Die Beratung

1,2) Ha/8, Mim/40, Ayn/70, Sin/60, Qaf/100.[#264]
3) Thus reveals Allah Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible to you and those before you.
4) That which is in the heavens/universe and the earth belongs only to Him. He is the most sublime, the grand.
5) The heavens/universe almost break from above them. Yet all forces purify from deficiencies with the praise of their Rabb and ask forgiveness for those who are on the earth. Open your eyes! Surely, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
6) And those who take familiars who help, guide, protect from among those that are inferior to Him; Allah records that upon which they do. And you are not the one who arranges all living-non living creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it, upon them.
7) Thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur'an so you may warn the mother of the cities and those around it and you may warn with the day of gathering about which there is no doubt. A group will be in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] and a group will be in Jahannah [Hell].
8) And if Allah had willed, He would have made them one community with a leader. But He admits whomever wills into His mercy. And those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are the ones for whom will not be a familiar who protects, guides nor a helper.
9,11,12) Or do they accept some familiars who help, guide, protect from among those that are inferior to Him? It is Allah Who is the familiar Who helps, guides, protects. And it is He Who resurrects the dead and He is the One Who is competent over everything. He is the One Who is the creator of the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing. He created spouses from yourselves and pairs from the cattle for you. He produces and multiplies you in this system. There is nothing like Him. And He is the One Who hears best, sees best. Keys to the heavens/universe and the earth belong only to Him. He extends provision for whom He wills and manages it. Indeed, He is the One Who knows all best.
13) Allah has made a way of life that of the religion which He gave Noah as a liability, what We have revealed to you and that which We gave to Abraham, Moses and Jesus as a liability: "Implement the religion, establish it and do not be divided in it". That to which you invite them has been difficult for those who associate others with Allah. Allah chooses whomever He wills for Himself and guides whoever turns with sincerity to that to which is invited.
14) And they became divided only out of their transgression between themselves after the knowledge had come to them. If not for a word that preceded from your Rabb, "Until the end of a predetermined term", it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, those who have been made inherit the Book after them have an uncertain, insufficient knowledge that leads them into uncertainty, about the Qur'an.
15,10) Therefore, you, invite and be righteous as you have been commanded. Do not follow their vain, transitory desires and say: "I have believed in what Allah sent down from the book and I have been commanded to fulfill justice among you. Allah is our Rabb and your Rabb as well. What we do belongs only to us and what you do belongs only to you. There is no need for an evidence between you and us. Allah will gather us. And only to Him is the return. And for anything over which you disagree; its judgment belongs to Allah. This is my Rabb, Allah. I have relied only on Him and I turn only to Him".[#265]
16) And those who argue about Allah after being responded; their evidences have been made invalid with their Rabb. And Allah is not pleased with them; a severe punishment will be for them.
17) Allah is the One Who has sent down this book and the scale/balance with the truth. And what makes you know, perhaps the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] is very close!
18) Those who do not believe in it want that Qiyamat [Resurrection] should come soon. But those who believe shake with fear of it and they know that it is the truth. Know well that those who dispute about the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection] are in an irrevocable astray.
19) Allah is the One Who gives much bounties to His servants. He provides for whomever He wills/whoever wills. And He is the One Who is competent over everything, the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer.
20) Whoever desires the harvest of Akhirat [Afterlife], We increase for him in his harvest. And whoever desires the harvest of the world, then We give him from it. Yet there will be no share for him in Akhirat [Afterlife].
21) Or do they have partners who validate for themselves that which Allah has not consented in the religion? But if not for the "Word of Judgment"[#266], it would definitely have been concluded between them. And surely those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are the ones for whom a painful punishment will be.
22) And you will see those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah fearful for what they earned when it befalls them. Those who have believed and done amendatory deeds, will be in the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]. There will be whatever they desire with their Rabb. This is what is the great bounty.
23) This is that of which Allah has given the good tidings to His servants who believe and do amendatory deeds. -Say: "I do not ask any payment other than fondness and love for this conveyance of mine."- And whoever does a good, We will increase for him the good therein. Surely, Allah is very forgiving, the One Who repays.
24) Or do they say: "He has invented a lie about Allah"? Then, if Allah willed, He would seal your heart as well; eliminate the falsehood and fulfill the truth with His words. Indeed, He is the One Who knows very well that which is within hearts.
