Die Biene

1) The command of Allah will surely come. So do not hasten for it. Allah is purified from that which they associate with Him and high above them.
2) Allah sends down harbinger Ayat/revelations to whom He wills of His servants as His own affair with a soul/spirit, with the duty: "Warn that surely, there is no deity except Me, then enter under the guardianship of Mine".
3) Allah formed the heavens/universe and the earth with the truth. He is high above that which they associate with Him.
4) Allah formed man from a drop of semen. Then you see that he is an explicit enemy.
5) It is He Who formed livestock. There are things which warm you and many benefits in them. And you eat some of them as well.
6) And in livestock is a beauty for you when you bring them in the evening and release them in the morning.
7) And livestock carry your loads to lands where you can only arrive only by exhausting a part of yourself/being so tired. Indeed, your Rabb is very compassionate, very merciful.
8) And Allah formed horses, mules and donkeys so you may ride them and they may be your assets. And it is He Who forms that which you do not know.
9) Only upon Allah is the right path. And among the various paths are those deviating. And if Allah had willed, He would have guided you entirely to the righteous path.
10,11) He has sent down a water from the sky for you. Your drinks are from it. And foliage which you pasture the animals are from it. With water, Allah makes grow crops, olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruits for you. Indeed, there is certainly an evidence/a sign in this for a people who contemplate.
12) And Allah has given to your service the night, the day, the sun and the moon/created them in such characteristics so you may benefit. All the stars are under His command. Surely, there are evidences/signs in this for a people who use their reason.
13) He has given to your service that which He created for you on the earth of varying colors. Indeed, there is an evidence/sign in this for a people who remember.
14) And He is the One Who gave the sea to your service so you may eat fresh meat from the seas and seek for provision from His bounties to retrieve the ornament which you wear and repay for the blessings you are given. -You see the ships plowing through the seas.-
15,16) And Allah set in the earth mountains standing firm and rivers so they might be table for you and paths and many other evidences for you so you might find the righteous path you are guided. And they find their path with stars/with the divisions of the Ayat of the Qur'an.
17) Then, is the One Who creates/Allah like so-called gods that are not able to create? Will you still not think?
18) And if you were to count the favors of Allah, you could not. Indeed, Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
19) And Allah knows what you conceal and what you disclose.
20,21) And that which they invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah can not form anything, they were formed, they are dead, they are not alive. And they do not know for sure when they will be resurrected.
22) And your God is the One God. And as for those who do not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife]; their hearts work for preventing it to be known and they are the ones who think highly of themselves.
23) There is no doubt that Allah knows what they conceal and disclose. Indeed, Allah does not like those who think highly of themselves.
24,25) And when it was said to them: "What has your Rabb sent down?", they said, "Legends of the former ones" so that they may bear their own sins in full and also bear a portion of the sins of those whom they led astray because of their ignorance on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. Be careful, how evil is that which they bear!
26) Indeed, those before them had plotted and Allah hit their walls from their foundations. Then the roof fell upon them from above them. And the punishment came to them from where they could not perceive.
27) Then, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], Allah will disgrace them and say: "Where are My partners for whom you opposed?". Those who were given knowledge will say: "Indeed, today, disgrace and evil are upon the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb".
28) Those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb are the ones whom angels remind one by one what they did in the past and what they failed to do while being obliged to as being those who treated unjustly to themselves. They will surrender now: "We did not do any evil". Rather, Allah is the One Who knows very well what you have been doing.
29) "Then enter to the gates of Jahannah [Hell] as the ones who will abide therein eternally!", it will be said. O how evil is the abode of the arrogant!
30,31,32) And when it is said to those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah: "What has your Rabb sent down?", they will say: "Good". Good is for those who produce good in this world. Yet, the home of Akhirat [Afterlife] is certainly better. And how beautiful is the home of those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah; gardens of Eden! They will enter there. Rivers flow underneath it. For them will be therein that which they wish. Thus recompense will Allah those who have entered under the guardianship of Himself. Those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah are the ones whom angels will comfort and remind one by one what they did in the past and what they failed to do while being obliged to. And they will say: "Salam [health, peace, happiness...] be upon you! Now enter Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] as the recompense of the deeds you have done!".
33,34) Do they expect anything other than that natural forces will come to them or the command of your Rabb will come to them? Those before them did like this too. And Allah did not treat them unjustly yet they treated themselves unjustly by associating others with Him, they did wrong; acted against their own good. Therefore, recompense of what they did eventually hit them. That which they ridiculed surrounded them.
