Die Gruppen

1) Revelation of this book is from Allah Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
2) Surely, We have sent down this book to you in truth. Then, worship Allah by purifying the religion only for Him.
3) Be careful, the pure religion belongs only to Allah. Those who take some familiars who help, guide, protect from among those that are inferior to Him: "We worship those familiars that we have taken as our helpers, guides, protectors from among those that are inferior to Allah so that they may bring us closer to Allah". Indeed, Allah will judge between them about that over which they conflicted/differed. Indeed, Allah does not guide those who are liars and ungrateful.
4) If Allah had intended to take a child, He would definitely have chosen from what He forms whoever He wills. He is purified from this. He is the One and the Only, the prevailing Allah.
5) The One and the Only, the prevailing Allah, formed the heavens/universe and the earth in truth, He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night. He put the sun and the moon in your service by creating them in a such form and mechanism that is beneficial to you. All of them are moving to the end of a predetermined term. Know well that He is very powerful and very forgiving.
6) He formed you from a single self, then made its mate from it and sent down eight mates of livestock. He forms you in the womb of your mothers in three darkness, formation after formation. This is Allah, your Rabb only to Whom belongs the possession and the dominion. There is no deity except Him. Then how are you averted?
7) If you disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb/If you will be ungrateful, know that, Allah is indeed the One Who does not need you at all and He does not approve disbelief; conscious denial of His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb/ungratefulness for His servants. And if you repay for the blessings you are given, He approves it for you. No bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. Then your return is only to your Rabb. Thus He will inform you about what you did. Indeed, He is the One Who knows well what is hidden within the essence of the hearts.
8) When an adversity touches man, he calls upon his Rabb, turning to Him with his deepest devotion. Then when He bestows a favor on him from Himself, he forgets himself when he called upon Him before and he attributes partners to Him to lead astray from the path of Allah. Say: "Enjoy your disbelief; your conscious denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb for a little! Surely you are among the companions of the fire".
9) Or is the one who wakes up at night, who is respectful by submitting, standing, fearing Akhirat [Afterlife] and who hopes for the mercy of his Rabb like the one who does not? Say: "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?". Indeed, only those who possess a pure mind are capable of remembering/thinking properly.
10) Say: "O servants who have believed![#244] Enter under the guardianship of your Rabb. There is a good for those who do good in this world. Surely, the earth of Allah is spacious. Only those who are patient will get their reward fully".
11,12) Say: "I surely have been commanded to worship Allah by purifying the religion only for Him. And I have been commanded to be the first of the Muslims".
13) Say: "Surely, if I disobey my Rabb, I fear the punishment of the great day".
14,15,16) Say: "I worship Allah by purifying my religion only for Him. Despite this, you, worship what you will from among those that are inferior to Him". Say: "Surely the real losers are the ones who will make themselves and their families and the ones who are close to them lose on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]". -Be careful! This is what is an explicit loss. They will have layers of fire above them and layers below them. By that threatens Allah His servants: O my servants! Enter under the guardianship of Mine.-
17,18) And those who avoid to worship Taghut[#245] and turn to Allah, it is those for whom are the good tidings. Now give the good tidings to My servants who listen to the word and follow the best of it! They are the ones whom Allah gave the guidance to the righteous path. And they are the ones who have the capability of understanding/a pure mind.
19) And is the one upon whom the "word of punishment" has been justified? Then, is it you who will save the one who is in the fire?
20) But those who have entered under the guardianship of their Rabb are the ones for whom will be mansions built high, underneath of which rivers flow as promise of Allah. Allah does not break His promise.
21) Have you not seen/never thought about that Allah sends down a water from the sky and places it in the springs on the earth through a way, then makes a crop of varying colors with it, then it ripens and you see it turned yellow, then He makes it debris? Indeed, there is a reminder in this for those of understanding; those who have a pure mind.
22) So, is the one whose heart Allah opens to Islam not be upon a light? Then, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah! They are in an explicit astray.
23) Allah has sent down the best of the word as a book with synonyms and reiterations.[#246] Those who respect their Rabb get the shivers of it.[#247] Then their skins and hearts soften at the remembrance of Allah. This is the guidance of Allah. Allah guides whomever He wills with it. And whomever Allah leads astray, then there is no one that will guide him to the righteous path.
24) So, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] while those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are told "Enjoy the recompense of what you earned!", is the one who will try to protect himself from the evil of the punishment or the one who will come in safety better on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]?[#248]
25,26) Those before them denied and the punishment came to them from where they could not think. Then Allah made them taste disgrace in the simple worldly life. Indeed, punishment of Akhirat [Afterlife] is greater. If only they knew!
27,28) And indeed, We have presented in this Qur'an for the people from every kind of example as a perfect Arabic reading so they may think and remember; so they may enter under the guardianship of Allah.
29) Allah has presented the example of a man who has quarreling partners and another man who is affiliated to just one person, who is in peace, safety, happiness. Can their condition be equal? -All praise is to Allah; no one else may be praised.- Rather, most of them do not know.
30) Surely, you will definitely die and they will definitely die too.
31) Then surely, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], you will dispute before your Rabb.
32) Then, who can do more wrong; act more against his own good than the one who lies about Allah and denies the truth when it comes to himself? Is not there a refuge in Jahannah [Hell] for those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb!?
33) And the one who brings the truth and confirms it; it is those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah.
34,35) There will be whatever they desire for them with their Rabb. This is the recompense of those who produce good so that Allah may remove from them the worst of what they did before and give them their reward as a recompense for the best of what they did.
36) Is Allah not sufficient for His servant? Yet they threaten you with the ones that are inferior to Him. And whomever Allah leads astray, then there is no one to guide him.
37) And whomever Allah guides, there is no one to lead him astray. Is Allah not all mighty, the One Who maintains justice by seizing, recompensing the criminal?
