Der Mond

1) The hour/the moment of the Qiyamat [Resurrection] has been brought close. And all has been made clear.[#82]
2) Yet, they keep away immediately if they see an evidence/a sign and say: "An ongoing magic".
3,4,5) But even though every order that has been given to them in the Qur'an is "a law, a rule and a principle that is decided, sufficient at the highest level, is set forth to prevent injustice and chaos", they denied and followed their desires. Indeed, news which would deter had come to them. Despite this, warnings do not benefit.
6,7,8) So, turn away from them. The day when the Caller will call them to an unknown/odd thing, on that day they will emerge from their graves running fast to that inviter with their eyes humbled. As if they are locusts spreading. Those infidels; who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will say: "This is a difficult day".
9) Before them, people of Noah denied too. Then, they denied Our servant and said: He is supported by secret forces/is a madman". And he was repelled; all his activity was prevented.
10) Therefore, Noah invoked his Rabb: "I have been overpowered, so help me!"
11) Then, at once We opened the gates of the sky with a water pouring down.
12) And caused the earth to burst out as springs; then waters met for a matter arranged.
13,14) As a reward for the one to whom had been ungrateful, We carried Noah on boats/small ships which had boards; woods and nails/ropes while they sailed under Our protection/surveillance.
15) And indeed, We left this as an Ayah. So, is there anyone who remembers and thinks?
16) So, how were My punishment and warnings?
17) Surely, We have made the Qur'an easy/prepared the Qur'an for thinking/remembrance. Then, is there anyone who remembers and thinks?
18) Ad denied too. Then, how were My punishment and warnings?
19,20) Indeed, on an misfortunate long day, We sent upon them a freezing/screaming wind that blew people away; they were like date-palm trunks uprooted.
21) Then, how were My punishment and warnings?
22) Indeed, We have made the Qur'an easy/prepared the Qur'an for thinking/remembrance. Then, is there anyone who remembers and thinks?
23,24,25) Thamud denied those warnings too; they said: "A single man among us, will we follow him? If we do so, we will definitely be in an astray and madness. Has the Reminder; the Book been left to him from among us? No! Rather, he is a liar and arrogant".
26,27,28) They will know tomorrow who is liar, who is arrogant. Indeed, We will command them as a duty for them to establish social support institutions[#83] and maintain them. Therefore, you, observe them and have patience. And let them know their duties of zaqah; tax and spendings which will maintain these institutions are allocated among themselves; it has been determined how everyone should contribute to public.
29) Then they called their companions/rulers. And he took what he could and collapsed the system by draining all income resources that supported the social institutions.
30) Then, how were My punishment and warnings?
31) Surely, We sent upon them a single horrifying blast; then they became like brushwood gathered by one who pens.
32) Indeed, We have made the Qur'an easy/prepared the Qur'an for thinking/remembrance. Then, is there anyone who takes lesson and thinks?
33,34,35) People of Lot denied the warnings. We sent upon them a storm that showered small stones. Family of Lot was excepted from this. As a favor from Us, We saved them at dawn; thus We reward one who repays for the blessings given to him.
36,37) Truly, Lot warned them of Our seizure. But they disputed the warnings and indeed, they attempted to take advantage of his guests sexually. Then We made them blind/wiped out their tribes, lineage: "Now taste My punishment and warnings!"
38,39) And certainly, an abiding punishment seized them early in the morning: "Now taste My punishment and warnings!"
40) Surely, We have made the Qur'an easy/prepared the Qur'an for thinking/remembrance. Then, is there anyone who takes lesson and thinks?
41,42) Indeed, warners came to the family of Pharaoh as well. They denied all Our Ayat. And We seized them with a seizure of the one exalted in might and ability.
43,44) Are your infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb better than them? Or is there a covenant or command given by Allah that you have in the scriptures concerning that they will be saved? Or they say: "We are a people that help each other/have power to withstand the punishment"?
45) Soon those people will be defeated, turn their backs and flee.
46) Actually, what is promised to them is that hour. That hour is truly more disastrous and more bitter.
47) Indeed, the criminals are in astray and madness.
48) On that day, they will be dragged in the fire on their faces: "Taste the touch of the heat of Jahannah [Hell] that scalds brains!"
50) And Our command is but one like blink of an eye; it is instant.
51) And surely, We manipulated, destroyed those who were like you. Then, is there anyone who thinks?
52,53) And everything they did is in records. Small and great, everything was written line by line.
54,55) Indeed, those who entered under the guardianship of Allah will be in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise), rivers/in the lights. They will be in the "places of the seats of righteousness" in the presence of the most potent master, the ruler; in their place that is only for the righteous, in which it is not possible to lie, a position that has no possibility to perish.
49) Indeed, We formed everything; yes everything in a measure and a proportion.