Die Dichter

1) Ta/9, Sin/60, Mim/40.[#156]
2) These are the Ayat of the explicit book/the book that clarifies.
3,91) They; those who assume that the Qur'an is nothing but a compilation of fragments that contain incantations, poems, myths, invented words, blasphemies; you may devastate yourself that they do not become the ones who believe!
4,90,5,6,92,93) If We willed, We would send down a sign [evidence; ray, radiation and meteors, hurricane, flood] from the sky, just like what We did to those testifiers[#157] that they would have submitted to it. And when a new reminder from Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] came to them, they became the ones who stayed away from it. Then they indeed denied. Soon will come to them the news of that which they have been ridiculing. Al-Hijr So, by your Rabb that We will definitely question all of them from that which they have done.
7,8,9) And have they not looked at the earth? We have produced therein from every beautiful pair. Surely, there is an evidence/a sign in this; but most of them were not to be believers. And no doubt that, your Rabb is the One Who is certainly the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
10,11) Once your Rabb said to Moses: "Go to those people who do wrong; act against their own good; the people of Pharaoh, will they not enter under the guardianship of Allah?"
12,13,14) Moses said: "My Rabb! Indeed I fear that they will deny me. My chest tightens, my tongue does not speak, so make Aaron a messenger as well. And there is a crime upon me that belongs to them. I fear that they will kill me because of it".
15,16,17) Allah said: "Certainly not as you think! Now, you both go with Our evidences/signs. Surely, We are with you, We are the Ones Who hear. Now, you both go to Pharaoh and say 'Indeed We are the messengers of your Rabb so that you will send Israelites with us'".
18,19) Pharaoh said: "Did we not raise you among us when you were a child? Did you not remain among us for many years of your life? Then you did the deed which you did. And you are one of ungrateful...".
20,21,22) Moses said: "I did it when I was of those astray. I fled from you immediately when I feared you. Then my Rabb bestowed me laws-principles and made me one of the messengers. And the favor you are bragging me about is the fact that you have enslaved Israelites".
23) Pharaoh said: "What is that which you say Rabb of all universes?
24) Moses said: "If you know closely; He is Rabb of the heavens/universe, the earth and all that is between".
25) Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you not hear?".
26) Moses said: "He is your Rabb and Rabb of your ancestors".
27) Pharaoh said: "This messenger who was sent to you is indeed supported by secret forces/is a madman".
28) Moses said: "If you use your reason, He is Rabb of the east and the west and that is between them".
29) Pharaoh said: "If you take any deity but me I swear I will make you one of those who are imprisoned".
30) Moses said: "Even though I have brought you something manifest?".
31) Pharaoh said: "Well, bring it forward now, if you are one of those righteous".
32) Then Moses brought his knowledge[#158] forward; and suddenly the knowledge of Moses is an explicit "devourer".[#159]
33) He pulled his power out; and that power is perfect to the audience, flawless.[#160]
34,35) Pharaoh said to the chiefs around him: "Indeed, this is definitely a very knowledgeable, influential scholar! He wants to drive you out of your land with his influential knowledge. Now, what do you say?".
36,37) Chiefs said: "Hold him and his brother and send gatherers to cities. Let them bring you all great and very influential scholars".
38) Thus, influential scholars were gathered together on a specified time of a certain day.
39) And it was said to the people: "Will you congregate?".
40) -"The influential scholars must be the ones who prevail, then we will follow them!"-
41) When influential scholars came, they said to Pharaoh: "If we prevail, is there definitely a payment for us?".
42) Pharaoh said: "Yes, in this case, you will definitely be among those who are close".
43) Moses said to them: "Put forward what you will put forward".
44) Then they brought forward their knowledge, their ancient beliefs and theses/useless; trivial knowledge[#161] and said "By the power of Pharaoh, it is we who will definitely prevail".
45) Thereafter, Moses brought forward his knowledge; and they marveled at once, it devoured what they invented!
46,47,48) Then influential scholars were left as they submitted: "We have believed in Rabb of all universes; Rabb of Moses and Aaron".
49) Pharaoh said: "Have you believed in him before I gave you permission? Indeed, he is your senior who has taught you magic! So, you will know soon! Surely I will cut you off the covenants; commitments, then indeed, I will take you out of your comfortable environment; I will take you out of your business in the city and I will make you agricultural laborer in the date palm farms, I will make you work in the stone pits, in the hardest works".
50,51) Influential scholars said: "No matter, we will definitely return to our Rabb. And We hope that our Rabb will forgive our sins for us because we are first of the believers".
63) Then We revealed to Moses: "Hit that large body of water/river with your knowledge!". Then that large body of water/river was split/dams were set and each dam became like a great mountain.[#162]
52) And We revealed to Moses: "Take My servants to the road by night, you surely are those who will be chased".
