Die Römer

1) Alif/1, Lam/30, Mim/40.[#321]
2,3,4,5,6) The Romans/Byzantines have been defeated at the lowest/deepest place of the earth. After their defeat, they will overcome within a couple of years. The command belongs to Allah before and after that. And that day, the believers will rejoice with the help of Allah. Allah helps whom He wills/gives victory to whom He wills as a promise from Himself. Allah does not break His promise. But most of the people do not know. He is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the possessor of vast mercy.
7) Most of the people know what is apparent of the simple worldly life. And they are the ones who do not care about Akhirat [Afterlife].
8) Have they not ever thought within themselves that Allah has created all that is in the heavens/universe, on the earth and in between them only in truth and for a specified term? And indeed, most of the people are the ones who consciously deny/disbelieve in meeting with their Rabb.
9) Have they not travelled across the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? They were more powerful than them; they plowed the earth and built it up more than these have built up. And their messengers brought to them many clear proofs. And Allah would not have treated them unjustly, but they were treating themselves unjustly by associating others with Allah.
10) Then the end of those who did evil was "the worst" for they denied the Ayat/evidences/signs of Allah. And they used to ridicule.
11,12) Allah begins formation then returns it. Then you will be returned to Him. And the criminals will be in despair on the moment of Qiyamat [Resurrection].
13,14) And there will not be for them any helpers, intercessors from among those whom they associated with Allah. And they will deny their partners/be the ones who do not accept their partners. And on the day when the Hour rises, that day they will become separated.
15) And as for those who have believed and done amendatory deeds; now they will be delighted in a garden.
16) And as for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and disbelieve in Our Ayat and the meeting of Akhirat [Afterlife]; they will be ready in the punishment.
17,18) So, what you need to do is the purification of Allah from all deficiencies when you reach the evening, when you reach the morning, during the night, when you reach the noon; at all times! All praise is only to Him in the heavens/universe and on the earth; no one else may be praised.
19) It is He Who brings out the living from the dead, and the dead from the living and gives life to the earth after its death. And thus you will be brought out.
20) And among His evidences/signs is that He formed you from dust. And then, now you are human beings dispersing.
21) And again, among His evidences/signs is that He formed for you spouses from yourselves so you may bond with them and placed between you a love and mercy. No doubt that there are many evidences/signs in this for a people who will contemplate.
22) And again, formation of the heavens/universe and the earth, the variety of your languages and colors are among His evidences/signs. Indeed, there are many evidences/signs in this for scholars.
23) And again, among His evidences/signs is that you sleep by night and day and seek provision of His bounties. Indeed, there are many evidences/signs in this for a people who heed.
24) And again, among His Ayat is that He shows you the lightning to give you fear and hope. And He sends down a water from the sky and He gives life to the earth after its lifelessness with it. Indeed, there are many evidences/signs in this for a people who will use their reason.
25) And again, among His evidences/signs is that the heavens/universe and the earth stand by His command. And when He calls you from the earth with a single call, you will see that you will be brought forth.
46) Among His evidences/signs is that He sends winds as harbingers of good tidings so He may make you taste of His mercy, ships may sail by His command and you may seek provision of His bounties so that you may repay for the blessings that you have.
26) Whoever is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs to Him. And all of them are those who respect Him.
27) And it is He Who started formation and then repeats it. And this is very easy for Him. And the most exalted example that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs to Him. And He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.[#322]
28) Allah presents to you an example from yourselves: Do you give the same value to one another, do you become equal to them when you have partners among those who are trusted to you in accordance with the laws[#323] in that which We have provided for you? Thus We explain the Ayat for a people who use their reason.
29) Rather, those who did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah have followed their vain, transitory desires without knowledge. So, who can guide one whom Allah led astray? And there are none from the helpers for them.
30) So, you, direct your face towards the religion, to the constitution of Allah upon which He created the mankind from nothing in the first place, as the one who has left his old beliefs. There is no change in the formation of Allah. This is the straight religion/foundation. But, most of the people do not know.
