155,156,157,158) Here it is: Their disbelief in the Ayat of Allah, their killing of the prophets without right and their statement: "Our hearts are covered", -rather, Allah sealed their hearts for their disbelief; their conscious denial of the divinity of Himself and the fact that He is Rabb. None of them but a few believe- and their disbelief in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and their great slanders against Mary; and their saying "We truly have killed Jesus the Messiah, Messenger of Allah and son of Mary". But, they did not kill him and they did not treat him harshly. But another one was made to look similar to Jesus. Truly, those who differ over him have definitely insufficient knowledge. They do not have any knowledge concerning this other than following assumptions. They certainly did not kill him. Rather, Allah ascended him to Himself/raised him in degree. And Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
1) O mankind! Enter under the guardianship of your Rabb Who formed you from a single self, then formed its mate from it and dispersed many men and women from both of them. And enter under the guardianship of Allah through Whom you ask one another and of the blood relation. Indeed, Allah is the One Who watches over you.
2) And give to the orphans their wealth. Do not exchange pure for impure. Do not consume their wealth, adding it to yours. Doing this is absolutely a great sin.
3) If you fear for your orphans concerning injustice; then marry those that may please you of the women of the orphans/the women who are obliged to care of orphans two at a time, three at a time, four at a time. If you fear that you can not maintain justice even in that situation, marry one of them or woman who is under your protection in accordance with laws[#363]. This is the most appropriate way so that you may not to commit injustice.
4) And give the women of orphans their mehir [life insurance, honor wealth][#364] graciously. And if they willingly give/offer you a portion of what they will get, consume it without hesitation.
5) And do not give to those immature orphans/who are not yet able to distinguish between good and evil your wealth which Allah has given to you so you may sustain. And provide for them from that wealth and clothe them. And speak to them in a way that is acceptable for all.
6) And train your orphans with a strict education until they reach marriage. And if you perceive in them that they have reached the age of ability to distinguish between good and evil, give them their wealth right away. Do not consume out their wealth excessively because of that they will grow up. And whoever is wealthy, let him become chaste, patient; let him not receive any payment. And whoever is poor, let him consume in a way that is acceptable for all. And when you give orphans their wealth, bring witnesses upon them. And Allah is sufficient as reckoner.
7) There is a share for male orphans in that which their parents and relatives leave. And there is a share as an obligatory share for female orphans, little or much, in that which their parents and relatives leave.
8) When relatives, orphans and the needy are present at the allocation of heritage, provide for them from it and speak to them words in a way that is acceptable for all.
9) And those who fear if they leave a weak lineage after themselves, let them fear! And let them enter under the guardianship of Allah and speak the words of proof.
10) Indeed, those who unjustly consume the wealth of the orphans definitely eat fire in their bellies. And they will soon burn in the blazing fire of Jahannah [Hell].
33) And We have made heirs for all things which parents and relatives left. To those whom your oaths have bound; to whom you owe a debt by verbal, bonded, legal contract and who are made inheritors by testament; give them their shares right away. Indeed, Allah is the best witness to all.
11) Allah instructs you liability as a share from Allah concerning your children: For the male is the share of two females. If they are more than two in number, all of them being females, then two thirds of that which has been left. If it is only one woman, then for her is half. If the deceased leave children along with parents, for each parent is a sixth; if the deceased had no children but his parents inherits his wealth, then for his mother is one third. If the deceased had siblings, then for mother is one sixth. These shares are after the bequest he made and debts. Your fathers and your sons; you can not know which of them are closer to you in benefit. Indeed, Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
176) They demand from you a ruling about those who have no spouse, no mother, no father and no children/no first degree inheritors. Say: "Allah will give you the ruling". When a man who has no children but a sister dies, half of the what he has left is for his sister. And if sister has no children, her brother becomes her heir. If the childless heritor has two sisters, they will have a third of what he has left. If the childless heritor has both brothers and sister, then brothers will have the share of two sisters. Allah makes clear so you may not go astray and Allah is the One Who knows all best.
12) If your wives have no children, half of what they left is yours. If they have one child, then one fourth of the wealth remaining after a bequest she made and her debts is yours. If you die without children, one fourth of what you have left is for your wives. If you have children, then for wives is one eighth of what you have left after your bequest you made and debts. If the deceased, a man or woman, has no spouse, no children, no parents but one brother or one sister, for each of them is a sixth of that without any loss after his/her bequest and debts. If siblings are more than that, then the siblings will share a third. These are liabilities imposed by Allah. And Allah is the One Who knows best and forbears much.[#365]
29) O you who have believed! Do not consume one another's wealth among yourselves unjustly -except for business you make with your consent-, do not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is very merciful to you.
