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1) Alif/1, Lam/30, Mim/40.[#329]
2,3,4) This book; about which there is no doubt is a guidance for those who believe in the unseen, the unheard, the unknown places, who establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], who spend from what We have provided for them for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first for their relatives and then others, who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you, who has entered under the guardianship of Allah -and they definitely believe in Akhirat [Afterlife]-.
5) They are upon a guidance from their Rabb. And they are those who are the saved ones, prevailed ones.
6) Surely, as for those infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; it is same for them whether you warn them or not: they will not believe.
7) Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; there are curtains upon their eyes. And a great punishment is for them.
8,9) And some of the people say, -even though they are not believers- "We believe in Allah and the day of Akhirat [Afterlife]". So they try to deceive Allah and those who have believed. Yet, they can not realize that they only deceive themselves.
10) In their hearts is illness; ill is their mentality; so Allah has increased illness; going astray for them. A painful punishment is for them for they lie.
11) When it is said to them, "Do not make corruption on the earth", they say, "We are only the ones who correct".
12) Be careful! Indeed, they are the ones who cause corruption/chaos, but they do not perceive.
13) And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed", they say: "Shall we believe as those fools have believed". Be careful! Indeed, they are the ones who are fools. But, they do not know.
14) And when they came across to those who believed, they said: "We have believed". And when they were alone with their evil leader, they said: "Indeed, we are with you; we are only the mockers".
15) Allah mocks them and gives them respite to/lets them wander aimlessly in their transgression.
16) They are the ones who have purchased going astray for the righteous path so their business has brought no profit and they have not been the ones who followed the righteous path that they were guided.
17,18) Their example is like the example of the one who wanted to set a fire. When the fire illuminated around the one who set the fire, Allah took their light and left them blind in the darkness. -They are deaf, dumb, blind! So they will not return.-
19) And sometimes, it is like a rain that pours down from the sky within which is darkness, thunder and lightning. They block their ears with their fingers out of the fear of death of thunderclaps. -Yet, Allah is the One Who encompasses the infidels; those who consciously deny His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb.-
20) That lightning almost snatches away their sight. When lightning illuminates their path, they walk under light, but when darkness sets upon them, they stand still. Had Allah willed, He would have removed their hearing and sight. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is competent over everything.
21,22) O mankind! Worship your Rabb, who formed you and those before you, made the earth a bed and the heavens/universe ceiling for you, sent down water from the sky and brought forth crops as provision for you so you may enter under the guardianship of Allah. Do not consciously associate others with Allah.
23) If you are in doubt about that which We have sent down to Our servant, then bring forth an independent division like independent divisions that We have sent down to Our servant and call upon all your witnesses from among those that are inferior to Allah, if you are truthful.
24) Then, if you do not do this and you will never be able to do; then beware of the fire, fuel of which is the humans and stones, that is prepared for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
25) And give those who have believed and do amendatory deeds the good tidings that "surely for them will be the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow". Every time they will be provided from any fruit there, they will say: "This is what we were provided before". And they will be provided with similar blessings. And pure spouses [who have not been stained by eye, thought; totally new] will be there for them. And they are the ones who will abide there eternally.
26,27) Surely, Allah does not hesitate to present as an example a mosquito or that which is even smaller. Those who believe know that it is the truth, it is from their Rabb. The infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb say: "What did Allah intend to say with such an example?". Allah leads astray many with the examples He presents and guides many with them. Allah leads astray only those who promise and make covenant and then break their promises that they made to Allah, those who break that which Allah has ordered them to unify; the unity of faith-good deeds and those who cause corruption on the earth, those who have gone astray from the righteous path. They are the ones who lose.
28) So, how do you disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb? But, you were dead and He gave you life. Then, He will take your lives and resurrect you. Then, to Him you will be returned.
29) He is the One Who formed all that is on the earth for you. Then, He established His dominion in the heavens/universe;[#330] He arranged it in thousand pieces. He is the One Who knows all best.
30) And your Rabb once said to the forces of the nature: "Surely, I am the One to form a new creature in place of the former ones on the earth". The forces of the nature said: "Will you form one of those who cause corruption, spill blood? But, we purify you with Your praise from all deficiencies and shout out that You are pure; purified from all evil and deficiencies". Your Rabb said: "I surely know very well that which you do not know".
31) And your Rabb taught Adam all those names. Then He presented them to the forces of the nature and said: "Now, inform Me of the names of those, if you are truthful ones".
32) And the forces of the nature said: "Purified You are from all deficiencies! We know nothing but what You have taught us. Surely, You are the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker".
33) And your Rabb said: "O Adam! Inform them of their names". And when Adam informed them of their names, your Rabb said: "Have I not told you! Surely, I know the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future of the heavens/universe and the earth. And I know what you disclose and what you conceal".
34) And when We said to the forces in the nature: "Submit to Adam" and forces in the nature but Iblis/thinking ability submitted immediately. Iblis refused, acted arrogantly. And he was among those who consciously denied everything.
35) And We said: "O Adam! You and your wife; dwell in green and well-watered place, enjoy its blessings in abundance from wherever you will but do not approach that tangled thing; do not fall for wealth/gold-silver or you will be among those who treat unjustly to their own selves".
36) Thereafter, Satan; Iblis/thinking ability slipped them out of there, took them out from the environment they were in. And We said: "Descend, being enemies to each other, there will be a place of settlement and an enjoyment for you until a certain time".
37,38,39) Then, Adam received some words from his Rabb/was revealed; We said: "Descend! All of you. When a guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance, there will be no fear for them; they will not grieve either. And as for those who have disbelieved; consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; they are the companions of the fire. They will abide there eternally".[#331] Then, Allah accepted his repentance. Surely, He is the One Who accepts the repentance of His servants, gives many opportunities to repent; the One Who is very merciful.
40,41,42,43) O Israelites! Remember My favor that I have given upon you as a blessing and be faithful to My covenant/the promise you have given to Me so I may be faithful to your covenant. You should be ideal people only for Me. Believe in the Qur'an, which I have sent down as a confirmation for the Torah which is already with you; do not be the first ones who would deny it, knowing that it is the book of the truth. Do not sell My Ayat for a price. And enter only under the guardianship of Mine. And do not mix the truth with falsehood, do not hide the truth while you know. Establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established, acknowledge the oneness of Allah with those who acknowledge the oneness of Allah.
44) Do you instruct people "being righteous" and you do not care yourselves? But you constantly recite the Book. Will you still not reason?
45,46) And seek help through patience, Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community]. -Surely, seeking help through patience and Salah is very difficult for all other than those who show respect; who believe from the bottom of their hearts that they will meet their Rabb and they will be returned to Him.-
47) O Israelites! Remember the blessing I have given to you and that I have surely favored you over the people of the time.
48) And enter under the guardianship of Allah against the day when no individual will avail another individual, no one's help and intercession will be accepted, no ransom/compensation will be received and no individual will be helped.
49) And when We saved you from the people who were close to Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst of the punishment, strangled your sons; made you weak, unqualified by leaving you uneducated, covered your women with disgrace. -And there was a great trial in this for you from your Rabb.-
50) And when We split open the large body of water/the river to save your lives and drowned the people close to Pharaoh while you were looking on.
51) And when We promised Moses the forty nights and then you took gold as your idol after him, treating unjustly to your very selves.
52) Then, We forgave you so you might repay for the blessings you had.
53) And when We gave Moses that book and the Furqan so you might follow the righteous path you had been guided.
