1) All that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth purified Allah from all deficiencies. And He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
2) Allah is the One Who expelled those from among the People of the Book who disbelieved in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb out of their lands for the first gathering. You did not expect that they would leave. And indeed, they definitely believed that their fortresses would protect them from Allah but the punishment of Allah came to them from where they had not expected. And Allah cast fear to their hearts that they would demolish their own houses with their own hands and by the hands of the believers. O you who have common sense! Take warning!
3) And if Allah had not decreed exile concerning them, He would certainly have punished them in the world. And the punishment of the Fire will be for them in Akhirat [Afterlife].
4) Then, the exile in the world and the punishment of fire in Akhirat [Afterlife] is because they opposed and turned away from Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes and turns away from Allah, let him know that Allah is the One Whose punishment/penalty is very severe.
5) And that you cut from date palms or that you leave them on their trunks is by permission/knowledge of Allah and so that He may disgrace those who have gone astray from the righteous path.
6) And the Fai [revenues yielded without fighting and making any effort] Allah has given to His Messenger from them; you have not ridden horses nor camels for it; you have not made an effort. But, Allah inflicts His messengers upon whom He wills. And Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
7,8) And the Fai [revenues yielded without fighting and making any effort] Allah has given to His Messenger from the people of that city belong to Allah, the Messenger, those poor who have immigrated - and they have been expelled out of their lands and deprived of their wealth while seeking for the bounty and acceptance of Allah, and they help Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones who are the righteous-, orphans, the needy and travelers so the luxury brought by the power; the authority will not only be for the rich among you. Whatever the Messenger has given you, take it immediately. And whatever he has forbidden you, turn away from it. And enter under the guardianship of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Whose punishment/penalty is very severe.
9) Those who settled in that land and the faith before them love those who have emigrated to them and do not have any necessity in their hearts of what has been given to them. Even though they are in need, they prefer them over themselves. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his self, it is those who will succeed.
10) And those who come after the believers of the era of the Prophet say: "O our Rabb! Forgive us and our brothers who have preceded us in faith, do not put in our hearts hatred for those who have believed! O our Rabb! Surely, You are the One Who shows compassion and mercy, protects, provides easiness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy!".
11) Have you not seen/thought about those who have become hypocrites who say to their brothers among the People of the Book who disbelieve in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb: "Indeed, if you are expelled out of your lands, we will go with you and we will not obey anyone against you forever. If you are fought, we will definitely help you"? and Allah testifies that they are certainly liars.
12) Surely, if they are expelled, they will not go with them. And indeed, if they are fought, they will not help them; surely, even if they help, they will definitely turn their backs and flee. And they will not be helped.
13) Indeed, you are more severe within their hearts than Allah in being ideal people. That they fear you more than Allah is because they are a people who do not understand well.
14,15,16) They will not fight you together, except within fortified cities or behind walls. Conflict among themselves is severe like of those who have tasted the sin of their deeds just before them and who will have a painful punishment in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And you think they are together but their hearts are scattered as in the example of that satan who says to man: "Disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb" and when he disbelieves; consciously denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, he says: "I am away from you; indeed, I fear Allah, Rabb of all universes". Thus it is because they are a people who do not use their reason.
17) And the end of both of them is that they will be in the Fire as the ones who will abide therein eternally. And this is the recompense of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah, by disbelieving.
18,19) O you who have believed! Enter under the guardianship of Allah; and let every one look to what he has prepared for tomorrow. And enter under the guardianship of Allah. Indeed, Allah is aware of what you do. And do not be like those who do not care about Allah: So, Allah makes them not care about themselves. It is those who have gone astray from the path.
20) Not equal are the companions of the fire and the companions of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]. The companions of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] are those who are the attainers.
21) If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain/a massive creature, you would certainly have seen it sincerely respectful, humbled and coming apart out of fear in awe with respect, love and knowledge for Allah. And We present to the people these examples so they may give thought.
22) He is Allah except whom there is no deity. He is the One Who knows the unseen and the seen. He is the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
23) He is Allah except whom there is no deity. He is the One Who is the ruler of all universe, the pure, away from all kind of evil and deficiencies; the perfection, the One Who assures, oversees, protects, confirms and the One Who is reliable, the most exalted, very powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the One Who compels what he wishes, the One Who is supreme, sublime, the One Who provides for the needs, amends the affairs, gives a remedy, the One Who is the only in greatness and exaltedness; the One Who shows his greatness in all things and all events. Purified is Allah from all that which they associate with Him.
24) He is Allah Who forms, creates perfectly, fashions all things. The best names are only for Him. That which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth purifies Him from all deficiencies. And He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.