53,54,55,56,60) And Pharaoh sent gatherers to cities: "Surely they are a scattered group of a few men. And they are indeed mad at us. We indeed are a ready and precautious people". Then Pharaoh and his men set to chase them at the dawn.
61) When two peoples saw each other, the companions of Moses said: "Indeed, we are definitely overtaken".
62) Moses said: "Certainly not as you think! Surely my Rabb is with me and will guide me".
64) And We made others come closer to there.
65,66) And We saved Moses and all those with him, then drowned all others in the water.
57,58,59,67,68) In the end, We drove Pharaoh and his people out from the gardens, springs, treasures and that honorable position. Thus it is! And then We made Israelites inherit/last owner of them. Indeed, there is definitely an evidence/a sign in this. But many of them did not believe. And surely, your Rabb is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.[#163]
69) And recite to them the news of Abraham!
70) When he said to his father and his people: "What do you worship[#164]?".
71) And they said: "We worship some idols and we will continue to worship them".
72,73,74) Abraham said: "Do they hear you when you supplicate or do they benefit you or harm you?" They said, "Rather, we found our ancestors doing this."
75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91) Abraham said: "Have you ever thought about what you and your ancient ancestors worshipped? They are my enemies; except Rabb of all universes. He is the One Who formed me. And it is He Who guides me to the righteous path. And He is the One Who makes me eat and drink. He is the One Who cures me when I am ill. And it is He Who will take my life and resurrect me. And He is the One Who, I hope, will forgive me for my sin on the day of religion. My Rabb! Give me 'judgement' and join me with the righteous! And make me among those who will be remembered with good for next generations! And make me among the inheritors of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] with abundant blessings! And forgive my father as well because indeed, he became of those astray. And do not disgrace me on the day of resurrection; on that day when wealth and sons will not benefit anyone but those who come with a sound heart/a true faith and when Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] will be brought close to those who entered under the guardianship of Allah and when Jahannah [Hell] will be brought forth and shown for the transgressors!".
92,93) And it will be said to them: "Where are the things you used to worship from among those that are inferior to Allah? Do they help you or do they help themselves?".
94,95) Then idols and transgressors and the soldiers of Iblis/thinking ability; those who acted without contemplating will be thrown into Jahannah [Hell].
96,97,98,99,100,101,102) They will say while they dispute one another therein: "Truly we were in an explicit astray. Because we equated you with Rabb of all universes. And no one led us astray from the righteous path except those sinners. Now there is none for us from helpers, intercessors and there is no familiar for us who is helper, guide, protector. If only we had a way to return and we could be of the believers!".
103) Surely, there is an evidence/a sign in this. But most of them were not believers.
104) And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
105) People of Noah denied those who were sent to them [messengers, messages].
106,107,108,109,110) Once their brother Noah said to them: "Will you not enter under the guardianship of Allah? Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger for you. So, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. I do not ask you any payment for this. My payment is only upon Rabb of all universes. Now, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me!".
111) They said: "Shall we believe in you while the lowest people follow you?".
112,113,114,115) Noah said: "I do not have any knowledge about what they do. Their account is only upon my Rabb. If you think! And I am not the one to drive the believers away. I am only an explicit warner".
116) And they said: "O Noah! If you do not desist, know well that you will definitely be of those who are stoned to death!".
117,118) Noah said: "My Rabb! My people have denied me. Then judge between me and them. And save me and those who are with me of the believers!".
119,120) Thereafter, We saved him and those who were with him in that laden ship. Then We drowned those who were left behind in the water.
121,122) Indeed, there is an evidence/a sign in this. But most of them were not to be believers. And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
123) People of Ad denied those who were sent to them [messengers, messages].
124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) When their brother Hud [Eber] said to them: "Will you not enter under the guardianship of Allah? Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger for you. So, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. I do not ask you any payment for this. My payment is only upon Rabb of all universes. Do you amuse yourselves by constructing a building at every hill as a sign? And do you take such places that produce industries [factories/castles] to become eternal/as if they will make you eternal? And when you seize, do you seize like tyrants? Now, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. Enter under the guardianship of the One Who gives you all that you know [cattle, sons, vineyards, gardens, springs]. Indeed, I fear the punishment of a great day about you".
136,137,138) And they said: "It is same for us whether you advise or you are not one of those advisers. This is only the lifestyle of the former ones. And we are not the ones to be punished".
139) Then they denied him so We manipulated/destroyed them. Indeed there is an evidence/a sign in this, but most of them were not to be believers.
140) And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is certainly the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
141) People of Thamud denied those who were sent to them [messengers, messages].
142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152) When their brother Salih said to them: "Will you not enter under the guardianship of Allah? Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger for you. Then, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. And I do not ask you any payment for this. My payment is only upon Rabb of all universes. Will you be left here secure; in gardens, springs, crops and between the date groves with hanging bunches? And you carve houses out of the mountains skillfully. So, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. And do not obey those transgressors who do not amend but cause corruption on the earth".
