Die Wege Des Aufstiegs

1,2,3) A supplicant asked Allah Who is the owner of "the ascending times" of the punishment for which there is no one to avert it, which can not be prevented and which is only for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
4) Harbinger Ayat and Wahy [revelation] ascend to Him/withdraw from the earth within a day the extend of which is fifty thousand years.
5) So, be patient with gracious patience.
6,7) Certainly, while We see the punishment that will occur close, they see it distant.
8,9,10) On that day, the heavens/universe will be like a molten metal. And the mountains will be like colored wool that is scattered. And no close friend will ask to a close friend.
11,12,13,14) While they are shown to each other, the criminal will want to give away his sons, spouse and brother, all his family in which he was grown up and all who live on the earth as ransom to save himself from the punishment of that day.
15,16,17,18) Certainly not as that criminal thinks! That is a blazing fire that will call, burn one who turns his back, turns away, piles and hoards.
19,20,21) Indeed, human was formed weak and ill-tempered; he bemoans when evil touches him. But, when good touches him/he is made wealthy, he prevents even a little help.
22) Except "Those who fulfill Salah" [those who made supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community their principle].
23) Those who fulfill Salah are the ones who maintain their Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community].
24,25) And those who fulfill Salah are the ones within whose wealth is a known right for those poor who ask and are shy to ask.
26) And those who fulfill Salah acknowledge the day of recompense.
27) And those who fulfill Salah are the ones who fear the punishment of their Rabb.
28) -Indeed, the punishment of their Rabb is not that from which one is safe.-
29,30,31) And those who fulfill Salah are the ones who guard their chastity. -Except for their spouses and those whom their covenants possess[#317]. Because, they will not be condemned when they approach them. Those who seek beyond that; they are the transgressors.-
32) And those who fulfill Salah stand behind their trust and promises.
33) And those who fulfill Salah fulfill their testimonies.
34) And those who fulfill Salah maintain their Salah [principles of supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community].
35) And these ones who fulfill Salah will be hosted in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise].
36,37) Then what is the matter with the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb so they hasten to you from all directions in groups, extending their necks?
38) Does every person among them expect that he will be admitted into a Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] of blessings?
39) Certainly not as they think! We formed them from that which they know.
40,41) No! I swear by Rabb of the easts and the wests that We are the Ones Who are capable of replacing them with those who are better than them. And We are not the Ones Who are to be outdone.
42) So, leave them immediately so they may enjoy in vain until they meet their day which was promised.
43) On that day, they will come out from their graves rapidly. As if they are running towards something that is erected.
44) With their eyes looking down in humiliation, being covered with humiliation. That is the day with which they have been threatened!