Die Spinne

1) Alif/1, Lam/30, Mim/40.[#325]
2,3) Did people think that they would be left while they say, "We have believed" and they would not be tried? And surely, We had put those before them into fire/distress so they might have been purified. And indeed, Allah will declare/mark and show the righteous and He will definitely declare/mark and show the liars as well.
4,5,6) Or do those who do evil deeds think that they can outrun/escape from Us? How evil is that which they have adopted as principle! Whoever expects to meet Allah, indeed, the term that Allah has decreed is to come. And He is the One Who hears best, knows best. And whoever strives, strives only for himself. Indeed, Allah is free of need of all universes.
7) And those who believe and do amendatory deeds, We will definitely remove their evil deeds and recompense them with better of what they did.
8) And We have imposed upon man as a liability to treat his parents kindly. If your parents strive to make you associate with Me that about which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them both. Your return is only to Me. Then, I will inform you about what you did.
9) And those who believe and do amendatory deeds, We will definitely place them among the righteous.
10) Among the people are those who say, "We have believed in Allah", but when they are harmed while they are in the path of Allah, they consider that the distress which the people imposed upon them as if it was the punishment of Allah. And if a help comes from your Rabb, they will definitely say: "Indeed, we were with you". Yet, is Allah not the One Who knows best what they have within their hearts; what they think and plot?
11) And Allah definitely knows/declares/marks and shows those who have believed, and He absolutely knows/declares/marks and shows the hypocrites as well.
12) And the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb said to the believers: "Follow our path, and we will definitely carry your mistakes/sins". But, they are not to carry anything from their mistakes/sins no matter what happens. They surely are liars.
13) They will definitely carry their burdens and many other burdens along with their own burdens. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], they will absolutely be questioned about that which they invented.
18) And if you deny, know that some peoples before you denied too. What is upon the messenger is nothing but explicit conveyance.[#326]
19) Have they not seen how Allah started the formation and then repeated it? Indeed, it is very easy for Allah.
20,21,22) Say: "Travel through the earth and observe how He began formation. Then Allah will build the last structure. Surely, Allah is the One Who is competent over everything. He punishes whom He wills and has mercy upon whom He wills. And you will be returned only to Him. And you will not incapacitate in the heavens/universe and on the earth. And there is not a familiar who is a protector, a guide nor a helper for you from among those that are inferior to Allah".
23) And those who consciously deny/disbelieve in the Ayat/evidences/signs of Allah and meeting Him; they have despaired of My mercy and they are the ones for whom will be a painful punishment.
14) And indeed, We sent Noah to his people as a messenger, he remained among them for many long stressful years fifty of which was free of distress. And at the end, flood seized them while they did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah.
15) Thus We saved him and the people of the ship and made the ship/punishment/salvation an evidence/a sign for the mankind.
16,17) And We sent Abraham as a messenger/saved him. When he said to his people: "Worship Allah and enter under the guardianship of Him. It is better for you if you should know. Indeed, you worship some idols from among those that are inferior to Allah and invent lies. Know that those you worship as idols from among those that are inferior to Allah do not possess the power of giving provision for you. Therefore, seek provision from Allah and worship Him and repay to Him for the blessings you have. You will be returned only to Him".
24) Then the answer of the people of Abraham was only that they said: "Kill him or make him burn/put him in extreme distress". Then, Allah saved him from the fire/distress. Indeed, there are evidences/signs in this for a people who will believe.
25) And Abraham said: "You have taken idols from among those that are inferior to Allah only because of the affection among yourselves in the worldly life. Then, on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], some of you will deny some others, some of you will curse some others. Your destination will be Jahannah [Hell]. And there will be no helpers for you".
26) Thereafter, Lot believed in him. And Abraham said: "I will emigrate to my Rabb. Indeed, He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
27) And We bestowed him Isaac and Jacob. And We gave in his descendants prophethood and the Book. And We gave him his reward on the earth. Indeed, in Akhirat [Afterlife], he will be among the righteous.
28,29) We sent Lot as well. When he said to his people: "Surely, you commit such immorality that those who passed in the world before you did not do! Will you certainly approach men, obstruct the road and commit evil in your meetings?". Thereafter, the answer of his people was only that they said, "Bring the punishment of Allah, if you are among the truthful!".
30) Lot said: "My Rabb! Help me against those people of corrupters!".
31) And when Our messengers brought Abraham the good tidings, they said: "We will destroy the people of this city". -Indeed, people of there were the ones who did wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah.-
32) Abraham said: "Surely, Lot is there!". They said: "We know very well who are there. We will definitely save him and his family except for his wife who is among those who remain behind".
33,34) And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was worried about them. And he felt great discomfort because of them. And the messengers said: "Do not fear, do not worry! Indeed, we will save you and the people close to you except your wife who is among those who remain behind. Surely, we will bring down a punishment from the sky on the people of this city for they have been going astray from the righteous path".
35) And indeed, We left an explicit evidence/sign of there for a people who will use their reason.