54) And when Moses said to his people: "O my people! Surely, you have done wrong to yourselves by worshipping gold. Then, repent to your Creator and change your selves. This is better in the sight of your Creator". Then, your Creator accepted your repentance. Surely, your Creator is the One Who accepts the repentances much, the One Who gives many opportunities to repent; the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
55) And when you said: "O Moses! We will not believe in you until we see Allah manifestly" and a thunderbolt hit you while you were looking on.
56) Then, We revived you after your death/removed the disgrace from you and made you honorable so you might repay for the blessings you had been given.
57) And We made that cloud a shade upon you and sent down upon you manna and quail/honey. -And eat the pleasant of what We have provided for you.- They did not treat Us unjustly, yet they treated their own selves unjustly by associating others with Allah.
58) And when We said: "Enter that city and eat whatever you will from its blessings in abundance. Enter through that gate while you submit; being their fellow citizens/people, without transgressing, doing wrong; acting against your own good and say, 'Hittah [Forgive us]!'. So We may forgive your sins; We will increase Our blessings for those who do good".
59) Thereafter, those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah changed the words other than what had been said to them. And We sent down upon those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah a punishment from the heavens/universe for they went astray from the righteous path.
60) And when Moses asked for water for his people and We said to him: "Implement your experience upon your stonehearted people!". Then, twelve groups/people of cities were divided into many directions from his stonehearted people. The people of each city learned/marked where they would obtain their water. -Eat and drink; enjoy from the provision of Allah and do not transgress on the earth by causing corruption.-
61) And when you said: "O Moses! We can never endure just one kind of meal, so call upon your Rabb so He may grow for us that which emerges from the earth; vegetables, gherkin, garlic, lentil and onion". And Moses said to you: "Do you really wish to exchange that which is supreme with the lesser? Go to a town/Egypt, then you will have what you asked". And they were covered with humiliation and poverty and then Allah was not pleased with them. That was because they disbelieved; consciously denied the Ayat of Allah and killed the prophets without right. And this is because they disobeyed and transgressed.
63) And when We took a strong covenant from you and raised your master; the chosen one, Moses up to the Mount Tur,[#332] saying: "Hold onto that which We have given you and never forget that which it contains so you may enter under the guardianship of Allah".
64) But you turned away after that. If there had not been the bounty and mercy of Allah upon you, you would have certainly been among the losers.
65) And indeed you know those among you who transgressed on Sabbath/the day of contemplation. Therefore, We said to them "Become apes, by being despicable-cursed ones!".
66) Then, We made being a miserable monkey a lesson for their contemporaries and next generations, an advice/reminder for those who are under the guardianship of Allah.
67) And when Moses said to his people: "Surely, Allah commands you to slaughter a heifer". They said: "Do you make fun of us?". Moses said: "I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant".
68) They said: "Call upon your Rabb for us so He may make clear to us what that heifer is". Moses said: "My Rabb says: 'Indeed, the heifer should be neither old nor too young but in between; at its best and most productive age'. Now, do what you are commanded".
69) They said: "Call upon your Rabb for us so He may make it clear to us what is the color of the heifer". Moses said: "Surely my Rabb says: 'Surely, the heifer is a yellow; bright yellow cow which makes the beholder cheer'".
70) They said: "Call upon your Rabb for us so He may make it clear to us what it is like, surely all cows look alike to us and surely if Allah wills, we will be the ones who follow the righteous path we are guided".
71) Moses said: "Surely, my Rabb says: 'That heifer is not under service/not used for plowing or irrigation, is free and without a spot'". They said: "Now you have brought the truth". And they slaughtered it. But they almost failed to do.[#333]
72) And when you[#334] killed a man and disputed among yourselves about it. But, Allah is the One Who brings forth what you conceal.
73) Then We said: "Let Moses set out for a trouble would come from the man that was killed". Thus Allah revives the deads, guides the exhausted ones and shows you His evidences/signs so you may reason.
74) Then your hearts became hardened; like stones, even harder. And surely, there are such stones from which rivers emerge, and there are such stones that split open and waters come out, and there are such stones that fall because of fearing Allah in awe with respect, love, knowledge. Allah is not unaware of nor apathetic to what you do.
75) And do you really expect that they would believe in you? Yet, some of them heed the word of Allah, then, after having understood it very well, they consciously change and distort it.
76) And when they meet those who have believed, they say: "We have believed", yet when they are alone with one another, they said: "Do you tell them that which Allah judged against you so they may use them as evidence against you before Allah? Will you still not reason?".
77) Do they not know that Allah indeed knows that which they conceal as a secret and that which they disclose?
78) Some of those are the ones who have no knowledge on the Book except for their assumptions, the ones who are illiterates/unlearned. They only assume.
62) Surely, those who have believed, those who have become Jews, the Nazarenes and the Sabians/those who were of the religion of the prophet John; whoever believes in Allah and the day of Akhirat [Afterlife] and does righteous deeds, they will have their reward with their Rabb. There will be no fear for them. And they will not grieve either.[#335]
79) Woe to those who write a book with their hands and then say: "This is from Allah" to sell it for a price. Woe to them for what they have written with their hands! Woe to them for what they earn!
80) And they said: "The fire will not touch us except for a numbered few days". Say: "Have you received a promise that includes a guarantee from Allah? Allah never breaks His covenant. Or do you speak of something about Allah that you do not know?".
81) Yes, whoever earns evil and his mistake surrounds himself; they are the companions of the fire. They will abide there eternally.
82) And those who believe and do amendatory deeds; they are the companions of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], They will abide there eternally.
83) And when We took "a certain promise" from Israelites: "You will worship none but Allah, do good to your parents, relatives, orphans and the needy, speak good to people, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established". Then, except for a few, you turned away. And you are the ones who stay away.
84,85) And when We took your certain promise: "You will not spill your blood, you will not drive out yourselves from your lands". Then, you ratified, witnessing. Then, you are those; you kill each other and drive out a group among you from their lands. You help one another in wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming and animosity against them. If they came to you as prisoners, you would try to demand ransom/compensation for them. Yet it; their eviction was forbidden to you. Then, do you believe in a part of the Book and not believe in another part? Then, what else than disgrace in the worldly life will those among you who do such things receive as recompense? And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], they will be punished with the most severe of punishment. Allah is not unaware of and apathetic to what you do.
86) They are the ones who have purchased the simple worldly life for Akhirat [Afterlife]. The punishment will not be lightened from those and they will not be helped either.
87) And indeed, We gave Moses the Book. And We sent messengers after him, one after other. And We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear evidences and reinforced him with the Wahy [Revelation] of Allah. So, did you act arrogantly every time a messenger brought you something which your selves did not like?! Then, you denied some of them and killed some of them.
88) And they said: "Our hearts are sheathed/nothing can penetrate". Quite contrary; Allah cursed them/deprived them of His mercy for they consciously denied the truth. Only few of them believe because of this!
89) And when a book; the Qur'an which comes from Allah to confirm what is with them -then, they intended to prevail over the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and that which they recognized came to them- they concealed it themselves. Then, curse of Allah/deprival of His mercy is upon those who conceal the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
90) How evil is that for which they sold themselves; their conscious denial of that which Allah has sent down; the Qur'an out of their envy for blessings Allah sends down upon whomever He wills of His servants! And because of this, Allah was very displeased with them. The humiliating punishment is only for those who consciously deny the truth.
91) And when it was said to them: "Believe in that which Allah has revealed"; they said: "We only believe in that which was revealed to us". And they consciously refuse and deny that which is beyond what was revealed to them, despite it being the truth that confirms that which is already with them. Say: "Then, if you were believers, why did you kill the prophets of Allah?".