30) And whoever commits these prohibitions as doing wrong; acting against his own good by animosity and associating others with Allah; We will soon put him into fire. And it is very easy for Allah to throw him into fire.
31) If you avoid the majors of that which you are forbidden, We will remove your evil deeds from you. And We will admit you into the noble entrance.
32) And do not wish for that which Allah has given more to some of you. There is a share for men from what they have been made to earn. There is a share for women from what they have been made to earn as well. And ask Allah of His bounty. Surely, Allah is the One Who knows all best.
13) These are the limits of Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, Allah will admit him into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow as the one who will abide therein eternally. This is indeed the great salvation.
14) And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits, Allah will admit him into Jahannah [Hell] to abide therein eternally. And a humiliating punishment will be for him.
15) For those of your women who have transgressed/committed sexual abominations, bring four witnesses from among you against them; if they testify, keep those women in the houses until this disgrace, ignorance, distressed, unhappy condition takes them to a higher position and makes them owner of high moral or Allah sets forth a solution for them.
16) If two males from among you commit sexual abominations, then rehabilitate both of them right away. If they repent and correct themselves, then keep your distance from them. Indeed, Allah is the One Who accepts the repentances most, gives many opportunities to repent, shows great mercy.
17) Repentance which is accepted by Allah is only of those who commit evil deeds in ignorance and then repent right away. Those are the ones whose repentance Allah accepts. Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
18) And repentance is not for those who do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them and he says: "I have truly repented now", and those who die as infidels; those who die as the ones who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. They are the ones for whom We have prepared a painful punishment.
19) O you who have believed! It is not halal/permissible for you to inherit women by compulsion/to forbid them to divorce you in order to consume their wealth. Do not make difficulties for them to get back that which you have given to them unless they commit a clear immorality/unlawful sexual intercourse. And maintain your relations with them in a way that is acceptable for all. And if you dislike them, perhaps Allah will make many good in that which you dislike even though you do not like it.
20) If you intended to replace one wife with another, do not take back anything from her, even though you have given one of them a great amount. Would you take it as a slander and a clear wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming?
21) How could you take what you have given while you have been close and alone and they have taken a solemn covenant from you?
22) And do not marry those women whom your fathers were married. However, that which happened has passed. Indeed, this is a despicable immorality and a impudicity hated. How an evil way it was!
23,24) And haram/forbidden to you are your mothers, daughters, sisters, sisters of your mothers, sisters of your fathers, daughters of your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, mothers of your women, your step-daughters who were born of former husbands of your wives with whom you have had sexual intercourse and are in your household -there is no blame upon you if you have not had sexual intercourse with them-, wives of your biological sons and it has also been made haram/forbidden to you to marry the sister of your wife before having and ending another marriage after your wife passes away or you are divorced from your wife-except for that which has passed-, also made haram/forbidden to you are women who are already under wedlock/married, except the ones whom your covenant possesses. Allah is very forgiving, very merciful. These are what Allah has decreed upon you. Beyond that, it has been made halal/permissible for you to seek women to marry with your wealth while you guard your chastity and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. Then, whatever benefit you have obtained from the women you got married, give them their mehir [life insurance, honor wealth] as an obligation. After you have given your obligation, there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree. Surely, Allah is the One Who knows best and the One Who makes laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos.
25) And whoever among you is not capable of the wealth to marry free believing women, then for him is to marry your believing young girls/servants who have been given under your protection in accordance with the laws. And Allah knows your faith better. Some of you are from some other. Then, marry those women who do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse, have no secret lovers, who have been given under your protection in accordance with the laws[#366] by permission/knowledge of their relatives and give them their mehir [life insurance, honor wealth][#367] in a way that is acceptable for all. If they commit immorality/unlawful sexual intercourse after they have married, then for them is half of the punishment of free women. -this is for those of you who fear committing sins.- It is better for you to have patience. And Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
26) Allah wants to make clear for you, guide you to the practices of those before you and accept your repentance. And Allah is the One Who knows very well, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
27) And Allah wants to accept your repentance. And those who follow their passion want you to deviate from the righteous path with a great deviation.
28) Allah wants to lighten from you. And indeed human was formed very weak.