36) And We sent to Midian their brother Shu'ayb. Then, Shu'ayb said, "O my people! Worship Allah, expect the day of Akhirat [Afterlife], and do not cause chaos on the earth as corrupters!".
37) Therefore, they denied him, then a tremor seized them and they fell on knees on their land.
38) We manipulated/destroyed the people of Ad and Thamud. Their manipulation/destruction has been clear to you from their lands. And satan made their deeds pleasing to them and averted them from the path. Yet, they were those who saw and understood.
39) We destroyed Korah, Pharaoh and Haman as well. Indeed, Moses came to them with explicit evidences and they acted arrogantly on the earth. But they were not the ones to outstrip.
40) And We seized them all for their sins: We sent storms upon some of them, throwing stones, a horrifying roar seized some of them, We made the earth swallow some of them, and We drowned some of them in the water. And Allah did not treat them unjustly, but they were acting against their own good by associating others with Allah.
41) The example of those who take familiars who are helpers, guides, protectors from among those that are inferior to Allah are like that of a female spider which takes home. Indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the female spider. If only they knew.
42) Surely, Allah knows whatever thing they invoke from among those that are inferior to Him. And He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
43) And We present these examples to the people. None will understand them except scholars.
44) Allah formed the heavens/universe and the earth with the truth. Indeed, there are evidences/signs in this for those who believe.
45) You, recite/follow what has been revealed to you from the book and establish Salah [establish and maintain the institution that supports financially and spiritually; enlightens the community]. Indeed, Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; the institution that enlightens the community] prevents from transgression, evil. And remembrance of Allah is indeed greater. And Allah knows that which you do and produce.
46) Deal with the People of the Book only in the best way except for those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah among them and say to them: "We have believed in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to you. Our god and your god is one. And we are the ones who Islamize [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] only for Allah".
47) Thus We sent down to you the Book so those whom We had given the Book believe in the Qur'an. And among those who are other than the People of the Book/among Arabs who believe in it. And only the infidels; those who consciously conceal the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb reject Our Ayat while they know.
48) And you did not recite from any book before this; and you are not writing the Qur'an by yourself. If it had been so, those who believe in falsehood would have had doubt.
49) Rather, the Qur'an is explicit Ayat within the hearts of those who have been given knowledge. And only those who do wrong; act against their own good consciously reject Our Ayat.
50) And they said: "Why have not evidences/signs been sent down to him from his Rabb?". Say: "Evidences/signs are only with Allah. I am only an explicit warner".
51) And is it not sufficient for them that We have revealed to you the Book that is recited to them? There is absolutely a mercy and a reminder in this for a people who believe.
52) Say: "Allah is sufficient as witness between you and me. He knows that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth. Those who believe in falsehood and consciously deny/disbelieve in Allah; it is they who lose and suffer.
53) And they ask you to hasten the punishment. If there had not been an end of a specified/predetermined term, punishment would definitely have come to them. And that punishment will indeed come to them suddenly while they do not perceive.
54,55) They ask you to hasten the punishment. Surely, Jahannah [Hell], on the day when it will cover them from above and from beneath their feet, it will surround the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And He will say: "Taste what you did!".
56) O My servants who have believed! Indeed, my earth is vast. Then, worship only Me.
57) Every creature with an identity will taste the death. Then you will be returned only to Us.
58,59) And those who have believed and done amendatory deeds; We will definitely place them in mansions underneath of which rivers flow in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] where they will abide eternally. How excellent is the reward of those who work, have patience and rely only on their Rabb!
60) There are many small-large living creatures which are not capable of carrying their own provision, it is Allah Who provides for them and for you. And He is the One Who hears best, knows best.
61) And indeed, if you asked them: "Who formed the heavens/universe and the earth, and who got the sun and the moon under control/created them in such structure and characteristic so servants may benefit?", they would definitely say, "Allah". Then, how are they deluded?
62) Allah extends provision for whomever He wills of His servants and manages for him. Indeed, Allah is the One Who knows all best.
63) And surely, if you asked them: "Who sent down water from the sky and revived the earth with it after its lifelessness?", they would definitely say, "Allah". Say: "All praise is to Allah; no one else may be praised". But most of them do not use their reason.
64) And this simple worldly life is only diversion and amusement. Indeed, the final home is definitely what is the life. If only they knew.
65,66) And when they board a ship, they supplicate to Allah, purifying the religion only for Him. And when He saves them by delivering them to the land, then you will see that they accept that Allah has partners to be ungrateful to what We have given to them and to gain advantage. But they will know soon.
67) Or have they not seen that We made Mecca safe and untouchable while people are being taken away by force around it? Do they still believe in falsehood and are they ungrateful for the blessings of Allah?
68) And who can do more wrong; act more against his own good than one who invents a lie about Allah or denies the truth when it comes to himself? Is not there a place in Jahannah [Hell] for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb?
69) And We will surely guide those who strive in Our cause to Our paths. And indeed, Allah is with those who produce good.