92) And surely, Moses came to you with clear evidences. Then, you idolized "gold" after him as the ones who treated their own selves unjustly.
93) And when We took a sound covenant from you, saying, 'Take the Book that We have given to you tightly and heed carefully" and then We raised your master/the chosen one Moses up to Mount Tur. They said: "We have listened and disobeyed/held tightly". And their hearts were made to absorb the divinity of the gold because of their conscious denial of the truth. Say: "If you are believers, then how evil is that which your belief commands you!".[#336]
94) Say: "If the 'final settlement' with Allah is only for you but no one else, then wish for death immediately if you are among those who are truthful".
95) But they never wish for death because of what they did with their hands. And Allah is the One Who knows very well those who treat their own selves unjustly.
96) And you will surely find them as the ones who are the most greedy of the people for life; even more than those who accept that Allah has associates. Each of them desires that he would be granted a thousand year; yet a long life would not keep him away from the punishment. Allah is the One Who sees very well what they do.
99) And surely, We sent down upon you clear Ayat. And none but those who have gone astray from the righteous path will consciously ignore and deny them.
100) Whenever those who have gone astray from the righteous path agreed upon a covenant, did a group from among them not throw it away? Indeed, most of them do not believe.
101) And whenever a messenger came to them from Allah that would confirm the book that was with them, a group from among those to whom the Book had been given ignored the book of Allah as if they had not known.
97,98) Say: "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel/the Qur'an, let them die of their anger and envy. -Surely, Allah has sent down Gabriel/the Qur'an with His knowledge into your heart to confirm which is within/in between its two hands, and as a guide and good tidings for the believers. Yet, they became enemy because of this.- Whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, messengers, Gabriel/the Qur'an, Michael/Muhammad the Messenger[#337], let them die of their grudge and grief". -Surely, because of this, Allah is an enemy to the infidels; those who consciously deny His divinity and the fact that He is Rabb.-
102) And those whom the Book was given, followed that which demons recited about the dominion of Solomon. But he did not disbelieve; Solomon did not consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, yet those demons disbelieved; they consciously denied; they taught people magic and that which was revealed to two prophets/kings of Babel; Harut and Marut. But Harut and Marut never taught anything to anyone unless they said: "We are materials of fire so you may purify, so do not disbelieve; do not consciously deny the truth!". Then, everyone learned from them that which would cause separation between man and his wife. -Yet, they can not harm anyone with it without knowledge of Allah.- Everyone learned that which would harm himself, does not benefit. Surely, they certainly knew that whoever purchased it would not have a share at all in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And how evil was that for which they sold their selves! If only they knew!
103) And had they believed and entered under the guardianship of Allah, then a reward from Allah would have been better. If only they knew!
104) O you believers! Do not say "Raina [You are our shepherd/herd us and we will herd you]" but say "Unzurna [Supervise us]" and heed. And painful punishment is only for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
105) Those among the People of the Book who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and those who associate others with Allah do not wish any good to be sent down upon you from your Rabb. But Allah sends His mercy upon whomever He wills. And Allah is the possessor of a great bounty.
106) Whatever We remove of an Ayah/evidence/sign or do not allow it to be said, We bring forth a better one or similar one. Do you not know that Allah is indeed the One Who is the most competent over everything?
107) Did you not know that the dominion of the heavens/universe and the earth surely belongs only to Allah and there is no familiar and a helper for you from among those that are inferior to Allah?
108) Or, do you want to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before? And whoever replaces faith with disbelief, then he has gone astray from the soundness of the path.
109) Although the truth has been disclosed to them, many from among the People of the Book wish to turn you to be infidels; the ones who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb after you have believed out of their envy in their selves. Despite this, treat them with forgiveness, tolerance until the command of Allah arrives. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
110) And you, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established! Whatever good you do for yourselves, you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Who sees best what you do.
111) And those who wish to make the believers Jews, Christians said: "No one but Jews and Christians will enter Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]". This is nothing but their assumptions. Say: "Bring your proof, if you are truthful".
112) Nay, quite contrary, whoever Islamizes [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] himself for Allah as a person who does amendatory deeds, he will have his reward with his Rabb. And there will be no fear for them and they will not grieve either.
113) And Jews said: "Christians are upon nothing/there is nothing significant about them". And Christians said: "Jews are upon nothing/there is nothing significant about them". Yet they recite the book indeed. And the people who do not know spoke like them. But on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], Allah will judge among them about that over which they have differed.
114) And who else can treat more unjustly to their very selves than those who forbid and strive to demolish the schools where Allah is introduced-taught so the name of Allah may not be mentioned therein?!.. Those will enter those schools where Allah is introduced-taught only with fear. Disgrace is for them on the earth. And there will be a great punishment for them in Akhirat [Afterlife] as well.
115) And the east and the west [all directions] belong only to Allah. Then, wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who knows best.
116) And they said: "Allah has taken a child". -Purified is He from all the deficiencies they ascribe.- Quite contrary, whatever is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Him. All of them show respect constantly for Him.
117) He is the creator of the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing. And when He decrees an affair to be done, He only says "Be!" and it immediately is.
118) And those who do not know said: "Why does Allah not speak with us or why does an evidence/a sign not come to us as well?". And those before these had spoken the same as they spoke. Their hearts are alike. Surely, We have shown Our Ayat explicitly for a people who wish to have certain knowledge.
119) Surely, We have sent you with the truth as a warner and the harbinger of good tidings. And you will not be held responsible for the companions of Jahannah [Hell].
120) Until you follow their religion/lifestyle, the Jews and the Nazarene/Christians will never be pleased with you. Say: "Surely, the guidance of Allah is what is the guidance". Yet, if you follow their vain, transitory desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, there will not be a familiar nor a helper for you from Allah.
121) Those whom We have given the Book recite-follow it as it should be recited-followed. And they believe in it. And whoever consciously denies the Book, they are the ones who lose.
122) O Israelites! Remember My blessing I have bestowed you and that I have favored you over the people of the time!
123) Enter under the guardianship of Allah against the day when no one will avail another, no ransom will be accepted from anyone, no help, intercession will benefit anyone and the criminals will not be helped.
124) And when his Rabb tried Abraham with certain words/wounds, distress and he fulfilled them completely. His Rabb said: "I am the One Who has made you leader to the people". Abraham said: "Make leaders from among my descendants as well!". His Rabb said: "My covenant/promise does not reach those who treat unjustly to their very selves!".
125) And We made this Bayt [House]/the first school for the people a place to return and a place of security. And We took covenant from Abraham and Ishmael, saying: "Keep my Bayt [House] pure for the travelers, those who worship, who submit, who acknowledge the oneness of Allah". -And get a place for Salah [a place where supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community will take place] from the place that Abraham served.-
126) And when Abraham said: "My Rabb! Make this place a safe city, provide for those who believe in Allah and the last day with fruits". Allah said: "I grant a little enjoyment upon even an infidel; the one who consciously denies My divinity and the fact that I am Rabb, then I will drag him into the punishment of fire. How evil is the destination!".
127,128,129) And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the Bayt [House]: "O our Rabb! Accept from us, surely You are the One Who hears best, knows best. O our Rabb! Make us both the ones who strengthen [who make healthier, happier and convince people to be Muslims] for You. And bring from our descendants as well a people with a leader who strengthen [who make people healthier, happier and convince people to be Muslims] for You. And show us the methods of servitude, accept our repentance as well. Surely, You are the One Who accepts the repentances much and the One Who is very merciful. O our Rabb! And send a prophet from among them so he may recite them Your Ayat; teach them the book and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos; purify them. No doubt that You are the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible".