35) And those who associate others with Allah said: "Had Allah willed, we and our ancestors would not have worshipped anything from among those that are inferior to Him and we would not have taken sacred from among anything that is inferior to Him". Those before them had done like this. Then, is there upon the messengers except a clear conveyance?
36) And surely, We sent to every community a messenger, "Worship Allah and avoid Taghut[#291]". Then Allah guided some of those communities to the righteous path but for some of them, going astray was decreed. Then travel through the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied!
37) Even though you strive so they may follow the righteous path, Allah will not guide to the righteous path those whom He has led astray. There will be none from the helpers for them either.
38,39) And the infidels have sworn with their strongest oaths that "Allah will not resurrect one who is dead". No, Allah will resurrect the dead as a true promise that He took upon Himself so He will make clear to them that over which they differed and show that those who concealed the truth are the ones who are the liars. But, most of the people do not know.
40) When We intend something, Our word to it is only that We say, "Be!". And it immediately is.
41,42) And those who emigrated for the cause of Allah after they were treated unjustly; We will definitely settle those who had patience and relied only on Allah in this world in a good way. But the reward of the other/Akhirat [Afterlife] is greater. If only they knew!
43,44) And We sent before you as well the mature people only to whom We revealed as messengers with clear evidences and written scriptures. If you do not know, ask scholars who know the Torah and the Bible. We have revealed to you the reminder/the Qur'an so you may make clear that which has been sent down to them, so they may contemplate.
45,46,47) Then, do those who plot evil deeds in secrecy feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them or punishment will not come from where they do not know or Allah will not seize them while they travel, -and they will not incapacitate Him- or He will not seize them gradually/in fear? Then, indeed your Rabb is very compassionate, very merciful.
48) Have they not seen/thought about those things which Allah formed. Their shadows turn from right to left, submitting to Allah while they are humble?
49,50) And living creatures and the forces of the nature that are in the heavens/universe and on the earth submit to Allah without arrogance. They fear their Rabb Who is superior to them and do that which they are commanded.
51) And Allah commanded: "Do not take two deities. He is the only god. Then be an ideal person only for Me".
52) Only to Him belongs that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth. And the religion always belongs to Him. Do you make yourself enter under the guardianship of anyone other than Allah despite this?
53) And whatever you have as good is from Allah. Then when a harm touches you, you immediately seek refuge only in Him.
54,55) And when He removes the harm from you, a group among you associate others with their Rabb to disbelieve; conceal/be ungrateful for what We have given. -Now enjoy! But you will know soon.-
56) And those who associate others with Allah assign share from that which We have given them as provision for that which they do not know. -By Allah, you will definitely be questioned for that which you have been inventing.-
57) And they attribute daughters to Allah. -Purified is Allah from this- And for them are sons that they desire.
58) And when one of them is given the good tidings of a birth of a daughter, his face becomes dark with anger.
59) He hides himself from his people because of the ill of the good tiding/news he has been given; should he keep the daughter despite humiliation and scorned or should he bury her into the ground? Be careful! How evil is their judgment/tradition!
60) For those who do not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife] is the same of the evil. The most exalted example belongs to Allah. He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
61) And if Allah were to question and recompense people for their wrong deeds, He would have left no creature, small or large, on the earth. But He defers them until a predetermined term. And when the end of their term comes, they will neither be postponed for an hour nor will they be advanced.
62) And they attribute to Allah that which they dislike. And their tongues continuously say in vain that the best belongs to them. Indeed, there will be only fire for them and they will be thrown first.
63) By Allah, We indeed sent messengers to some peoples before you then satan made their deeds attractive to them. And this day, satan will be their familiar who protects, guides. There will be a painful punishment for them.
64) And We have revealed the Qur'an to you, only so that you may make clear for them that over which they have differed and as a guidance, a mercy for a people who will believe.
65) And Allah has sent down a water from the sky and revived the earth with it after its lifelessness. Indeed, there is an evidence/a sign in this for a people who listen.
66) Surely, there is a lesson for you in goat, sheep, camel and cattle as well. We make you drink a pure milk what is between the excrement and blood within their bellies, palatable to those who drink it.
67) And We make you drink from the fruits of date palms and from grapes -and you take drinks and a good provision from it-. Indeed, there is definitely an evidence/a sign in this for a people who use their reason.
68,69) And your Rabb inspired to the honey bee to take homes/nests among the mountains, trees and in the roofs they make, then 'Eat from all fruits and enter the paths your Rabb has made easier'. From their bellies emerge a drink, varying in colors, in which there is a healing for people. Indeed, there is definitely an evidence/a sign in this for a people who give thought.
