Betruegerische Handlung

1,2,3) Woe to those frauds who measure fully when they purchase from the people for themselves but measure less when they measure or weight!
4,5,6) Do they not know that they will be resurrected for a great day; the day when mankind will stand before Rabb of all universes?
7,8,9,10,11,12,13) Certainly not as they think! Surely, records of those who "stuck in evil by disbelieving in the religion-faith" are in Sijjin. -And what has made you know what "Sijjin" is? -It is a record written/numbered! Woe to the deniers on that day; those who deny the day of recompense! None but those who transgress entirely who waste their time/who delay the good/who are reluctant for the good/who harm who have said 'Legends of the former ones" denies the day of recompense when Our Ayat were recited to them.-
14) Certainly not as they think! What they earned has been a stain upon their hearts.
15) Certainly not as they think! Surely, on that day, they will be isolated from their Rabb.
16) Then, they will indeed enter Jahannah [Hell].
17) Then, it will be said: "This is that which you have been denying".
18,19,20,21) Certainly not as they think! Records of "the righteous people" are surely in Illiyyun. -And what has made you know what Illiyyun is? It is a record numbered/written which those who are brought close witness!-
22,23,24,25,26,27,28) Surely, the "the righteous people" will be in Naim, in expectations on thrones. You will see the light of bliss on their faces. They will be given a drink from a sealed pure drink. The seal/result of which is musk. And its mixture is of Tasnim. Drinks of those who have been brought close will be in a spring. -Those who race, should race in this.-
29,30,31,32) Surely, those who sinned was laughing at some of the believers/the messengers. And when they passed by them, they would wink at each other. And when they turned to their own people, they would turn mocking. And when they saw some of the believers/the messengers, they would say: "Surely, these are certainly those who have gone astray".
33) Yet, some of the believers/the messengers were not sent as guardians/messengers over those sinners.[#327]
34,35,36) This day, those who believed will look down at the infidels on their couches, saying: "Have the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb been punished for what they used to do?", and laugh at the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.