130) And who else turns away from the religion/lifestyle of Abraham than the one who makes a fool of himself? And We had chosen him on the earth. Surely, he will be among the righteous in Akhirat [Afterlife] as well.
131) And when his Rabb said to him: "Be a person who strengthens [who makes the people healthier and happier]!", Abraham said: "I have become a person who strengthens [who makes the people healthier, happier and convinces them to be Muslims] for Rabb of all universes".
132) And Abraham instructed to his sons and Jacob, "O my sons! Surely, Allah has chosen this religion for you. Therefore, die as a person who makes stronger [who makes the people healthier, happier and convinces them to be Muslims]!".
142) The fools among the people will say: "What is it that averts those from the actual goal/the strategy?". Say: "The east and the west [all directions] belong only to Allah. He guides to the straight path whomever He wills/whoever wills".
143) Thus We have made you a righteous people with a leader so you may testify over the people and the Messenger; the Qur'an may testify over you. And We have determined the goal/strategy that is upon you so We may separate; mark and show/declare those who would follow the Messenger from those who would turn back on their heels. This goal/strategy We have determined is indeed very difficult for the people except for those whom Allah guides. And Allah would not to make your faith get lost. No doubt that Allah is very compassionate, very merciful to all people.
144) We certainly see what you expect from Us. Now, We will turn you to a goal/strategy that you will be pleased with. Now, turn your face towards the direction of Masjid al-Haram/the untouchable educational institution; always concentrate on education. And you, wherever you are, turn your faces towards it! Those who have been given the Book surely know that this duty is the truth coming from their Rabb. And Allah is not unaware, uninformed of what they do.
145) And surely, even if you bring those who have been given the Book all the Ayat, they would not follow your goal/strategy. And you are not the one who follows their goal/strategy either. Then, they are not obliged to follow each other's goal/strategy. And indeed, if you follow their vain, transitory desires despite all this knowledge having come to you, then you will definitely be among those who treat their very selves unjustly.
146) -And those whom We have given the Book know the Prophet as they know their own sons. Surely, some of them definitely conceal the truth even though they know.-
147) The truth is from your Rabb. Then, never be among those who doubt!
148) And there is a direction for everyone; so they turn to that direction. Therefore, always haste for good/bring the good forward. Allah will gather you together wherever you are. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
149) And wherever you are, turn your face towards Masjid al-Haram/the untouchable educational institution immediately. Surely, this is the truth coming from your Rabb. And Allah is not careless to, unaware of your deeds.
150,151) And wherever you are, turn your face towards Masjid al-Haram/the untouchable educational institution immediately. And you, wherever you are, turn your faces towards it as I have sent you a messenger from among you so he may recite the Ayat to you, purify you, teach you the book and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos and teach you that which you do not know, so there will be no proof against you -except for those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah-, and so I may complete My favor upon you and so you may follow the righteous path. Then, do not fear them in awe with respect, love, knowledge, fear Me in awe with respect, love, knowledge.
152) So, remember Me so I may remember you. And repay to Me for the blessings I bestow upon you, and do not be ungrateful to Me/do not overlook My blessings I bestow.
196) And complete the hajj [pilgrimage]/organized theological education and umrah/short-term trainings such as seminar, symposium... etc. for Allah. Despite this, if you are retained/prevented, then support those who receive theological education with that which is easy for you! Meanwhile, do not turn back to you normal civil life until your support for those who receive theological education has arrived to its place.[#339] And whoever from among you is ill or has an ailment that obligates him not turn his normal civil life; he will provide a ransom/compensation for exemption from his duties such as fasting or sadaqa/public revenue or any other task of servitude! And if in safety, whoever has earned revenue at umrah/short-term education, to hajj [pilgrimage]; organized theological education, then he will provide what is easy for him to support the education! Yet, whoever is not able to do so, he will fast three days during hajj [pilgrimage]; organized theological education, and seven days when he has returned! Those are exactly ten days. This decree is for those whose family are not at Masjid al-Haram; the untouchable theological education institution. Enter under the guardianship of Allah and know that the punishment of Allah is indeed severe.
197) The hajj [pilgrimage]/organized theological education is the known months. Whoever makes the hajj [pilgrimage]; organized theological education obligatory upon himself/says that he will definitely fulfill it in those months, then there is no approaching women sexually/talking evil, committing sins and fighting during the hajj [pilgrimage]/organized theological education. And whatever you do of good deeds, Allah knows it. And take provisions. Indeed, the best of the provisions is to enter under the guardianship of Allah. O those who are able to understand! Enter under the guardianship of Mine!
198) There is no blame upon you to seek a bounty from your Rabb. And when you depart from Arafat; educational institutions all together excitedly, remember Allah immediately in Mash'ar al-Haram; the untouchable center of awareness. And remember Him as He has shown you. And you truly were among those who have gone astray before.
200,203,199) And when you have completed your duties for Allah, remember Allah as you remember your fathers, even with greater remembrance. And remember Allah during the numbered days. Whoever hastens within two days, there will be no responsibility of wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming upon him. And whoever procrastinates, there will be no responsibility of wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming upon him as well. This is for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah. So, enter under the guardianship of Allah and know that you will absolutely be gathered before Him. Then come over from the place from where people come over and ask Allah for His forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful. And, some among the people are the ones who say: "O our Rabb! Give us in the world!". There will be no deserved share for them in Akhirat [Afterlife].
201) And some of them are the ones who say: "O our Rabb! Bestow upon us good in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife] as well and protect us from the punishment of the fire!".
202) Those will have a share from what they have earned for themselves. And Allah is the One Who is swift in account.
204) And of the people is he whose speech about the simple worldly life pleases you and he holds Allah as witness of what is in his heart. And he is the one whose animosity is the fiercest.
205) And when he turns away/he is authorized, he strives to cause corruption in the world, manipulate/destroy crops/culture/women and the generation. But Allah does not like corruption.
206) And when it is said to him: "Enter under the guardianship of Allah!", arrogance, power drag him to waste time/delay the good/be reluctant for the good/harm. Sufficient for such a person is Jahannah [Hell]. O, how evil bed it is!
207) And among the people are those who sell themselves to reach the approval of Allah [spend their wealth and risk their life for the cause of Allah]. And Allah is very compassionate to His servants.
158) Surely, As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the signs of Allah. Therefore, whoever intends for the Bayt [House]/Kaaba which is the theological education center and visits the Bayt [House] or performs umrah/receives a short-term education, there is no blame upon him to walk around there. And whoever does a good deed voluntarily, Allah is surely the One Who repays, knows best.[#340]
133) Or were you witnesses when death came to Jacob and he said to his sons: "What will you worship after me?", and they said: "We will worship the Only God, your God, and God of your ancestors Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. And only for Him we are the ones who Islamize [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...]"?
134) They were a people with a leader and they passed away. That which they earned was for them, and that which you earn will be for you. And you are not responsible for what they did.
135) And Jewish said: "Be Jews so you might find the righteous path you are guided to"; Christians said: "Be Christians so you might find the righteous path you are guided to". Say: "Rather, to the religion/lifestyle of Abraham who did not accept that there would be partners of Allah as a person who has turned away from disbelief and associating others with Allah!".
136) Say: "We believe in Allah, that which has been revealed to us, that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their grandsons, that which was given to Moses and Jesus and that which was given to prophets from their Rabb; never we separate them from each other and only for Him we are the ones who Islamize [create well-being, peace, happiness and make incorruptible...]"
137) And if those who intend to make believers Jews, Christians believe as you have believed, then they have certainly followed the righteous path they were guided. But if they turn away, they are only in dissension. Sufficient is Allah for you against them. And He is the One Who hears best, knows best.