70) And Allah is the One Who formed you and then He will take your lives[#292]; will remind you one by one what you did in the past and what you failed to do while being obliged to. Some among you are made to reach to the most deprecit age of the life so they may not know anything after the knowledge. Indeed, Allah is very knowledgeable and very competent.
71) And Allah favored some of you over others in provision. Those who are favored over others do not distribute their provisions; their foods and drinks, wealth equally to those who are under their protection in accordance with the contracts[#293]. Then, do these consciously cover up the favor of Allah?
72) And Allah made spouses from yourselves for you and bestowed sons and grandchildren from those spouses. He has provided for you with that which is pleasant, nice and beneficial. Yet, do they believe in falsehood and cover up the favor of Allah?
73) And they worship that which does not possess and is unable for anything as a provision for themselves from the heavens/universe and the earth from among those that are inferior to Allah.
74) Then, do not put forth similarities to Allah. Indeed, Allah knows, you do not.
75) Allah has presented the example of a slave who is under the possession of another one and is not able to do anything, and the one for whom We have provided a good provision, who spends secretly and openly from it for the cause of Allah/provides sustenance for his relatives: Can they be equal? -All praise is to Allah; no one else may be praised.- Rather, most of the people do not know.
76) And Allah has presented the example of two men: One of them is dumb, he is not able to do anything; he is a burden to his protector. Wherever he sends him, he can not bring good. Then, can this man and the one who commands with justice while he is on the righteous path be equal?
77) And the unseen, the unheard, the past and the future of the heavens/universe and the earth belong only to Allah. And the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] is just like a blink of an eye or it is closer. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is competent over everything.
78) And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing and gave you hearing, sight and intellect so you may repay for the blessings you are given.
79) Have they not looked at the birds/clouds which are under a command in the space of the sky? No one except Allah holds them. There are indeed evidences/signs in this for a people who believe.
80) And Allah has made a peace and rest from your homes for you. And He made for you from the hides of the animals homes and made you have tools to furnish and enjoyment from their wool, furs and hair for a time.
81) And Allah has made shadows for you from what He formed and made shelters for you from mountains. He has made garments that will protect you from heat-cold and made garments that will protect you from your own rage. Thus Allah completes His blessings upon you so you may be Muslims.
82) And if they turn away despite this, upon you is only an explicit conveyance.
83) They know the favor of Allah, then they deny it. Most of them are infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
84) And on the day when We will bring a witness from every community, the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will not be allowed. And they will not be asked to excuse.
85) And when those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah see the punishment, it will not be lightened from them and they will not be given respite.
86) And when those who associate others with Allah see that which they have been associating, they will say: "O our Rabb! These are those who are our partners whom we invoked from among those that are inferior to You". And the partners whom they associated with Allah will immediately say them their word: "Indeed, you are certainly liars".
87) And on that day they will accept that what Allah said was the truth. And that which they invented will depart from them and perish.
88) Those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and avert from the path of Allah, We will increase them in punishment over punishment for the corruption they caused.
89) And on that day, We will send a witness, in every community, from among them against them. And We will bring you as a witness over these infidels. And We have sent down to you this book as clarification of everything and as a guidance, a mercy and harbinger of good tidings for the Muslims.
90) Indeed, Allah commands justice, doing good deeds and giving to people; traveling paupers -who have been expelled out of their homes and deprived of their wealth while seeking for the gifts and acceptance of Allah, and they help Allah and His messenger. He forbids immorality, evil deeds and transgression. He reminds you so you may reason and take lessons.
91) And when you make a covenant, fulfill the covenant of Allah/the promises you have given to Allah. And do not break your oaths/covenants after you ensure your oaths/covenants and take Allah as a witness over you. Indeed, Allah knows the deeds that you do.
92) Do not be like woman who untwisted her thread after it was made strong[#294], by taking your oaths as tool of deception among yourselves because a community is more numerous than another community. Indeed, Allah tests you with this. On the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], He will surely make clear to you that over which you differed.
93) If Allah had willed, He definitely would have made you one community. Yet Allah leads astray whomever He wills and guides whomever He wills to the righteous path/Allah leads astray whoever wills and He guides whoever wills. And surely, you will be questioned/held responsible for all that you did.
94) And do not use your oaths as tools to cause corruption/chaos among yourselves. Then, foot slips after having been firm and you would taste the evil for you have gone astray from the path of Allah. And the great punishment is for you.
95) And do not sell the covenants of Allah/promises that are given to Allah for a price. And if you should know, what is with Allah; it is better for you.
96) What is with you will end but what is with Allah is everlasting. And We will definitely give to those who are patient their reward with much better than what they do.
97) And whoever does good deeds, whether female or male, We will make her/him live a good life. And We surely will give them their reward with much better than what they do.