34) Because Allah has given more to some of you than others and men provide compensation from their wealth, men take care of risky matters of women; they are gentlemen to women. Therefore, righteous women are to obey Allah; are the ones who follow the rules that Allah has set forth, they are guarding against the calamities that have not yet happened to them but may happen because of that which Allah protects. Advice the women to whom you fear of risk of harassment and rape because of their stubbornness and make them travel where they live in peace; within the borders of your lands and impose upon them psychological pressure, warnings/give them examples. Should they treat you with respect, do not seek other ways against them. Allah is the most sublime, the grand.
35) If you fear dissension between wife and husband, then send to them an arbitrator from among the close people of the husband and an arbitrator from among the close people of the wife. If the wife and the husband truly desire to reconcile, Allah will give reconciliation between them. Indeed, Allah is the One Who knows very well, is the One Who knows well inner and hidden sides of everything.
128,129,130) If a woman fears from her husband ill-conduct or that he will stay away from her, then there is no sin upon them to make peace between them. And peace is better. Selves are ready for jealousy. If you do good and enter under the guardianship of Allah, Allah is indeed aware of that which you do. You will never be able to be just between your women no matter how much you try. Therefore, do not incline towards one of them completely while leaving the other hanging. And if you amend and enter under the guardianship of Allah, indeed Allah is the One Who removes the sins of His servants, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy. If husband-wife separate from them, Allah will enrich them from His bounties in abundance. And Allah is the One Whose knowledge and mercy is vast and limitless, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.[#368]
36,37,38) And worship Allah and do not associate others with Him. And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, neighbors who are relatives, neighbors who are from farther away, companion at your side, stranded travelers, those who have been given under your protection in accordance with the laws[#369]. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and who brag about themselves; those who are stingy, instruct others stinginess and conceal that which Allah has given to them from His bounty and those who spend their wealth so it may be seen by the people while they do not believe in Allah and Akhirat [Afterlife]. And We have prepared for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb a humiliating punishment. And to whomever satan is a contemporary/close companion; how an evil companion he is!
39) And what harm would come to them if they believed in Allah and the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] and spent from that which Allah had provided for them for the cause of Allah? And Allah is the One Who knows them very well.
40) Surely, Allah does not do injustice, even as much as weight of an atom. And He multiplies good deeds. And He bestows a great reward from Himself.
41) How will it be when We bring a witness from every people and bring you as a witness over them?
42) Those who denied and disobeyed the Messenger will wish to be covered by the earth and perish on that day. And they will not be able to hide any word from Allah.
43) O you who have believed! Do not approach Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; the institutions that enlighten the community]/do not go in public until you are aware of what you are saying while you are intoxicated, until you engage in sexual intercourse and bathe -except travelers- when you are junub[#370]. If you are ill or traveling or one of you have come from bathroom or contacted women and you could not find water, then seek clean earth. Then wipe your face and hands using your hands. Indeed, Allah is pardoning, very forgiving.
44) Do you not see those who have been given a share from the Book? They purchase going astray and wish you to go astray from the righteous path.
45) And Allah knows your enemies better. And Allah is sufficient as familiar Who guides, protects. And Allah is sufficient as familiar Who helps.
46) Some of those who have become Jews distort the places/literal meaning of the words, say to the Prophet with their twisted tongues, defaming the religion: "We have heard and disobeyed/held tightly", "Listen, you be not heard", "Ra'ina" [let us herd you and you herd us, our shepherd]. If they had said, "We have heard and obeyed, listen and guard us", it would definitely have been better and more sound for them; yet, Allah has cursed them because of their conscious denial. So they do not believe but a few.
47) O you who have been given the Book! Believe in this book that We have sent down to confirm that which is with you before We obliterate some faces and turn them to their necks or curse them as We cursed the people of Sabbath[#371]. And the command of Allah will be fulfilled.
48) Surely, Allah does never forgive association with Him. He forgives the sins less than this for whom He wills. Whoever associates others with Allah, has surely committed a tremendous wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming.
49) Do you not see those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills. They will not be treated unjustly, even as much as a thread.
50) Look how they invent lie about Allah. This is sufficient as an explicit wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming.
51) Do you not see those who have been given a share from the Book?! They believe in idol and taghut[#372]. And they say about those who disbelieve in Allah: "They are on a path more righteous than of the believers".
52) They are the ones whom Allah has cursed. And whomever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him.
53) Or do they have a share of the dominion of the world? If this was the case, they would not give the people even a speck of a date seed.