38) And if you surely asked them: "Who is the One Who formed that heavens/universe and the earth?", they would definitely say: "Allah!". Say: "Then have you ever thought about those whom you invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah? If Allah intended to harm me, are they the ones who can remove His harm? Or if He intended a mercy for me, are they the ones who can prevent His mercy? Say: "Allah is sufficient for me. Those who rely, let them rely only upon Him".
39,40) Say: "O my people! Work in accordance with your position. Surely, I am also the one who works. Then, soon you will know to whom the punishment that disgraces him will come and upon whom a enduring punishment will set".
41) Surely, We have sent down this book to you with the truth for the people. Then, whoever follows the righteous path he is guided, then it is for himself. And whoever goes astray, he goes astray against himself. And you are not a guardian over them to make them stand.
42) And at the time of their death, Allah reminds those selves one by one what they did in the past and what they failed to do while being obliged to. And He keeps those for whom He decreed death when they are asleep; and He releases all others until the end of a predetermined term. Indeed, there are many evidences/signs in this for a people who think.
43) Or have they taken some supporters, helpers, intercessors from among those that are inferior to Allah? Say: "Will you do so even though they do not possess anything nor do they reason?"
44) Say: "All help, support, intercession belongs to Allah. The dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs only to Him. Then only to Him you will be returned".
45) And when Allah is mentioned as "the One and the Only", hearts of those who disbelieve in Akhirat [Afterlife] shrink with hatred and when the ones from among those that are inferior to Him are mentioned, they rejoice immediately.
46) Say: "O my Allah, the creator of the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing, the One Who knows the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future and that which can be sensed and are comprehensible! It is You Who will judge between Your servants about that over which they disputed continuously".
47) And if all that is on the earth and the like of it with it belonged to those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah, they would definitely give it as ransom to be saved from the evil of the punishment on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. And that which they never took into account will be made appear for them by Allah.
48) And evil of what they earned will appear to them and that which they used to ridicule will surround them.
49) And when an adversity touches man he invokes Us and when We bestow a favor to him from Us, he says: "It has been given to me upon a knowledge". Rather, the blessings that are given is a tool of trial. But most of them do not know.
50) Indeed, those before them had also said, "It has been given to me upon a knowledge" and what they earned did not avail them.
51) And evils of what they had earned eventually hit them. And those from among them who did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah; the evils of what they earned will hit them too. And they will not incapacitate.
52) Do they still not know that Allah indeed extends provision for whomever He wills and restricts it? Surely, there are many evidences/signs in this for a people who will believe.
53) Say. "O servants who have transgressed against themselves![#249] Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, He is very forgiving, very merciful.
54) And before the punishment comes to you, turn to your Rabb and Islamize [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] for Him; be Muslim. Then you will not be helped.
55,56,57,58) And follow the best of what has been sent down to you from your Rabb before the punishment comes suddenly, and he says, "O woe to me for my transgression in regard to Allah! I truly was among those who ridiculed" or "Had Allah guided me to the righteous path, I would have indeed been among those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah" or "If only there was a return for me so I might have been among those who have produced good" when he sees the punishment."
59) Quite contrary, My Ayat came to you and you denied them immediately, acted arrogantly and became of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
60) And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], you will see those who lied about Allah with their faces blackened. -Is there not a residence in Jahannah [Hell] for those who act arrogantly?-
61) Allah will save those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah in their shelters/for their attainment. No evil will touch them and they will not grieve either.
62) Allah is the One Who formed all things. He is the One Who "arranges everything pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it" of all things.
63) The keys of all heavens/universe and the earth belong only to Him. Those who conceal the Ayat of Allah; it is those who are the losers.
64) Say: "Despite this, is it other than Allah you order me to worship, o ignorant ones?".
65,66) And surely, it was revealed to you and those before you like this: "Indeed, if you associate with Allah, your deed will definitely become worthless and you will certainly be among the losers. Therefore, rather, worship only Allah and be among those who repay for the blessings they have".
67) And they did not appraise Allah as they should. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] the earth entirely will be in His grip. And the heavens/universe will be folded with His power. He is purified from what they associate with Him and high above them.
68) And the Sur will be blown[#250], and whoever is in the heavens/universe and whoever is on the earth will be struck and will fall except whom Allah wills. Then the Sur will be blown again and then they will stand and will be looking on.
69) And the area on that day will shine with the light of your Rabb, the book will be placed, prophets and witnesses will be brought and it will be judged between them in truth. And they will not be treated unjustly.
70) And Allah will definitely pay everyone fully the recompense of whatever deed he did. And Allah is the One Who knows best what they do.
71) And infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will absolutely be sent to Jahannah [Hell] in groups. And when they arrive there, its gates will be opened. And its guards will say to them: "Did there not come to you messengers from yourselves who recited you the Ayat of your Rabb and warned you that you would meet this day of yours?. They will say: "Yes they did". -But the word of punishment has been justified upon the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.-
72) It will be said, "Enter the gates of Jahannah [Hell] to abide therein eternally". -How evil is the residence of the arrogant!-
73) And those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah will definitely be sent to Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] in groups. And when they arrive there, its gates will be opened and its guards will say to them: "Salam [health, peace, happiness...] be upon you! You have come pure!", it will be said to them, "Enter it to abide therein eternally!".
74) And they will say: "All praise is to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise for us and made us inherit this earth and placed us in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] so we may settle wherever we will". -How good is the reward of those who worked!-
75) And you see all of the forces of the universe[#251] purifying Allah from all deficiencies with the praise of their Rabb as those who surround[#253] the greatest throne on one side[#252]. And reward and punishment will be judged between them in truth. And it is said: "All praise is to Allah, Rabb of all universes".