Der Nächtliche Besucher

1,2,3,4) The scholars and At-Tariq; group of Ayat of the Qur'an that pierces are witness that, there are definitely some protectors over every creature that has completed its self.[#79]
5,6,7) Therefore, let man see from what he was formed; he was formed starting from an ejected liquid which emerges from between backbone and breastbone; "estrogen" and "testosterone".
8,9,10) No doubt that, the Creator is the One Who is able to return him on the day when all secrets are put forth. Then there is neither any power for him nor any helper.
11,12,13,14) The condition of the scholars who believe in that they will be resurrected after they die, the ignorant, unbelieving infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is the evidence that, it is a distinguishing decision. And it is not an amusement.[#80]
15,16) Indeed, they are planning plot. And I recompense them.[#81]
17) Therefore, give some time to the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; give them respite.