25) And He accepts the repentance of His servants, pardons of evil and knows what you do.
26) And He responds to those who have believed and do amendatory deeds and gives to them more from His bounty. But the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, a severe punishment will be for them.
27) And if Allah had extended/spread provision for His servants [in abundance], they would surely have transgressed on the earth. But Allah sends down whatever He wills in a certain measure. Indeed, He is the One Who is all aware of His servants, the One Who sees best.
28) And it is He Who sends down the rain and spreads His mercy after the people have despaired. And He is the One Who is praiseworthy, is the familiar Who helps, guides, protects.
29) And of His evidences/signs are the formation of the heavens/universe, the earth and that He has dispersed of every kind of living creature in the heavens/universe and on the earth; from the smallest to the largest. And He is the One Who is competent for gathering them all when He wills.
30) And whatever hits you of disaster is for what you have earned with your own hands. And He pardons many of them.
31) And you will not incapacitate on the earth. And you do not have any familiar from among those that are inferior to Allah nor any protector.
32,33,34,35) And among His evidences/signs are what sail in the sea like mountains. If He willed, He would still the wind so the ships which sail would remain motionless on the surface of the sea. Surely, there are many evidences/signs in this for those who have much patience and repay much for what they are given. Or Allah manipulates/destroys those ships for that which they have earned. And He forgives many of them. And those who dispute concerning Our Ayat/evidences/signs know that there is no place of escape for them.
36,37,38,39) And whatever thing you have been given is the enjoyment of the simple worldly life. Only a temporary benefit of the worldly life. But what is with Allah [blessings, rewards] is better and more lasting for; those who have believed and rely only on their Rabb, and those who avoid major of wasting their time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming and immorality and those who forgive when they are angry, and those who respond to the call of their Rabb, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], whose affair is to "mutually find and agree upon the best conclusion of the matter" among themselves, those who spend from that which We have provided for them for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first for their relatives then others, and those who help each other when injustice and assault hits them.
40) And the recompense of an evil deed is an evil one like it. But whoever pardons and amends, his reward is from Allah. Surely, He does not like those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Himself.
41) And whoever takes his right after being treated unjustly, then there is no way against them.
42) The way is against only those who treat the people unjustly and transgress without right on the earth. They are the ones for whom will be a painful punishment.
43) And whoever is patient and forgives faults, it is definitely from the determination of the matters.
44) And whomever Allah leads astray, then there will be no familiar who helps, guides, protects for him. And you will see those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah, saying: "Is there a way for return?" when they see the punishment.
45) And you will see them being brought to the fire while they are humbled from humiliation, looking around at the corner of their eyes. Those who have believed will say: "Surely those who lost are the ones who caused themselves, their families and the people who are close to them to lose on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]". Open your eyes! Surely, those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are in an enduring punishment.
46) There will be no familiar who will help, guide, protect for them that will help them from among those that are inferior to Allah. And whomever Allah leads astray, then there is no way for him.
47) So respond to the calls of your Rabb before that irrevocable day of which there is no place of return for them comes from Allah. That day, there will be no place for you to take refuge, and there will not be for you making unknown/being unknown.
48) If they stay away despite this, let them know that We have not sent you as a guardian over them. Upon you is only to convey. And indeed when We made man taste a mercy from Us, he rejoices in it; but if an evil touches him for what he has done with his hands, then indeed, man is ungrateful.
49,50) Dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth belongs only to Allah. He forms what He wills, bestows whom He wills daughter, bestows whom He wills son. Or Allah makes them twin as daughter and son. And He makes barren whom He wills. Indeed, He is the One Who knows best, the One Who is very powerful.
51) It is not for a human that Allah should speak to him except by a revelation [Wahy][#267] or behind an object or that He sends a messenger to reveal what He wills by His permission/knowledge. Indeed, He is the most sublime and the One Who exalts, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
52,53) Thus We have revealed to you the soul/the Qur'an which is of Our own command/affair. You did not know what the book was, what faith was. But We made it a light/soul with which We guide from whomever We will of Our servants. Without a doubt, you also guide to a straight path; the path of Allah for Whom those in the heavens/universe and on the earth are. So open your eyes! All matters return only to Allah.