1,2,3) Alif/1, Lam/30, Ra/200.[#299] This is a book that We have revealed to you so you may bring people out from all darkness into the light by permission/knowledge of their Rabb; to the path of Allah Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, praised, praiseworthy; to Whom belongs that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth. And woe to those infidels who prefer the worldly life over Akhirat [Afterlife], avert from the path of Allah and seek its deviation; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb because of a severe punishment! They are in extreme astray.
4) And We sent them every messenger only with the language of his people so he might make clear. Then Allah leads astray whomever He wills/whoever wills and He guides whomever He wills/whoever wills to the righteous path. And He is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
5) And surely, We sent Moses as a messenger with Our Ayat, "Bring your people out from all darkness into the light, remind them with the days of Allah". No doubt that there are many evidences/signs in this for everyone who is patient and who repays for the blessings he is given.
6,7) And when Moses said to his people: "Remember the favor of Allah upon you; when He saved you from the family of Pharaoh who afflicted you with the evil of torment, strangled your sons; made you weak, unqualified by leaving you uneducated and covered your women with disgrace. There was a great trial for you from your Rabb that you would wear off in this. And when your Rabb declared: "Indeed, if you repay for the blessings you are given, I will definitely increase for you and if are ungrateful, My punishment is absolutely very severe".
8) And Moses said: "If you disbelieve, you and whoever is on the earth entirely; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb/if you are ungrateful; know well that Allah is the One Who is free of need, praised, praiseworthy".
9) Has the news of those before you; people of Noah, Ad, Thamud and those after them not come to you? No one knows them but Allah. Their messengers came to them with explicit evidences but they took their hands to the mouth of the messengers. And they said: "We have consciously denied/disbelieved in that with which you have been sent and we surely have insufficient knowledge about that to which you invite us and we are in disquiet about it".
10) Their messengers said: "Is there insufficient knowledge about Allah Who created the heavens/universe and the earth from nothing, invites you to forgive your sins and delays you until the end of a predetermined term?". They said: "You are only a human like us and you wish to avert us from what our ancestors worshipped. Then bring us an explicit proof!".
11,12) Their messengers said to them: "We are only humans like you. But Allah bestows His favor upon whom He wills of His servants. And it is not for us to bring you a proof except by permission/knowledge of Allah. Therefore, let the believers rely on Allah. And why should we not rely on Allah while He has shown us our paths? And surely, we will have patience against whatever harm you should cause us. Those who rely, let them rely only on Allah".
13,14) And the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb said to their messengers: "Either we will surely drive you out of our land or you will definitely return to our religion/lifestyle!". Their Rabb revealed to their messengers: "We surely will manipulate/destroy those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah and make you dwell in that land after them. This is for the one who fears My position and My threat".
15,16,17) Messengers requested victory. And every obstinate tyrant lost and suffered. And after that is Jahannah [Hell]. And he will be given a drink of purulent water. He will gulp the purulent water, he will not swallow. Death will come to him from every direction but he will never die. And a harsh punishment will come after that.
18) The example of infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb is that their deeds are like ashes which the wind blows forcefully on a stormy day. They are unable to keep anything from what they earned. This is what is extreme astray.
19,20) Have you not seen/thought about that Allah formed the heavens/universe and the earth in truth. If He wills, He will take you away and bring a new formation. This is not difficult for Allah.
21) They will come out for Allah all together. Then the weak ones will say to those who were arrogant: "Surely we were those who followed you. Now can you avail us anything against the punishment of Allah?". Those who were arrogant will say: "Had Allah guided us, we would surely have guided you. It is same for us whether we whine or we have patience. There is no place of escape for us".
22,23) And when the matter has been concluded, satan [Iblis/thinking ability] will say to them: "Surely, Allah promised you the true promise, and I promised you too but then renounced at once. Yet I did not have a compelling authority over you. But I invited you and you responded to me. Therefore, do not condemn me but condemn yourselves! I can not save you, and you are not my saviors! Surely, I had not accepted your association of me with Allah before". -Surely, those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah are the ones for whom will be a painful punishment! And those who believe and do amendatory deeds will be admitted to Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow, to abide therein eternally by permission/knowledge of their Rabb. Their greeting there will be "Salam [health, peace, happiness...]!".-
24,25) Have you not seen; never thought how an example Allah has presented? A good word is like a good tree roots of which are fixed firmly and branches of which are in the sky and which yields fruits all the time by permission/knowledge of its Rabb. And Allah gives such examples to the people so they may be reminded.