54) Or do they envy the people for that which Allah has given them as bounty? Behold, We had definitely given the family of Abraham the book and the laws, rules and principles that were set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos. And We had given them a great rulership.
55) Some among the Jews believed in him. And some of them turned away from him. And Jahannah [Hell] is sufficient as a blazing fire.
56) Surely, We will soon throw those who have disbelieved in our Ayat into the fire. Every time their skins are roasted, We will replace their skins with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Surely, Allah is almighty, the One Who is the best law maker.
57) And We will admit those who have believed and done amendatory deeds into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow to abide therein eternally. There will be purified spouses [who have not been stained by eye, thought; totally new] for them. And We will admit them in a deep shade.
58) Surely, Allah commands you to entrust civil services to those who are competent and to judge with justice when you judge between people. Surely, how excellent advise that Allah gives you with this. Indeed, Allah is the One Who hears best, sees best.
59) O you who have believed! Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and those in authority/main governor from among you. Then, if you disagree over anything, rely on Allah and His Messenger for it, if you should be the ones who believe in Allah and Akhirat [Afterlife]. This is better and more appropriate in finding the best solution.
60) Have you not seen/thought about those who claim that they believe in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you by wishing to make taghut[#373], which they have been commanded to disbelieve, an arbitrator between themselves? Satan wishes to lead them astray with a distant/an irrevocable astray.
61) And you will see those hypocrites turn away and flee from you when it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger!".
62) And see how will it be when a disaster hits them because of what they did with their hands.
63) Then they came to you swearing by Allah and saying: "We intended nothing but good conduct and conciliation". They are the ones of whom Allah knows what is within their hearts; now keep your distance from them and remind them. And tell them good words about themselves that would deeply touch them!
64) And We sent each messenger only to be obeyed by permission/knowledge of Allah. And when they treated unjustly to themselves by associating others with Allah, if they had come to you, asked Allah to be forgiven and you had asked forgiveness for them, they would certainly have found that Allah is the One Who accepts the repentances most, gives many opportunities to repent, shows great mercy.
65) But no! By your Rabb, they will not truly believe until they make you judge for the matters over which they dispute among themselves and accept your judgment without discomfort and a full trust.
66,67,68) Had We decreed upon them: "Kill yourselves or leave your homes", they would not have done it except for a few of them. And if they had done what they were instructed, it would surely have been better for them and stronger in striving. Then We would have given them a great reward from Us. And We would definitely have guided them to the righteous path.
69,70) And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, those are with the ones upon whom Allah bestowed His favor of the prophets, the truthful ones, the advanced witnesses of the existence and divinity of Allah and the righteous ones. And how good are those as companions! This is a bounty from Allah. Allah is sufficient as the One Who knows best.
71) O you who have believed! Take your precautions and set out against them in small troops or all together.
72) Surely, some among you linger behind. And when a disaster hits you, he says: "Indeed, Allah has favored me so I was not with them as a witness".
73) But if a bounty from Allah comes to you, he will say as if there had been no affection between him and you: "If only I had been with them and reached a great success!".
74) Then let those who sell the simple worldly life for Akhirat [Afterlife] fight for the cause of Allah. Whoever fights for the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory; then We will give him a great reward.
75) What is the matter with you that you do not fight for weakened men, women and children who say: "O our Rabb! Take us out of this land, people of which treat themselves unjustly, appoint for us a familiar who is protector, guide from Yourself and appoint a good helper from Yourself"?
76) Those who have believed fight for the cause of Allah. And the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb fight for taghut. Therefore, fight against the companions, helpers of satan. Surely, very weak is the plot of satan.
77,78) Have you not seen/thought about those who were told, "Restrain your hands, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established"? And when war was written upon them, a group from among them fear men in awe with respect, love, knowledge like they fear Allah in awe with respect, love, knowledge or even more. And they said: "Our Rabb! Why have you decreed war upon us, why did not You postpone us for a close time?". Say: "Enjoyment of the world is very little. Akhirat [Afterlife], on the other hand, is better for those who have entered under the guardianship of Allah and you will not be treated unjustly, not even "as much as the speck of a date seed". Wherever you are, death will reach you, even you are within strong fortresses built with limestone/concrete". And if a good comes to them, they say: "This is from Allah", and if evil befalls them, they say: "This is from you". Say: "All are from Allah". Despite these, what is the matter with these people that they almost do not understand anything?
79) That which comes to you of good is from Allah. That which comes to you of evil is from yourself. And We have sent you to the people as a messenger. And Allah is sufficient as a good witness.
80) Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah. And whoever turns away, We have not sent you as a protector/guardian for those who turn away.
81) And they say to you: "As you say!". But when they leave you, a group from among them spend the night planning other than what you say. But Allah writes what they plan by night. Therefore, keep away from them. And rely on Allah. And Allah is sufficient as "the One Who arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it".
82) Do they still not contemplate the Qur'an properly by reading/putting its Ayat in the order of revelation? If it had been from anyone but Allah, they would have found many contradictions in it.
83) When a matter comes to them about security or fear, they immediately spread it. But, if they had brought it to the Messenger and those of authority among themselves, those who are capable of drawing conclusions from them would have known about it. And if not for the favor and mercy of Allah upon you, except for a few among you- you would have certainly followed satan.
84) So, fight for the cause of Allah! You are responsible only for yourself. Encourage the believers as well. It is hoped that Allah will break the pressure of the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And Allah is more severe in imposing pressure, in discouraging.
85) And whoever helps by interceding for good and good cause, there is a share for him from this. And whoever helps by being proof for evil and helping it or opening the path of evil, there is a share of sin from it. Allah is the One Who is competent over everything.
86) And when you are greeted with a greet, greet with a better greeting or return it with the same of it right away. Indeed, Allah is the One Who does the account of everything best.
87) Allah is the One except Whom there is no deity. He will surely gather you on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection] about which there is no doubt. And who else is more truthful than Allah in words?
88) And what is the matter with you that you divide into two groups concerning the hypocrites while Allah has made them fall back because of the sin that they earned? Do you wish to guide those whom Allah led astray? And whomever Allah leads astray, you can not find a way for him.
89,90) The hypocrites wished that you would disbelieve as they disbelieved in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb so you may be equal to them. Therefore, do not take from among them any familiars who are helpers, guides and protectors until they emigrate from their lands in the path of Allah. If they turn away from this, seize them and kill them wherever you have found them except for those who have sought refuge in a nation with which you have a covenant or those whose hearts are restrained from fighting you or their people have come to you; do not take a familiar and a helper from among them. Then, had Allah willed, He would definitely have inflicted them upon you and they would have fought you. If they keep away from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, Allah has not made for you a way against them.
91) You will find others who wish to be in safety from you and from their own people. Every time these are returned to disbelief and associating others with Allah, they fall back into it. Therefore, if they do not keep away from you and offer you peace and withdraw their forces, seize and kill them right away wherever you find them. And this is an explicit authorization We have made for you against them.
92) And it is never for a believer to kill another believer except by mistake. And whoever from among the believers kills a believer by accident/unintentionally, that believer must free a believing slave and provide a compensation to be delivered to the family/heirs of the deceased. -Except for when the family of the deceased gives it up.- In the case that the deceased is from an enemy people while he is a believer, then the one who has killed must free a believing slave. If the deceased is from a people with whom you have a covenant, the one who has killed must provide a compensation to be delivered to the family of the deceased and also free a believing slave. Whoever is not able to do these, he will fast for two consecutive months so his repentance may be accepted by Allah. Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
93) And whoever intentionally [deliberately, on purpose] kills a believer, his recompense is Jahannah [Hell] wherein he will abide eternally. And Allah will be displeased with him, curse him, deprive him of His mercy and He has prepared a great punishment for him.
94) O you who have believed! When you set out for a campaign for the cause of Allah, investigate meticulously. And do not say to the one who greets you: "You are not a believer", considering the conveniences of the worldly life. There are many booties with Allah. You were like that before and Allah made you a favor. Therefore, investigate meticulously. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.
95,96) Not equal are the believers who sit other than those who have disabilities and those who strive for the cause of Allah with their wealth and lives. Allah has favored in degrees those who strive with their wealth and lives over those who sit. And Allah has promised all of them "the best". And Allah has favored for those who strive a great reward; ranks from Himself, a forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
97,98) And as for those whom the forces in charge remind them one by one, while they were treating themselves unjustly, what they did in the past and what they failed to do while being obliged to; the forces in charge will say: "In what were you?". They will say: "We were those who were oppressed on the earth". The forces in charge will say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious? Why did not you emigrate?". And their final destination is Jahannah [Hell] -except for the men, women and children who were not able to emigrate and follow the righteous path they had been guided-. What an evil destination it is!
99) For those, it is expected that Allah will pardon them. Allah is very pardoning, very forgiving.
