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1,2) The One Who sent down the Furqan[#130] as a reminder to His servants is the One Who is the most generous/the One Who gives abundant blessings! The One Who sent down the Furqan is the One to Whom the dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs, the One Who does not take any child, does not have a partner in dominion and formed all things then determined them with a measurement.
3) Yet infidels took idols that can not form anything, they are formed, that are not capable of good and bad for themselves and that are not capable of death, life and resurrecting after death from among those that are inferior to Him.
4) And those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb said: "This, the Qur'an, is nothing but a lie that he/Muhammad has invented. And another people helped him for this". Thus they treated unjustly and brought forward a false allegation.
5) And they said: "The Qur'an is the legends of the former ones written down; and these are being dictated to him day and night/continuously".
6) Say: "The One Who knows the secret within the heavens/universe and the earth has revealed it. Indeed, He is the One Who forgives, shows mercy".
7,8) And those deniers said: "What kind of messenger is he that he eats, walks in the streets? Why has not an angel been sent down to him? So it would be a warner with him! Or why has not a treasure been given to him or a garden been given to him from which he eats?". Those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah also said: "You only follow a man affected by magic".
9) Look what kind of examples they bring forward for you! Then, they have gone astray now and are not able to find a way.
50) And surely We have explained the Furqan in various ways so they may be reminded but most of the people only insisted on ungratefulness.
51) If We had willed, We would certainly have sent a warner to every city.
52) Then do not obey those infidels who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and strive against them with your best efforts, with the Furqan!
10) So generous is He that if He willed, He would give you all that is better than the treasury and the garden they are talking about; Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow, He would make palaces as well for you.
11) They have actually denied the Qiyamat [Resurrection]. And We have prepared a blazing fire for those who deny the Qiyamat [Resurrection].
12) When that blazing fire sees them from afar, they will hear its fury and roar.
13) And when they are thrown into a cramped place in Jahannah [Hell] as they are bound, they will ask for instant death.
14) -Do not ask for one death but ask for many deaths today!-
15,16) Say: "Is this or Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] of eternity that has been promised to those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah better as a recompense and destination?". For them therein is whatever they wish as they will abide eternally. - This is a promise which your Rabb took upon Himself to be done. -
17) And on that day, your Rabb will gather them and that which they worshipped from among those that are inferior to Allah and say: "Was it you who led my servants astray or did they lose the path themselves?".
18) And those fake idols will say: "We purify You from all deficiencies. It does not suit us to take familiars who help, guide and protect from among those that are inferior to You. But You had bestowed them and their ancestors so much of Your blessings, they abandoned the Book and became a people that were to be manipulated/destroyed".
19) Here, what you worshipped have denied you in what you say. So, you are unable to avert and to get a help. And whoever among you does wrong; acts against his own good by associating others with Allah, We will make him taste a great punishment.
20) Before you, We indeed sent messengers who ate, walked in bazaars. And We made some of you, a tool for trial for purification for some of you. - Will you have patience? - And your Rabb is the One Who sees very well.
21) And those who do not expect to meet Us said: "Angels/natural forces should have been sent down upon us" or "Why do we not see our Rabb?" Indeed, they believed in their arrogance within themselves and transgressed more and more by committing a great transgression.
22) On the day on which they will see the angels; on that day, no good tidings will be for those sinners. And those who do not expect to meet Us will say: "It is forbidden, yes indeed!".
23) And We will prevent whatever deeds those who did not expect to meet Us have done and will convert into scattered dust particles.
24) The companions of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] will, on that day, be better in their abode and finer in the places to rest.
25) And on that day, the sky will be split open with clouds and angels [rays, radiation and meteors] will be sent down in successive order.
26) On that day, the actual dominion will belong to Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created]. It will be a tough day for infidels; for those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
27,28,29) And on that day, that one who did wrong; acted against his own good by associating others with Allah will say biting his hands: "O, woe to me! If only I had taken a path with the messenger! O, woe to me! If only I had not taken that one as influential leader. Surely, he led me astray from the Book after it had come to me. And satan was truly a humiliator for man!".
30) And the messenger will say : "O my Rabb! Surely, my people have taken this Qur'an as an isolated/abandoned thing".
31) And thus, We made an enemy from among the sinners for every prophet. And sufficient is your Rabb, as a guide and a helper.
32) Infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb also said: "Why has the Qur'an not been revealed to him all at once?". We sent it down division by division so We may place it completely in your heart. And We revealed it part by part/without disarranging.
33) And for every matter they bring you, We indeed bring you the truth and the best explanation.
34) Those who will be gathered in Jahannah [Hell] on their faces; yes they are the ones who are the worst in position and the most astray in way.
35) And surely We gave to Moses the Book and appointed his brother Aaron as his assistant and supporter.
