Der Ausgangspunkt Der Schöpfung

1,2) All praise is to Allah Who has created the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing, the One Who has made the harbinger Ayat with two, three, four ... meanings/Who has made the natural forces in two, three, four ... units of power[#132]; no one else may be praised. He increases in formation that whichever He wills. Surely, Allah is the One Who is competent over everything. Whatever Allah grants humans from His mercy, no one can hold it back. And whatever Allah withholds, no one can release it. And Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
3) O Mankind! Remember the favor of Allah Who provides you from the sky and the earth. Is there any one who forms except Allah? There is no deity except Him. How are you deluded despite this?!
4) If they deny you, surely messengers were denied before you as well. And matters are returned only to Allah.
5,6) O mankind! Surely, that which Allah has promised to fulfill is true. Then, do not let this simple worldly life delude you. And do not let that deceiver deceive you with Allah. Surely, the satan is an enemy for you. Therefore take him as your enemy as well. Surely, satan calls his followers to be among the companions of the blazing fire.
7,8) The infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; there is a severe punishment for them. Those who believed and did amendatory deeds; there is a forgiveness and a great reward for them. Then, is the one to whom his evil deed has been made attractive so that he sees it good? Surely, Allah leads astray whomever He wills/whoever wills and guides whomever He wills/whoever wills. Therefore, do not let yourself bother with longing/sorrow over them. Indeed, Allah knows best what they do.
9) And Allah is the One Who sends the winds. Then they move and elevate a cloud. Then We send that cloud to a barren land. Thus We give life to the earth after its lifelessness with it. Thus is to give life to the dead, decomposed people.
10) Whoever wishes to become exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible; the subduer, must know that being the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the Invincible; the subduer belongs completely only to Allah. Good words ascend only to Him. And righteous work raises it. As for those who plot evil deeds; they are the ones for whom severe punishment will be. And their plots will perish.
11) And Allah formed you from a dust, then from drop of semen. Then made you mates. The female conceives and leaves [gives birth/miscarries] only with His knowledge. What the one, who is granted life, has lived from his life and what has been lessened from his life are written in a book. Indeed, this is very easy for Allah.
12) The two seas are not alike; one is sweet, quenches your thirst and flows down while you drink; the other one is salty, scorches. You eat a fresh meat from each of them and you extract ornaments from them which you wear. And you see the ships plowing through it so that you may seek what you deserve of His bounty and repay for what you have been given.
13,14) Allah makes the day to enter into the night and makes the night to enter into the day. He created the sun and the moon in such structure and characteristics so that the mankind may benefit. All of them run their course for a predetermined time. This is Allah, your Rabb to Whom all property belongs. Those you worship from among those that are inferior to Him, can not even possess the outer membrane of a date pit. If you invoke them, they do not hear your call; even if they heard your call, they could not respond to you, and on the Qiyamat [Resurrection] they will not accept that you have associated them with Allah. No one can bring you the tidings like Allah Who is aware of everything.
15) O mankind! You are the ones who need Allah. Allah, on the other hand; He is the One Who is free of need and praiseworthy.
16,17) If He wills, He does away with you and will bring forth a totally new formation. This is not difficult at all for Allah.
18) And no sinner bears the sins of another. Even if the one who has many sins/who is very wealthy calls another to make him bear his sin, none of his sin will be taken from him to be borne by another one. - Even if he is a relative - Surely, you only warn those who fear their Rabb in awe with respect, love and knowledge in the desolate places and those who establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community]. Whoever purifies himself is purified for himself. And return is only to Allah.
19,20,21) Not equal are the blind and the seeing, all darkness and light, and shade and the heat.
22,23) Not equal are the dead and the living. Indeed, Allah makes hear whomever He wills/whoever wills. And, you can not make hear those who are in their graves. You are only a warner.
