Der Stern

1,2,3,4,5) Every descending of the Ayat which have descended group by group is the evidence that, your companion has neither gone astray nor has he transgressed. And he does not speak of his vain, transitory desire. What he says to you; those groups of Ayat that have descended, are nothing but the revelations which have been revealed to him. The One Who has mighty powers, Who is supreme in intelligence, Who has established the dominion[#48] has taught to your companion what he says.
6,7,8,9,10,14,15,16,11,12) And the One Who has mighty powers, Who is supreme in intelligence, Who has established the dominion is the owner of the highest horizon. Then, He; the One Who has mighty powers, Who is supreme in intelligence, Who has established the dominion approached to inform him, to train him, to protect him and for the good of the people, then group by group revelations descended at once one after another. First, He was at a distance of two bows[#49], then He was closer. He; the One Who has mighty powers, Who is supreme in intelligence, Who has established the dominion and Who is the owner of the highest horizon then revealed to His servant what He revealed by the last cherry tree - next to it there is a resting place worth stopping by-.[#50] At that time, the cherry tree was covered by what covered it. The mind of the servant did not deny what he saw. Do you doubt about that which he saw?/Do you dispute with him about that which he saw?
13,17,18) Indeed, he saw it in another descend. The sight did not swerve nor did it transgress. Surely, He saw the greatest of the evidences/signs of His Rabb.
19,20) Despite this, have you ever thought about Lat and Uzza, the third, Manat?[#55]
21,22,23) Is the male for you and for Allah the female? That will be a deficient/unjust division if it is like this. These are nothing but names which you and your ancestors gave even thought Allah did not send down any evidence about them. Surely, they only follow assumption and also that which their selves desire even though the guidance of the righteous path has come to them from their Rabb.
24,25,26,27,28) Or is there for man whatever he misses and dreams? Akhirat [Afterlife] and the earth belong to Allah. There are many angels[#56] in the heavens/universe whose help, intercession[#57] will not avail at all except when Allah permits for whomever He wills and He is pleased with. Those who disbelieve in Akhirat [Afterlife] name the angels female names. Yet, they do not have any knowledge about this matter. They only follow assumption. And assumption does not avail against the "truth" at all.
29,30) Keep your distance from whoever turns away from Our reminder/the Qur'an and desires nothing except simple worldly life. That is what they will reach of the knowledge. Indeed, your Rabb is the One Who knows better than anyone else the one who has gone astray from His path, is the One Who knows better than anyone else who follows the righteous path he is guided.
31,32) Whatever is in heavens/universe and whatever is on the earth belongs to Allah so that He may recompense those who do evil with what they have done, He may reward those who do good; -except for some minor glitches- those who avoid majority of wasting their time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming and immoralities with "the best". Indeed, your Rabb is the One Whose forgiveness is vast. He is the One Who knows you best when He formed you from the earth and when you were fetuses in the womb of your mothers. Then, do not claim yourselves to be pure. He knows better who has entered under the guardianship of Allah.
33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) So, have you seen/ever thought about the one who turned away? He gave a little and withheld stubbornly. Is the knowledge of the past and the future with him, so he sees it? Or has he not been informed of what was in the scriptures of Moses? And of the scriptures of loyal Abraham; "The truth is, no sinner bears the sin of another sinner. The truth is, there is nothing for man except what he strives for. And his striving will soon be seen. Then his recompense will be given to him in full. No doubt that final destination is only to your Rabb. No doubt that He is the One Who makes laugh and weep... No doubt that He is the One Who takes life and gives life... No doubt that when Allah puts creation in plan, it is He Who forms the two mates; male and female from a drop of semen/sperm. No doubt that other creation is only His work. No doubt that He is the One Who grants prosperity and gives blessings in abundance. No doubt that He is Rabb of knowledge, conscience."
50,51,52,53,54,55) No doubt that your Rabb manipulated, destroyed the Ad that came before. And Thamud as well. So, He left nothing. And before that, the people of Noah. Certainly they, yes they, were the ones who did more wrong and were more transgressing than others by accepting that Allah has partners. And the overturned cities, it is He Who overthrew them. So covered there which covered. Then, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings you dispute about?
56) What is explained in the Qur'an is a warner like the former warners.
57,58) What is to approach; the Qiyamat [Resurrection], the death has approached. There is no one from among those that are inferior to Allah to remove/prevent it.
59,60,61) So, now, at this word do you wonder? And you laugh, you do not weep. And you are the ones who do not use their reason properly.
62) Then, submit to Allah and worship![#58]