26) And an example of an evil word is like a bad tree that is uprooted from the earth and does not have any possibility for stability.
27) Allah keeps firm those who believe with a firm word/faith in the simple worldly life and in Akhirat [Afterlife]. And Allah leads those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Himself astray. And Allah does whatever He wills.
28,29) Have you not seen those who exchanged the blessings of Allah for disbelief and caused their people to enter into the land of manipulation/destruction/Jahannah [Hell]? They will enter Jahannah [Hell]. How an evil settlement it is!
30) And the ungrateful ones attributed equals to Allah to lead astray from His path. Say: "Enjoy, your return will definitely be to the fire".
31) Tell my servants who believe: Let them establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community] and spend from that which We have provided for them openly and secretly for the cause of Allah/provide sustenance for their relatives before a day comes in which there will be no trade and no friendship.".
32,33,34) Allah is the One Who formed the heavens/universe and the earth, Who sends down water from the sky and brings forth some fruits with it from the earth as provision for you. And Allah gave the ships to your service/created them in such characteristics that you may benefit, so they may sail through the sea by His command, and He gave rivers to your service as well. He gave the sun and the moon which constantly revolve to your service/created them in such characteristics so you may benefit. And He gave the night and the day to your service as well. And He gave you from all you asked of Him. You can not count the favor of Allah even if you wish to! Indeed, man is one who does very wrong; acts against his own good and is very ungrateful.
35,36,37,38,39,40,41) And when Abraham once said: "My Rabb! Make this city safe! Keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols! My Rabb! Surely, idols have led many among the people astray. Then, whoever follows me, he is of me; and whoever disobeys... Then you surely are the One Who forgives much and shows great mercy. Our Rabb! I have indeed settled some of my children in a barren valley next to Your untouchable House so they might establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community]. Our Rabb! So make the hearts of some of Your servants incline towards to them so they may repay for the blessings that You have given. And provide for them from some fruits. Our Rabb! Indeed, You know that which we conceal and that which we disclose. -And nothing is hidden from Allah in the heavens/universe and on the earth.- All praise is to Allah Who has bestowed me Ishmael and Isaac in my old age; no one else may be praised. Indeed, my Rabb is the One Who hears my supplication very well. My Rabb! Make me a man who establishes Salah [establishes and maintains the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community]! And from my descendants too... Our Rabb! Accept my supplication! Our Rabb! Forgive me, my parents and believers on the day when the account will be established!".
42,43) Never think that Allah is apathetic to/unaware of what those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah do! He only delays them for a day when they will run with their heads raised up and when the eyes will pop out. Their sight will not come back to them and their hearts will be empty.
44,45) And warn the people with the day when the punishment will come. Then those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah will say: "O our Rabb! Delay us for a short term so we may answer Your invitation and follow the messengers". -Had you not sworn before that there would be no end/destruction/eradication for you? And you dwelled in the lands of those who had done wrong; acted against their own good by associating others with Allah. And it became explicit to you how We had done to them. And We presented to you examples as well.-
46) And indeed they planned their plot. Their plot is with Allah. Even if their plot was to move mountains...
47) Then never think that Allah will break His promise to His messengers! Indeed, Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the One Who has the principle of maintaining justice by seizing, recompensing the criminal.
48,49,50,51) On that day, the earth will be replaced with another area and the heavens/universe as well so Allah may recompense every self for what it has earned. And they will come out for Allah, the One and the Only and the prevailing. On that day, you will see the criminals bound in shackles. Their shirts will be of pitch and the fire will cover their faces. Indeed, Allah is the One Who is swift in account.
52) This Book that has been revealed to you is a notification for the people so they be warned with it, they may know that Allah is the One and the Only God and those who have pure mind; those of understanding may be reminded.