24,25,26) Surely, We have sent you as a harbinger, as a warner/made you a messenger in truth. In every community there has certainly been a warner. And if they deny you, surely their ancestors denied too; messengers came to them with explicit evidences, scriptures and enlightening books. Then, I seized the infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. So, how was not to know Me/to attempt to make Me unknown?
27) Have you not seen/thought about that truly Allah has sent down a water from the sky? With that water, We caused fruits/crops in different colors to grow. And on the mountains are the tracks; in white, red, in various colors/in different shades of colors. And there are pitch black tracks as well.
28) Indeed, among humans, other living creatures and cattle are in various colors similarly. Only scholars from among His servants fear Allah in awe with respect, love and knowledge. No doubt that Allah is almighty, very forgiving.
29,30) Surely, those who recite the book of Allah, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and spend from that which We have provided them for the cause of Allah secretly and openly/provide sustenance for their relatives, they expect a business that has no possibility/probability to go bankrupt so Allah may give them their rewards in full and increase his bounty for them. Indeed, He is very forgiving and the One Who repays.
31) And what We have revealed to you of the Book is the truth itself just to confirm its contents. Surely, Allah is the One Who knows and sees His servants best.
32,33,34,35) Then We made those whom We have chosen from among Our servants inherit the Book. Now, some among them are those who treat themselves unjustly, some among them are those who go moderate/play to both ends and some among them are those who are foremost in good deeds by permission/knowledge of Allah. This is what is the great bounty; gardens of Eden. They will enter there. They will wear golden bracelets and pearls as ornaments. Silk will be their garments. They will say there: "All praise is to Allah Who has removed that sadness from us and let us enter this everlasting home of settlement from His bounties wherein no fatigue, no weariness will touch us; no one else may be praised. Indeed, our Rabb is very forgiving and the One Who repays much".
36,37) And those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; the blazing fire of Jahannah [Hell] will be for them. It is not decreed about them so they may die. Nor will the fire of Jahannah [Hell] be lightened from them. Thus We recompense the infidels; those transgressing ones who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And they will cry out there: "Our Rabb! Let us free so we may do better deeds than what we did". -Did We not grant you life enough during which you would know the book that We have sent, so that those who constantly think and are reminded would think and are reminded. And a warner came to you as well. Then taste it! Now there is no helper either for those who did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah.-
38) Surely, Allah is the One Who knows the unseen, unheard and unfelt of the heavens/universe and the earth. No doubt that He is the One Who knows best what is in the chests.
39) He is the One Who made you successors on the earth. And whoever disbelieves; consciously denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; his disbelief; his denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is against his own good. And disbelief; denial of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will only increase them in hatred in the eye of their Rabb. And disbelief; denial of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will only increase their loss.
40) Say: "Have you ever thought about those whom you associate with Allah, whom you invoke from among those that are inferior to Allah? Show me, what have they formed of the earth? Or is there a partnership for them in the heavens/universe? Or have We given them a book so they hold it as evidence?". Quite contrary, those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah do promise each other nothing but deception.
41) Indeed, it is Allah Who holds the heavens/universe and the earth from ceasing. Surely, if the heavens/universe and the earth should cease; no one can hold them after Him. Truly, He is the One Who forbears much, forgives much.
42,43) And they swore by Allah with all their strength that if warner, a prophet came to them, they would definitely be more on the righteous path than other peoples with a leader. Despite this, whenever a warner came to them, this only increased their hatred in terms of an arrogance and plotting of evil on the earth. But, evil plot encompasses only its own schemers. Then, do they expect other than the laws of the former ones/what was implemented upon them? Therefore, you will never find any change in the implementation of Allah. And you will never find any alteration in the implementation of Allah.
44) And have they not traveled on the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? They were greater than them in power. There is nothing in the heavens/universe and on the earth that incapacitates Allah. Indeed, He is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the most powerful.
45) And if Allah was to question and punish the people for that which they earn, He would not leave any living creature, small-large, on the earth. But He postpones them until a predetermined term. And when the end of their term comes, then indeed Allah is the One Who sees His servants best.