Die Herrschaft

1) O how generous is Allah, in Whose hand is the dominion! And He is the One Who is competent over everything.
2) It is He Who formed death and life to test which of you is better in deeds. He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness.
3,4) He is the One Who formed the heavens/universe upon one another in harmony. You do not see any inconsistencies in the formation of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created]. Now, turn your sight, can you see any flaw? Then turn your sight two more times again. Your sight will turn back to you humbled while it is fatigued.
5) And surely, We adorned the lowest layer of the heavens/universe with lanterns and made them materials of vain talk for soothsayers [materials for disclosure of falsehood of devils; soothsayers, fortunetellers by falling of meteoroids to the earth and discovery of extraterrestrial entities by the mankind]. And We have prepared the punishment of blazing fire for them.
6) And for the infidels; those who consciously deny/disbelieve in their Rabb will be the punishment of Jahannah [Hell]. And how an evil place of return it is!
7) When they are thrown into it, while it is boiling, they will hear its horrifying sound.
8) It will almost burst with rage. Every time a people is thrown into it, its guards will ask them: "Did there not come to you a warner?".
9) Then they will say: "Indeed, a warner had come to us but we denied and said, 'Allah has sent down nothing, you are only in a great astray'".
10) And they will say: "If we had listened or reasoned, we would not be among the companions of that blazing fire".
11) Thus they will confess their sins. Then disintegration, turning into dust will be for the companions of the blazing fire.
12) Indeed, forgiveness and a great reward will be for those who fear their Rabb in awe with respect, love, knowledge in unseen, unheard, unfelt desolate place.
13) Whether you conceal your speech, or disclose it; indeed, Allah is the One Who knows the essence of the hearts best.
14) Does the One Who forms not know/Does He not know that He forms? And He is the One Who bestows much, knows what is hidden, knows well inner, hidden sides of everything as well.
15) Allah is the One Who gave the earth to your service. Now, walk on its shoulders; on its hills/on its lands which benefit you and eat from the provision of Allah. And the resurrection is only to Him.
16) Are you secure that the most sublime Allah[#313] would not cause the earth to swallow you? Then all of a sudden, it would sway.
17) Or, are you secure that the most sublime Allah would not send a storm that rains stones upon you? Then you will soon know how My warning is.
18) And surely, those before them had also denied. So, how was the end of not knowing Me/attempting to make Me unknown?
19) And do they not observe that which flies over them in lines being rolled? None but Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] holds them. He surely is the One Who sees all things best.
20) Who are those soldiers of yours from among those that are inferior to Rahman; Allah, the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created, that will help you? The infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb are only in a delusion.
21) Or, who is it that could provide for you if Allah withheld His provision? Actually, they persist in insolence and aversion.
22) Then, does one who walks fallen on his face go truer or one who walks upright on a straight path?
23) Say: "He is the One Who built you, made for you ears, eyes and hearts. How less you repay for the blessings you have!"
24) Say: "He is the One Who produced and multiplied you on the earth and you will be gathered and brought to Him".
25) And they also say: "When is this threat, if you should be among those who are truthful?".
26) Say: "The knowledge of this threat is definitely with Allah. I am only a clear warner".
27) And when they see it having gotten close, face of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will be distressed. And it will be said: "This is that which you have been calling!".
28) Say: "Have you ever thought? Should Allah manipulate/destroy me and those who are with me or have mercy upon us, then who will protect the infidels, those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb from a painful punishment?
29) Say: "He is the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created. We have believed in Him and relied only on Him. Then, you will soon know who is in an explicit astray".
30) Say: "Have you ever thought? If your water was drawn into the ground, who could bring you a spring water?".