31,32) Enter under the guardianship of Allah, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] as the ones who turn to Him from their hearts, do not be among those who associate others with Allah; those who have divided their religion asunder, who have divided into separatist groups. -Each separatist group brags with that which is with them.-
33,34) And when an adversity touches the people, they turn to their Rabb, supplicating. But when He makes them taste a mercy from Him, you see that a group from among them accepts that their Rabb has partners to be ungrateful for the blessings We give them. -Now, enjoy! Soon you will know.-
35) Or, have We sent down an evidence to them and that evidence says that which they associate with Allah?
36) And when We make the people taste a mercy, they become spoiled with it. If a trouble hits them for that which their hands have done before, they fall into despair at once.
37) Have they not seen that Allah extends provision for whomever He wills and manages it? Indeed, there are evidences/signs in this for a people who will believe.
38) Then give the poor who were driven out from their lands, the needy and the travelers their right. This is better for those who desire the countenance of Allah. And they are the ones who maintain their status, succeed.
39) And whatever you give of riba [revenues which are obtained without effort, service and risk] to increase in the wealth of the people, will not increase with Allah. But what you give of zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established desiring the countenance of Allah...It is those who are the multipliers.
40) Allah is the One Who has formed you, then provided for you, then takes your life and gives you life. Is there anyone from whom you associate with Him that does one of these? Allah is purified from what they associate with Him and high above them.
41) Corruption has emerged on the land and at the sea because of that which they have earned with their hands to make them taste some of which they have done so that perhaps the people will return.
42) Say: "Travel across the earth and observe how was the end of those before you. Most of them were those who associated others with Allah".
43,45,44) Therefore, turn your face to the religion which is straight/which protects before the irreversible day comes from Allah. On that day, they will be divided in groups so Allah may recompense those who have believed and done amendatory deeds. Indeed, He does not like the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Him and the fact that He is Rabb. Whoever disbelieves; denies the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, his denial/disbelief is against himself. And whoever does righteous deed, it is those who have prepared a bed/a comfortable place for themselves.
48) Allah is the One Who sends the winds. Then the winds stir a cloud. Then Allah spreads it however He wills and splits it asunder. And you see that rain comes out in its depths. And when Allah causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His servants, they receive the good tidings, rejoice.
49) Yet, they were definitely those who were in despair before; before it has been sent down upon them.
50) Then, observe the effects of the mercy of Allah; how He gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed, He definitely resurrects the dead and He is the One Who is competent over everything.
51) And surely, if We send a wind and they see plants which are the effects of the mercy of Allah turned yellow, they would certainly start to disbelieve; consciously deny Our divinity and the fact that We are Rabb after that.
52) Therefore, you can not make the dead hear. And you can not make the deaf hear that invitation while they turn their backs and go.
53) And you can not guide the blind from their astray to the righteous path. You will make only those who will believe hear Our Ayat; then they are Muslims.
54) Allah is the One Who formed you weak. Then He brought strength after weakness. Then He brought weakness and old age after strength. He forms whatever He wills. And He is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the most competent.
55) And on the day when Qiyamat [Resurrection] will occur, the sinners will swear that they remained not more than an hour. Thus they were deluded.
56) And those who were given the knowledge and faith will say: "Surely, in the decree of Allah, you remained until the day of resurrection. This is the day of resurrection after death. But you did not know this".
57) On that day, excuses of those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah will not benefit themselves. And they will not be forgiven either.
58) And indeed, in this Qur'an, We have definitely presented to the people examples from all examples. And surely, if you bring them an Ayah, those infidels; who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb would say: "You are the ones who bring forth only that which is falsehood".
59) Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who do not know.
47) And indeed, We sent some messengers before you to their people and they brought them explicit evidences. Then We maintained justice by seizing and recompensing those who committed sins. And it was incumbent upon Us to help the believers.[#324]
60) So, you, have patience. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. Never let those who have not believed in certainty loosen you.