138) To the religion of Allah! Who is better than Allah in ordaining a religion? And we are the ones who worship only Him.
139,140) Say: "Although Allah is your Rabb and our Rabb, do you argue with us about Him? Also, our deeds are for us and your deeds are for you only. And we are the ones who purify Allah from all deficiencies for Him only. Or do you say: "Indeed, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their grandsons were all Jews or Christians?". Say: "Do you know more or Allah does? Who else can treat himself more unjustly than the one who conceals a testimony with him that has come from Allah? Allah is not unaware of, apathetic to what you do".
141) They were a people with a leader and they passed away. That which they earned was for them and that which you earn is for you. You will not be responsible for what they did.
153) O you who have believed! Ask for help through patience and Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community]. Indeed, Allah is with those who have patience.
154) And do not say about those who are killed in the path of Allah, "They are dead". Rather, they are alive. But you do not perceive.
155,156) And surely, We will surely weaken/test you with something of fear, hunger and loss of wealth, lives and crops. Give the tidings to those who are patient and who say: "We surely belong to Allah and will return only to Him" when a disaster comes to them!
157) Those are the ones upon whom some supports and mercy of their Rabb are. And they are the ones who follow the righteous path they have been guided.
159,160) Indeed, those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance to the righteous path which We have sent down after We have made them explicit to the people in the book; Allah and those who curse will curse them. Except for those who turn away from sin and correct and make the clear evidences and the guide to the righteous path clear. Those, I accept their repentance. And I am the One Who accepts the repentances most, gives many opportunities to repent, shows great mercy.
161,162) Those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and then die while they are disbelievers; upon them will be the curse of Allah, forces of the nature/Wahy [Revelation] and people, all of them. The curse will be for them eternally. The punishment will not be lightened from them and they will not be reprieved.
163) And your god is the one god. There is no deity except Him. He is the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
164) Indeed, there are evidences/signs for a people who reason in the formation of the heavens/universe and the earth, the alternation of the night and the day, the ships that sail through the sea with that which benefits the people, that Allah sends down a water from the sky and gives life to the earth after its lifelessness with it, dispersing of every moving creatures on the earth, directing of the winds, the cloud that is ready for the command between the sky and the earth.
165,166) Among the people are those who take some equals from among those that are inferior to Allah. They love them as they love Allah. Yet, those who have believed are stronger in love for Allah. And when those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah will see the punishment; when those who are followed disassociate themselves and flee from those who follow them by seeing the punishment and when they see the punishment and ties are severed with them, if only they saw that all the power belongs to Allah and how severe the punishment of Allah is.
167) Those who followed them will say: "If only we had a return to the world so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us!". Thus will Allah show them their deeds as piles of repentances and grieves upon them. They are not the ones to come out of the fire.
168) O mankind! Eat from that which is halal/permissible and clean, pleasant and beneficial on the earth and do not follow the footsteps of satan. Surely, he is a clear enemy for you.
169) He instructs you only evil, transgression; immorality and to say that which you do not know about Allah.
170) And when it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has revealed", they said: "Rather; we will follow that upon what we found our ancestors". Even though their ancestors did not understand anything, did not strive to understand either and did not find the righteous path they had been guided?
171) And the example of some of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is like the one who shouts as shepherds/crows at that which do not hear but a call or shout; they are deaf, dumb and blind. Therefore, they do not reason either.
259) Some of those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb are like the one who visited a city, roofs of whose houses were collapsed: That person disclosed his disbelief, saying: "How will Allah bring this to life after its death?". Therefore, Allah took his life for hundred years, and then revived him. Allah said: "How long have you remained?". He said: "One day or a fraction of a day". Allah said: "Rather, you have remained for hundred years but look at your food-drink, it has not changed yet, and look at your donkey. -We did this so you may know and we may make you an Ayah for the people...- And look at those bones, how We raise them. Then how We cover them with flesh?". And when it became clear to him, he said: "Indeed, I know better that Allah is the One Who is the competent over everything".
172) O you who have believed! If you only worship Him, then eat pleasant, clean and beneficial ones from what We have provided for you and repay to Allah for the blessings He gives to you.
173) He has made haram/forbidden to you only dead animal, blood, the flesh of swine and any beast which has been dedicated for anyone other than Allah. Yet, whoever is forced to eat from these, there will be no wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming upon him on the condition that he does not encroach on someone else's right and does not exceed the necessity. Indeed, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
174) Surely, those who conceal what Allah has revealed of the book and sell that which they conceal for a price; they will consume into their bellies nothing but fire. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], Allah will not speak to them nor purify them and there will be a painful punishment for them.
175) They are the ones who have purchased going astray for the righteous path and punishment for forgiveness. How enduring they are against the fire!
176) This is because Allah has definitely sent down the Book with the truth. And indeed, those who differ over the Book are in a distant dissension.
177) It is not "being righteous" to turn your faces to east and west. But, "the righteous people" are the ones who believe in Allah, the day of Akhirat [Afterlife]/the Last Day, angels, the Book, prophets; who give their wealth to relatives, orphans, needy, travelers and paupers and the ones who do not have freedom even though they love wealth and who give their wealth by loving Allah and who establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], who give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established. And they are the ones who fulfill their promise when they promise and who have patience in the times of hardship, illness and war. They are the ones who are true. And they are the ones who have entered under the guardianship of Allah.
178) O you who have believed! For incidents that involve death, legal retribution between parties is prescribed for you. Freeman for freeman, slave for slave, woman for woman... However, should the person be forgiven by the sibling of the victim for compensation, then the person must fulfill the tradition and recompense at its best. This is a relief and a mercy from your Rabb. Whoever transgresses, then painful punishment will be for him.
179) O you who are capable of comprehending! There is a life in this legal retribution principle so you may enter under the guardianship of Allah.
180) When death is upon one of you, if he leaves a wealth, it has been made a liability to make a bequest, as a right for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah, for his parents and closest relatives, in a way which is acceptable for all.
181) And whoever changes it after having heard this, its responsibility of wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming is only upon those who have changed it. Indeed, Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
182) And whoever fears that the bequeather may make a mistake or waste time/delay the good/be reluctant for the good/harm and corrects that which is between them, there will be no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
183,184) O you who have believed! Refraining mutually, together from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking[#341] is prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon those before you as follows; 'on numbered days, so whoever of you becomes ill or has such a job as farmer, business, military, education-training, etc. which requires making journeys or physical effort should be refraining from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking for the number of the days that he was not ill and he did not make journeys or physical effort on those numbered days. Food for a poor is upon those who are not able/upon those who are able to do this as ransom. And whoever does a voluntary charity work, it is very good for him. And if you should know, refraining from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking is good/beneficial for you', so you may enter under the guardianship of Allah.
185) The month of Ramadan; the Qur'an was sent down in it to the people as a guide and clear explanations of the criterion and guidance. Therefore, whoever from among you witnesses this month, he should refrain from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking in this month. And whoever has such a job as farmer, business, military, education/training, etc. which requires making journeys should be refraining from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking for the number of the days that he was not ill and he did not make journeys or physical effort in the month of Ramadan. Allah intends ease of conduct for you, does not intend hardship. This ease of conduct; that there is no ransom, that there is a permit for those who make physical effort and who are ill is because you may enter under the guardianship of Allah and complete the count; how many days you left refraining from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking to fulfill this task in the highest value, glorify Allah for He guides you and repay for the blessings Allah bestows upon you.