36) Then We said: "Go to those people who deny Our Ayat!". Ultimately, We destroyed with a complete destruction those people who denied Our Ayat.
37) We drowned the people of Noah when they had denied the messengers and made them an evidence/a sign for the humanity. And We prepared severely painful punishment for those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah.
38) And We destroyed and demolished the people of Ad, Thamud, companions of Ress and many generations between them.
39) And We presented to all of them examples and destroyed them all.
40) And indeed, these have gone to the town which had been showered with rain of destruction and evil. So, have they not seen it? Quite the opposite, these do not expect resurrection after they die.
41,42) And when they see you, they do not do anything except ridicule you: "Is this the one whom Allah has sent as the messenger? If we had not insisted on believing in our gods, indeed, he would almost have led us astray from our gods". And when they see the punishment soon, they will know who is more astray in way!
43) Have you seen/thought about the one who took his evil feelings and desires as his god? So, will you be the one who arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it upon him?
44) Or do you really think that most of them will heed the Wahy [Revelation] or use their reason? They are only like animals. Truly they are more astray/confused/inferior in way.
45,46) Have you not seen how your Rabb extends the shadow? Had He willed, He could definitely have made it stationary. Then We made the sun an evidence for it. Then We pulled it towards Us with an easy pull.
47) And He is the One Who has made the night a clothing and the sleep a comfort for you. And He is the One Who has made the day a spreading.
48,49) And He is the One Who sends the winds as bringers of good tidings before His mercy. And We sent down a pure water from the sky so We may give life to a dead land, provide water for many livestock and humans which We formed.
53) And He is the One Who has released the two seas; that water is sweet and quenches the thirst and the other one is salty and bitter. And He is the One Who has placed a barrier and prohibition in between.
54) And He is the One Who has formed a human from water/liquid and made lineage for him and blood relation by means of marriage. And your Rabb is competent over everything.
55) Yet they worship those that do not benefit themselves and do not harm themselves from among those that are inferior to Allah. And that infidel; that one who consciously denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb strives to be against your Rabb/to lead His servants astray.
56) And We have sent you only as a bringer of good tidings and as a warner.
57) Say: "I do not ask any payment for this. I only and only want that whoever wills might take a path towards his Rabb".
58) And you, trust and rely upon the One Who is ever living, the One Who does not die and purify Him from all deficiencies with His praise. The One Who is ever living, the One Who does not die is sufficient as being aware of sins of His servants.
59) He is the One Who is ever living, the One Who formed the heavens/universe, the earth and all that is between them in six steps, then dominated the greatest throne,[#131] shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created. Then, ask this the one who has a very good knowledge.
60) And when it was said to them: "Submit to Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created]!", they said: "And what is Allah that shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created? Should we submit for which you order us?". And this command for submission increased their hatred.
61) Generous is the One Who formed constellations in the heavens/universe, placed therein an oil lamp and a luminous moon!
62) And He is the One Who makes the day and night follow each other for whoever desires to remember or repay for the blessings which he has been given.
63) And servants of Rahman; Allah, the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created, are such people who walk on the earth in humbleness and when the ignorant people tease them, they say "Salam [health, peace, happiness...]!".
64) Servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] overnight serving their duties of servitude and submitting to their Rabb.
65,66) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] say: "Our Rabb! Avert from us the punishment of Jahannah [Hell]! Indeed, its punishment is an eternal manipulation and destruction. What an evil abode, an evil residence it is!".
67) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] are neither extravagant nor stingy when they spend; there has been a balance in between.
68,69,70,71) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] do not invoke any other deity with Allah. They do not kill the soul that Allah has forbidden. - They only kill by right. - And they do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. - And whoever does these, will meet wasting his time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming. His punishment will be multiplied on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] and he will abide there forever, being humiliated. Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous deeds. Thus, Allah replaces their evil deeds with good. And Allah is very forgiving, very merciful. And whoever repents and does righteous deeds, surely he will return to Allah as his repentance is accepted. -
72) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] do not testify to falsehood, and when they come upon a trivial matter they pass by with dignity.
73) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created], when they are reminded of the evidences/signs of their Rabb, they do not act deaf and blind.
74) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] say: "Our Rabb! Grant/bestow us the ones who will bring comfort to us from our spouses and successors. And make us a leader for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah!".
75,76) And servants of Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] will be rewarded with the highest positions in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] for their patience as the ones who will abide therein eternally and they will be welcomed with respect and Salam [health, peace, happiness...]. - What a good settlement and residence it is! -
77) Say: "Would my Rabb care for you if not for your supplication, so you surely did not supplicate, you denied? Now your rejection and denial will be an inseparable part of yours; you will not be able to evade this".