98) Therefore, when you have learned and taught the Qur'an, seek refuge in Allah from Iblis [the ability that comes to mind immediately, which is not reached by giving thought, that invents unfounded ideas which would devastate you].
99,100) Indeed, Iblis has no compelling authority over those who have believed and rely only on their Rabb. His compelling authority applies only to those who take him as their familiar who helps, guides, protects and those who associate others with Allah/who associate others with Allah because of Iblis/who associates Iblis with Allah.
101) And when We have brought another Ayah in place of an Ayah -despite Allah being the One Who knows better what He has revealed- they said: "You are nothing but an inventor". Truly, most of them do not know.
102) Say: "Allah has sent it; what He has revealed, down in truth as a principle of Allah [Ruh al-Qudus, Holy Spirit] which revitalizes the society from your Rabb to make those who believe stronger, firmer/cling and as a good tiding and a guidance for the Muslims.
103) And We certainly know that they say: "Only a human is teaching him". Language of the one whom they refer to teach the prophet is foreign. But, the Qur'an is in explicit Arabic.
104) Surely, those who do not believe in the Ayat of Allah; Allah will not guide them and a severe punishment will be for them.
105) Only those who do not believe in the Ayat of Allah invent a lie. And they are the ones who are the liars.
106) Whoever disbelieves; denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb after his belief, -except for one who is forced by oppression while his heart is secured in faith- and opens his heart to disbelieve; not to believe, then Allah will be displeased with them. A great punishment will be for them as well.
107) This is because they prefer worldly life over Akhirat [Afterlife] and that Allah surely does not guide people of infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb to the righteous path.
108) They are the ones over whose hearts, ears and eyes Allah has sealed. They are the ones who are apathetic, careless and unaware.
109) Surely, there is no doubt that it is they who will be the losers in Akhirat [Afterlife].
110) Indeed, Your Rabb is for those who emigrated after being harmed then strove and had patience. Then, after this, your Rabb is definitely very forgiving, very merciful.
111) On that day, everyone will come pleading for his own self and all will be recompensed fully for what they did. And they will not be treated unjustly.
112) And Allah presented a city[#295] as an example: That city was safe and peaceful and its provision was coming there from every location in abundance. Yet they became ungrateful for the blessings of Allah. And Allah made them taste garb/disaster of hunger and fear for what they had done and produced.
113) And surely, a messenger came to them from among themselves then they denied him. Thereafter, punishment seized them while they did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah.
114) Then eat halal/permissible and pure of that which Allah has provided for you. And repay for the blessing of Allah; if you should worship only Him.
115) Allah has made haram/forbidden to you only carcass, blood, the flesh of swine and anything that is dedicated for anyone other than Allah. And whoever is forced without desiring and transgressing, let him know that Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
116) And do not say, "This is halal/permissible, this is haram/forbidden" to invent lie about Allah with the untruth of your tongues. Indeed, those who invent lie about Allah will not succeed.
117) Their earning in this world is little enjoyment. And there will be a painful punishment for them.
118) We also forbade to the Jews that which We have told you [carcass, blood, the flesh of swine]. And We did not treat them unjustly. Yet they treated themselves unjustly by associating others with Allah.
119) Then your Rabb is surely for those who have committed sin out of an ignorance, then repented and corrected after this. Indeed, your Rabb is the One Who forgives much and shows great mercy after this.
120,121) Surely, Abraham was a community by himself who submitted to Allah, had turned away from the faith of associating others with Allah and repaid for the blessings of Allah. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah. And Allah chose him and guided him to the straight path.
122) And We bestowed Abraham good in the world. And surely, he will be among the righteous in Akhirat [Afterlife].
123) Then We have revealed to you: "Follow the religion/lifestyle of Abraham who had turned away from disbelief; conscious denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, from associating others with Allah and who was not among those who associated".
124) The Sabbath; the day of Contemplating,[#296] was appointed only upon those who differed over the Sabbath/the day of contemplating. And indeed, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] your Rabb will judge among them over that which they differed.
125) Invite to the path of your Rabb with the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos and with a good reminder! And strive against them in the best way. Indeed, your Rabb is the One Who knows best those who have gone astray from His path and He is the One Who knows best those who follow the righteous path they are guided.
126) And if you are to punish, punish with an equivalent of that with which you have been punished. And if you have patience, it is definitely better for those who have patience.
127) And you, have patience! Your patience is only by Allah. Do not grieve for them! Do not be in distress because of the plots that they conspire!
128) Indeed, Allah is with those who have entered under the guardianship of Himself and those who are the ones who do good deeds.