187) On the night of refraining mutually, together from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and speaking, it has been halal/permissible to you to talk sexuality to your wives and have sexual intercourse. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. Allah knew that you betrayed yourselves and accepted your repentance and forgave you. Now, approach your women and seek for that which Allah decreed for you. And eat and drink; enjoy till Fajr/until the white thread becomes distinctive for you from the black thread. And complete the fasting till the night. And while you are in organized worship in theological educational centers, do not approach them. These are the limits of Allah, so do not come close to the limits of Allah. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to the people so they may enter under the guardianship of Himself.
186) And when My servants ask you about me, know that I am very close. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he invokes Me. Then, let them respond to Me and believe in Me so they may reach the maturity of being able to distinguish between good and evil.[#342]
188) Do not consume each other's wealth for false reasons. Do not transfer your wealth to the authorities in order that you may consume consciously a portion of the wealth of people in causing to waste time/to delay the good/to be reluctant for the good/to harm.
189) They ask you about the crescent moons. Say: "They are measurement of time for the people and hajj [pilgrimage]/organized theological education terms". It is not "being righteous" to enter your houses from their back/adopting principles in religion other than those of Allah's. Yet, "being righteous" is to enter under the guardianship of Allah. Then, enter your homes through the doors; live the religion within the frame which Allah has drawn. And enter under the guardianship of Allah so you may be among the ones who will be successful and be saved.
190) Fight those for the cause of Allah who fight you; die and kill. And do not transgress. Surely, Allah does not like the transgressors.
191) And kill them wherever you seize them, expel them from where they have expelled. And averting people from the religion; driving them to associate others with Allah, to consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is more severe than killing. Do not battle by Masjid al-Haram; the untouchable theological education center unless they battle you. If they battle you despite this, kill them immediately. Thus is the punishment of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
192) However, if they cease, know that Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
193) And battle them until there is no activity of averting people from the religion; driving them to associate others with Allah, to consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and the religion belongs only to Allah. But, if they cease, animosity will be for none except for those who treat themselves unjustly.
194) The prohibited month is for the haram/forbidden month. And all that which must be obeyed/binding provisions are for each other. Then whoever has attacked you, then attack him in the same way he has attacked you. And enter under the guardianship of Allah. And know that Allah is with those who have entered under the guardianship of Himself.
195) And spend your wealth for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance for your relatives first and then others, do not put yourselves in danger with your own hands and do good deeds. Indeed, Allah likes those who do good deeds.
208) O people who have believed! Enter Islam-peace-safety-incorruptibility all together and do not follow the footsteps of satan. Surely, he is an explicit enemy for you.
209) Despite this, if you deviate again after explicit proofs have come to you, then know that Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
210) Do they expect that Allah should come in the shadows of clouds, forces of the nature [rays, radiation and meteors] should come and then the matter is concluded? Yet, all matters are returned only to Allah.
211) Ask Israelites how many of the clear evidences/signs We have given them. Whoever changes the favor of Allah after it has come to him; indeed Allah is the One Whose punishment is very severe.
212) The simple worldly life is beautified for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. They ridicule those who believe. But those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah will be above them on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]. Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account.
213) The mankind was one community with a leader, then Allah sent prophets as harbingers of tidings and warners and He also sent down with them the book with the truth so they might judge between the people over what they differed. And those who had been given the Book differed only because of their transgression between them after that many proofs had come to them. Then, pursuant to His knowledge, Allah guided the believers to the truth over which they had differed. And Allah guides whomever He wills/whoever wills to the straight path.
214) Have you thought that you will enter Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] while what came to the people before you has not come to you? Poverty and hardship touched them and they were devastated; even the messenger and those who believed with him said: "When is the help of Allah?". -Be careful! Indeed, the help of Allah is very close.-
215) They ask you what they should spend for the cause of Allah/what they should give for sustenance. Say: "That/sustenance which you give from good/from your wealth; time, knowledge are for your parents, closest people, orphans, the needy and travelers". And whatever you do of good, indeed Allah is the One Who knows it best.
216) And although war is not pleasant for you, it has been given you as a mandatory liability. It is possible that you do not like which is good for you. And it is possible that you like that which is bad, harmful for you. And Allah knows but you do not know.
217) They ask you about the untouchable month and about battling during that untouchable month. Say: "Battling during that untouchable month is a great sin. And averting from the path of Allah, consciously denying/ignoring Him and Masjid al-Haram/theological education center and expulsion of the people of Masjid al-Haram; those who are educated there and those who attend short-term education is greater in the sight of Allah. And averting people from the religion; driving them to associate others with Allah and concealing the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is greater than killing". If they are able, they will never cease to fight you to turn you back from your religion. And whoever from among you turns away from his religion and dies as an infidel; a person who consciously denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, all his good deeds have become vain in the world and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And they are the companions of the fire. They will abide there eternally.
218) Surely, those who believe, those who emigrate to other lands from their lands and those who strive in the path of Allah, they hope for the mercy of Allah. And Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
219,220) They ask you about that which confuses, intoxicates the mind/causes intoxication of the mind and the games of chance. Say: "In them is a great cause of wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming yet some benefits for the people. The condition of causing to waste time/delay the good/be reluctant for the good/harm is greater than their benefits". And they ask you what they should spend for the cause of Allah. Say: "Spend the excess". Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat for you so you may give thought. They ask you about the orphans as well. Say: "For them 'improvement' is the best. If you mix with them, then they are your brothers. Allah knows the corrupter from the amender. If Allah had willed, He would have put you in difficulty. Surely, Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
221) And do not marry women who associate others with Allah until they believe. A believing slave woman who is under the protection of the infidels is better than a woman who associates others with Allah, -even though she might please you a lot-. And do not marry men who associate others with Allah until they believe; a believing slave man is better than a man who associates others with Allah, -even though he might please you a lot-. Those who associate others with Allah invite to the fire, but Allah invites to Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] and forgiveness with His knowledge. Thus He makes clear His Ayat for the people so they may be reminded and contemplate.
222) And they ask you about menstruation of women as well. Say: "It is a harm. So, keep away from women during menstruation and do not have sexual intercourse with them until period is over. When the period has ended, approach them through reproductive organ. Indeed, Allah likes those who repent and purify themselves.
223) Your women are field/a culture for you. Then, approach your field/culture however you will. And send forth for yourselves before and enter under the guardianship of Allah. And know that you will definitely meet Him. -and give good tidings to the believers!-
224) And do not make Allah an obstacle for your oaths against being a righteous person, entering under the guardianship of Allah, making peace among people; do not say, "I would do it but I have sworn to Allah so I can not break my oath". And Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
225) Allah does not hold you responsible for your vain talk in your oaths; yet He holds you responsible for your intended deeds. Allah is very forgiving, the One Who forbears much.
226) For those who have taken an oath to not to approach their women is a waiting time of four months. Then, if they return, indeed Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
227) If they decide to divorce, surely Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
228) Divorced women will wait by themselves for the time of three menstruation cycles. If they believe in Allah and the day of Akhirat [Afterlife], it is not halal/permissible for them to hide what Allah has formed in their wombs. And should their husbands wish to reconcile, they have more right to do it within that period. And as there is some loss for them, there are also many benefits over them that comply with the way that is acceptable for all. Yet, there is a degree over them for the men [men do not wait iddah like women]. And Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
229) Divorce is twice. Then, either keep in a way that is acceptable for all or release by making better. It is not halal/permissible for you to take back anything from which you have given to them. Yet, it is different when both of them fear that they are unable to keep within the limits of Allah. But, public officials; if you fear that they are not able to keep within the limits of Allah, then there is no blame upon both of them concerning that the woman gives a ransom/divorce compensation. These are the limits of Allah. Do not go beyond them. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah, it is those who treat their very selves unjustly.