153,154) And they said: "You are definitely of those affected by magic! You are only a human like us. If you are among those who tell the truth, then bring us an evidence/a sign".
155,156) Salih said: "This is a Support Institution, contributions should be made so it may maintain; a part of your income must be reserved for it. Sustain it. Otherwise, punishment of the great day will seize you".
157) Despite this, they destroyed the Support Institution by depleting its resources and then overnighted in regret.[#165]
158) Therefore, punishment seized them. Surely, it is a big lesson but most of them did not believe.
159) And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is certainly the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
160) People of Lot denied those who were sent to them [messengers, messages].
161,162,163,164,165,166) When their brother Lot said to them: "Will you not enter under the guardianship of Allah? Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger for you. Then, enter under the guardianship of Allah and obey me. I do not ask you any payment for this. My payment is only upon Rabb of all universes. Do you leave your mates that Allah formed for you and approach males from among the people? Truly, you are a people who transgress".
167) They said: "O Lot! If you do not desist, you will certainly be of those who are driven out".
168) Lot said: "Surely I am one of those who detest what you do".
169) -My Rabb! Save me and my family from what they have been doing!-
170,171,172,173) Then We saved him and all his family - except the despicable woman who was among those who remained behind - and then manipulated/destroyed all those left behind. And We rained upon them such a rain! Look how evil is the rain of those who were warned!
174) Surely, there is an evidence/a sign in this. But most of them were not to be believers.
175) And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is certainly the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
176) Companions of the Thicket[#166] denied those who were sent to them [messengers, messages].
177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184) When Shu'ayb said to them: "Will you not enter under the guardianship of Allah? Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger for you. So, enter under the guardianship of Allah and do what I say. I do not ask you any payment for this. My payment is only upon Rabb of all universes. Measure with accurate weight, do not cause loss in the values of properties of the people, do not cause chaos on the earth by corruption. And enter under the guardianship of that One Who formed you and the generations before you".
185,186,187) And they said: "You are definitely one of those affected by magic! You are nothing but a human like us. Indeed, we are sure that you are one of the liars. If you should be of the truthful, then make a piece fall upon us from the sky!".
188) Shu'ayb said: "My Rabb is the One Who knows best what you do".
189) Then they denied him so the punishment of that shadow day seized them. Surely it was a punishment of a great day.
190) Indeed, there is an evidence/a sign in this. But most of them were not to be believers.
191) And no doubt that your Rabb is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, very merciful.
192,193,194,195,196) And surely, this clear book is sent down by Rabb of all universes. The Trustworthy Soul [divine messages, trustworthy knowledge] descended into your heart in an explicit Arabic language so you may be of those warners with that explicit book. And indeed, the Trustworthy Soul [divine messages, trustworthy knowledge] was certainly in the books of those before you.
197) And has it not been an evidence/a sign for the scholars of Israelites that they know about the existence of the trustworthy knowledge in their own books?
198,199) And even if We had sent down the explicit book to anyone from the foreigners/those who do not speak Arabic and he had recited it to them, they would not have been the ones to believe in it.
200,201) Thus We inserted it into the hearts of those sinners. They will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment.
202) And this will come to them suddenly while they do not perceive.
203) Then they will say: "Are we among the ones who are given respite?".
204) Do they wish to hasten Our punishment?
205,206,207) Do you see/have you ever thought about that if We make them earn for years and when the day they have been promised comes, that which they have earned will not benefit them.
208) And We did not manipulate/destroy any city except that it had warners.
209) A reminder! And We are not unjust.
210) And it was not devils who placed the book which is explicit, which clarifies into your heart.
211) It does not suit to them, and they are not capable.
212) Indeed, they are kept away from hearing/revelation.
213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220) So, do not invoke any other deity with Allah or you will be of those who are punished. And warn your closest kindred. And lower your wings for those believers who follow you. If they disobey you, say: "Surely I am away from what you do". And rely on the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy Who sees you when you rise/come out to perform your messenger duties and walk among those who have submitted. Indeed, He is the One Who hears best, knows best.
221,222,223,6) Will I inform you upon whom devils descend/upon whom they impose notions? Devils descend for all slanderers who waste their time/who delay the good/who are reluctant for the good/who harm and they impose upon them notions. They pass what is heard but most of them are liars. -Indeed, this Qur'an is being imposed in you by Allah, the One Who is law maker and the One Who knows best.-[#167]
224) And those poets; surely those who deviate follow them.
225,226,227) Do you not see/have you not ever thought about that they roam in every valley aimlessly and tell that which they have not done? Except for those who believe and do amendatory deeds, remember Allah often and defend themselves when being treated unjustly. Those who treat unjustly will soon know to what return they will be returned.