will you be returned. Thus will Allah inform you about that over which you differed. And He is the One Who has made you the successors of those who left on the earth and raised some of you above others in degrees so He may test you with what He has given you. Indeed, your Rabb is fast in penalty and indeed, He is the One Who forgives much, shows great mercy.