230) If he divorces the woman, then she will not be halal/permissible for him unless she marries another husband other than him. Then, if the second husband divorces her and if they are confident that they are able to keep within the limits of Allah, then there is no blame upon them to return to each other. These are the limits of Allah which He makes clear for a people who know.
231) When you divorce women and they complete their waiting period, either keep them under acceptable conditions or release them again under acceptable conditions, but do not keep them against their good for violating their rights. Whoever does this has treated unjustly to his very self. And do not take the Ayat of Allah in jest, remember and contemplate over the favor of Allah upon you, the book which He has sent down to remind you and laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos. And be under the guardianship of Allah and know that indeed Allah is the One Who knows all best.
232) And when you divorce women and they have completed their terms and when they come to an agreement with their spouses in a way that is acceptable for all, do not forbid and prevent them just because they will marry their husbands. This is with what those among you who believe in Allah and Akhirat [Afterlife] are reminded. This is more appropriate and better for you. And Allah knows but you do not know.
233) Mothers -who wish to complete the weaning term- will breastfeed their children exactly for two years. The father, whose child is being breastfed, is liable to provide sustenance and clothing for those, in a way that is acceptable for all, who breastfeed his child. Everyone is liable within his capacity. And no mother should be harmed [made overpay than normal] because of her child and no father should be harmed [made overpay than normal] because of his child. And upon the heir is the same of this. If mother and father discuss and agree for weaning by their own will, there is no blame upon them. If you wish to have your children breastfed, there is no blame upon you if you give whatever you wish to give perfectly in a way that is acceptable for all. And enter under the guardianship of Allah and know that Allah is the One Who sees very well what you do.
234) And the wives of those who are reminded one by one what they did in the past and what they failed to do while being obliged to; those who have died and left behind their wives will wait for four months and ten days by themselves. And when this term ends, there will be no blame upon you [those who do and follow this] for what they do for themselves in a way that is acceptable for all. And Allah is aware of what you do.
235) And there is no blame upon you if you hint to these women of your wish for marriage or keep it within yourselves. Indeed, Allah knows that you would mention them. But do not promise each other in secrecy other than in a way that is acceptable for all. And do not make the final decision for marriage until the end of the prescribed term. Know that Allah knows definitely what is within yourselves. Therefore, beware of Him. And know that Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who forbears much.
236) If you divorce women without having touched them or without having arranged/determined mehir [life insurance, honor wealth][#344] for them, there will be no blame upon you. And give them a compensation. Wealthy must give according to his capacity and the poor must give according to his capacity. The compensation in a way that is acceptable for all is a duty upon those who produce good.
237) And if you divorce them before you have touched them and if you already have determined the mehir [life insurance, honor wealth], then it will be the half of what you have determined. Except the women or the one who holds the marriage covenant releases it. And releasing it is to be closer to enter under the guardianship of Allah. And do not forget the graciousness between you. Indeed, Allah is the One Who sees best what you do.
238,239) Collectively maintain the Salat [supporting financially and spiritually; institutions that enlighten the community] and especially the best Salah [the best of supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community; Salah of the weekly gathering day][#345]. And stand for Allah, being always respectful; work; keep education-training and social support institution operational. But if you are in a fearsome environment, then maintain, fulfill it while on foot or riding; on the move. And when you are safe and secure, remember Allah as He has taught you that which you do not know.
240) And those who will die leaving behind wives will give an amount from their wealth as bequest that is sufficient for them to live off for one year without being driven out from their homes. But if they leave, then there will be no blame upon you for what they have done in a way that is acceptable for all. And Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
241) And for divorced women, upon those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah is a compensation/alimony as a duty in a way that is acceptable for all.
242) Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat for you so you may understand.
243) Have you not seen/thought about the people who left their land fearing death although they were thousands, to whom Allah said, "Die/may your soul abandon you!" and then gave them a life? Surely, Allah is possessor of a bounty for the people. But most of the people do not repay for the blessings they are given.
244) And battle in the cause of Allah. And know that Allah is indeed the One Who hears best, knows best.
245) Who is the one who loans Allah a good loan so Allah may multiply it for him many times over. Allah restricts and gives abundance as well. And you will be returned only to Him.
246) Have you not seen/thought about the chiefs of Israelites after Moses? Then they said to one of their prophets: "Send us a ruler so we may battle for the cause of Allah". Prophet said to them: "Would you refrain from battling if war was prescribed upon you?". Chiefs of Israelites said: "Why should we not battle for the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and children?". And when war was prescribed upon them, except for a few of them, they turned away. And Allah is the One Who knows best those who act their own selves unjustly.
247) And their prophet said to them: "Surely, Allah has sent upon you Saul as ruler". Israelites said: "How can he be a ruler over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given an abundance of wealth". Their prophet said: "Allah has chosen him as a king over you and increased him above you in knowledge and stature". Allah bestows His wealth to whomever He wills. And Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who knows very well.
248) Their prophet said: "Surely, evidence/sign of his kingship will be that the casket will come to you which powerful creatures carried and which contains the feelings of trust and tranquility/morale that pacify the heart from your Rabb; a remnant that powerful creatures carried of what the families of Moses and Aaron had left. If you are those who have believed, indeed, there is certainly an evidence/a sign in this for you".
249) And when Saul set out with his army, he said: "Surely, Allah will test you with a river. Whoever drinks from it is not by my side. And whoever does not taste it -except for the one who takes in the hollow of his hand- is indeed by my side". Then most of them except a few drank from it. And when Saul and the believers with him crossed the river, Israelites said: "Today we do not have power to stand against Goliath and his army". Those who believe certainly that they will meet Allah said: "By the permission of Allah, many small groups prevailed over large groups. Allah is with those who have patience".
250) And when they went forth for Goliath and his army, they said: "O our Rabb! Bestow upon us vast patience so we do not ease off and weaken and succumb; and set our feet firm and help us against the people of infidels; those who consciously deny Your divinity and the fact that You are Rabb!".
251) Then, by permission/knowledge of Allah, they defeated Goliath and his army. And David killed Goliath and Allah gave him rulership and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent corruption and chaos. And He taught him from that which He willed. If Allah did not repel some people by some other people, the earth would be corrupted. But Allah is possessor of a great bounty to the universes.
252) And these are the Ayat of Allah. We recite them for you with the truth. Indeed, you are among those who were sent.
253) The messengers; We have favored some of them over others. Some of them are the ones whom Allah talked to unilaterally/wounded, put under distress and favored in degrees. And We gave clear evidences to Jesus, son of Mary, and rendered him strong with the Wahy [Revelation] of Allah. If Allah had willed, those who succeeded them would not have killed each other after the clear messages had come to them. But they differed and some of them believed and some disbelieved; consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And if Allah had willed, they would not have killed each other. But Allah does what He intends.
254) O you who have believed! Spend from what We have provided for you for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first to your relatives and others before the coming of a day when no exchange, no friendship or intercession or help will be. And the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb are the ones who treat unjustly to themselves.
255) Allah is the One except Whom there is no deity, He is ever living, the One Who sustains everything, protects, the One Who is the living and the One Who governs the entire universe. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. All that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth is for Him. Who is the one who can help, intercede with Him without His permission/knowledge? He knows that which is before and after them. Yet they can not comprehend anything of His knowledge other than what He wills. His throne and knowledge encompass the heavens/universe and the earth. Protection of both is not difficult for Him. And He is the most sublime, the One Who exalts, the supreme.
256) There is no compulsion in the religion; faith has been separated clearly from the denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; good from evil, truth from going astray. So, whoever disbelieves in Taghut[#346]; denies it and believes in Allah, he has grasped a handhold that never breaks. Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
257) Allah is the familiar Who is helper, guide, protector of the believers; He brings them out from all darkness into the light. And as for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; their familiar who helps, guides, protects is Taghut and it brings them out from the light into the darkness. These are the companions of Jahannah [Hell]. They will abide therein eternally.
258) Have you not seen/thought about the one who argued with Abraham about his Rabb because Allah had given him rulership? When Abraham said: "My Rabb is the One Who gives life and takes life". And he said: "I give life and take life". And when Abraham said: "So, indeed, Allah brings the sun from the east, then you, bring it from the west!", that infidel; the one who denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb was astonished.-And Allah does not guide a people of those who treat unjustly to their selves to the righteous path.-
260) Once Abraham said: "My Rabb! Show me how You resurrect the dead!". Allah said: "Have you not believed?". Abraham said: "I have, but I ask it so my heart may be assured by eliminating all question marks". Allah said: "Then take four of the birds and make them bound to you. Then, leave each of them on every mountain. Then call the birds, they will hasten to you. And know that Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible".
261) Example of those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first for their relatives and then others is like the example of the grain that yields seven spikes, and each spike with a hundred grains. Allah multiplies for whom He wills. And Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who knows very well.
262) The reward of those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first for their relatives and then others and do not brag after what they give and do not hurt is with their Rabb. There is no fear upon them and they will not grieve.
263) A word in a way that is acceptable for all and to forgive is better than a sadaqa/service fee to be taken followed by bragging and hurting. Allah is free of need, is the One Who forbears much.
264) O you who have believed! Do not invalidate your sadaqas by bragging and hurting like the one who spends his wealth to show off even though he does not believe in Allah and the last day. His example is like the example of the boulder on which is a dust, then becomes bare when hit by downpour. They can not keep anything from what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the people of infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
265) And the example of those who spend their wealth/provide sustenance first for their relatives and then others for the appreciation of Allah and to assure themselves are like the example of a garden in the fertile lands, which receives plenty of rain and yields two fold produce. If not a rain in abundance falls in a garden like this, a drizzle... Allah is the One Who sees best what you do.
266) Would one of you wish to have a garden of date palms and grapevines underneath of which rivers flow in which he has all kinds of produces, but he is afflicted with old age and has a weak lineage? Then a whirlwind containing fire hits it and that garden burns. Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat so you may give thought.
267) O you who have believed! Spend from the pure of what you have earned and what We have brought out for you from the earth for the cause of Allah. Do not attempt to give impure things which you would not take except with closed eyes. And indeed, know that Allah is the One Who is free of need, praised/praiseworthy.
268) Satan intimidates you with poverty and commands you immorality. Allah, on the other hand, promises forgiveness and abundant bounty. And Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is infinite vast, the One Who knows best.
269) Allah gives laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos to whom He wills. And whoever is given the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos, he has really been given much good. None will contemplate except for those who are able to reason.
270) And whatever you have spent as consumable or made as commitment, Allah definitely knows it. And there is no helper for those who treat their selves unjustly.
271) And if you give sadaqa openly, then it is good; but if you conceal them, give them to the poor, then, this is better for you and it will make some of your sins to be removed. And Allah is aware of that which you do.
272) To guide them to the righteous path is not a liability upon you, but only Allah guides whom He wills to the righteous path. And that which you spend from good for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance first for your relatives and then others is only for yourself. And you spend only to seek countenance of Allah. And whatever you spend of good, it will be paid to you fully. And you will not be treated unjustly.
273) Let your spending for the cause of Allah be for the poor who are not able to travel through the earth, who devote themselves to the cause of Allah. Because of their modesty, those who do not know think that they are wealthy. -You know them by their signs.- They do not demand from the people with importunity. And whatever you spend of good, know that Allah is indeed the One Who knows it very well.
274) And those who always spend their wealth secretly and openly for the cause of Allah; they have their reward with their Rabb. And there will be no fear for them nor will they grieve.
275) Those who enjoy the riba [income that is earned easily without risk, working and effort][#347] will not stand other than the standing of a man whom satan struck with its touch. That is because they say: "Trade is like riba". But Allah made trade halal/permissible but the riba [income that is earned easily without risk, working and effort] haram/forbidden. And whoever is reminded from his Rabb and refrains from what he does, his past is for him and his affair is with Allah. And whoever returns again, then they are the companions of the fire. And they will abide therein eternally.
276) Allah removes the riba [income that is earned easily without risk, working and effort] and increases the sadaqa/public revenue. Allah does not like those who are ungrateful and who cause to waste time/who delay the good/who are reluctant for the good/who harm.
277) Surely, those who believe, do amendatory deeds, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established will have their reward with their Rabb. And there will be no fear upon them, they will not grieve.
278) O you who have believed! If you are believers, enter under the guardianship of Allah and give up what remains of riba.
279) If you do not, then know that there will be a defeat; devastation from Allah and His Messenger to you. If you repent, then your capital is yours. If you do not treat unjustly, you will not be treated unjustly.
280) If the debtor is in hardship, he must be given time until his ease! If you know, it is better for you to give it as sadaqa.
281) And enter under the guardianship of Allah against the day when you will be returned to Allah. Then everyone will be recompensed fully. And they will not be treated unjustly.
282) O you who have believed! When you are indebted for a specified term, write it right away. And let a scribe write between you in justice. And let not that scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him. And let the one upon whom the obligation is dictate and have it to be written and enter under the guardianship of Allah Who is his Rabb and not leave anything out from it. If the one against whom the obligation is [debtor], is limited of understanding or weak or unable to dictate and have it to be written by himself, then let one of his guardians dictate and have it to be written in justice. And have two good witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men witnesses, then a man and two women; it is because, in the case one of them forgets, errs, the other may remind. - Let the witnesses be among those good witnesses whom you agree.- And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And, whether it is small or large [debt], do not be weary to write it until its specified term. This is more just in the sight of Allah and is stronger for testimony and more appropriate for not having any doubts. Except for a trade that you finalize right away; there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. Take witnesses when you make a commercial contract. Do not let any scribe and witness be harmed. If you do [harm them], then it will definitely be a sin that will touch you. Enter under the guardianship of Allah. Allah teaches you and Allah is the One Who knows all best.
283) And if you are on a journey and can not find a scribe, then a pledge should be taken! And if you entrust each other, let the one who is entrusted release His trust. And let him enter under the guardianship of Allah. And do not hide testimony. Whoever hides the testimony, his heart is indeed that which causes to waste time/delays the good/is reluctant for the good/harms. And Allah is the One Who knows very well what you do. 
284) That which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs to Allah. Whether you conceal or disclose what you have within yourselves, Allah will indeed question you about it. He then forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And Allah is the One Who is the most competent over everything.
285,286) The messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Rabb, so have the believers. All of them have believed in Allah, His natural forces/harbinger Ayat, books and messengers: "We do not make any distinction between the messengers of Allah". And they said: "We have heard and obeyed. Our Rabb! We seek Your forgiveness, our return will be only to You. O our Rabb! Do not question us if we have abandoned or erred! O our Rabb! Do not burden us with such heavy liabilities/that which will put us in distress as You did to those before us! O our Rabb! Do not charge us with a burden with which we are not able to bear! And pardon us, forgive us, have mercy upon us! You are our familiar Who helps, guides, protects. And help us against the people of infidels; those peoples who consciously deny Your divinity and the fact that You are Rabb". Allah does not charge anyone with a burden that he can not cope/except his capacity. Whatever everyone earns is for his own good and whatever everyone is made to earn is against his own good.