100) Whoever emigrates from his land in the path of Allah will find many places and abundance on the earth. And whoever leaves his home to join Allah and His Messenger and death comes to him, his reward/recompense has definitely become incumbent upon Allah. Allah is very forgiving, the One Who shows great mercy.
101) And when you set out for a campaign on the earth, if you fear the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb will harm you, then there will be no blame upon you if you shorten [shorten your education] Salah [work of supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community]. Surely, the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb are explicit enemy for you.
102) And when you are among those who are on a campaign and provide training and education for them, let some of them stand/join the training with you. And let them take their weapons with them. And when they have received enough knowledge and are convinced, let them stand behind you. Then, let another group who have not yet received education and training come to join you for training and let them take precautions and carry their weapons with them. The infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb wish that you become negligent of your weapons and belongings so they may suddenly raid upon you. If a trouble reaches you from the rain or you become ill, there will be no blame upon you to leave your weapons. Take your precautions as well. Surely, Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
103) And when the education-training is completed, remember Allah while standing, sitting or lying on your flanks. When you are in safety, establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community]. Indeed, Salah [duty of supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community] has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified periods of time for a long time past.
104) And do not slacken in pursuit of those people of enemy. If you are suffering, so are they suffering like you are suffering. And you expect from Allah that which they can not expect. And Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
105,106,107) Surely, We have sent down the Book to you with the truth so you may judge between the people as We have shown you. And do not defend the traitors! And ask Allah for forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is very forgiving, the One Who shows great mercy. Do not defend those who have betrayed themselves. Surely, Allah does not like those who waste their time/who delay the good/who are reluctant for the good/who harm who betray excessively.
108) They wish to hide from the people but not from Allah. Yet, Allah is with them when they plot in the night that which He does not accept of word/decision. And Allah encompasses what they do.
109) You defended them in simple worldly life. But, who will defend them against Allah on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection]? Or, who will be the one who "arranges their affairs pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it" for them?
110) Whoever commits an evil deed or treats himself unjustly and then asks Allah for forgiveness, he will find that Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.
111) And whoever earns a wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming, earns against himself. And Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
112) And whoever earns a fault or a wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming and then attributes it to an innocent, has surely taken upon himself a slander and a clear wasting time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming.
113) And if not for the favor and mercy of Allah upon you, a fool group from among them would definitely have tried to lead you astray. But, they do not lead anyone astray except themselves and they can not harm you at all. Allah has revealed to you the Book and the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, corruption and chaos and taught you that which you did not know. Great is the gift of Allah upon you.
114) There is no good in most of their whispering, except for the speech of those who command sadaqa or that which is acceptable for all or conciliation among the people. Whoever does these for the approval of Allah; We will soon bestow upon him a great reward.
115) And whoever opposes the Messenger and follows another path other than the path of the believers after the righteous path has been clear to him, We will not prevent him and We will admit him into Jahannah [Hell]. How an evil destination it is!
116) No doubt that Allah does not forgive those who associate others with Him. And He may forgive whichever He wills from among those lesser than that. Whoever associates partners with Allah has certainly gone far astray.
117) They invoke none but useless objects from among those that are inferior to Allah. And they invoke only their own desires, evil purposes.
118,119) Allah has cursed Iblis. And Iblis said: "I surely will take a specific share from your servants, lead them astray, cast upon them vain delusions and I will command them and they will slit the ears of the cattle of which they enjoy meat and milk, I will command them and they will change formation/measurement of Allah".[#374] And whoever takes satan from among those that are inferior to Allah as a familiar who guides, protects; he surely will lose with an explicit loss.
120) Iblis promises them and arouses illusions in them. Yet, satan promises them nothing but deception.
121) And they are the ones whose final destination is Jahannah [Hell]. They will not find a place to escape from there.
122) And so for those who believe and do amendatory deeds; We will admit them, as a true promise from Allah, into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow as the ones who will abide therein eternally. And who else can be more truthful in words?
123) This is not by your desires nor the desires of the People of the Book. Whoever does evil will be recompensed for it. And he can not find a familiar who is a guide, a protector nor a good helper from among those that are inferior to Allah.
124) And whoever from among men or women does amendatory deeds while being believer, they will enter Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]. And they will not be treated unjustly, not even as much as the speck of a date seed.
125) And who else can be better in terms of religion than the one who Islamizes himself [create well-being, peace, order, happiness...] for Allah as a person who does good and who follows the religion of Abraham as the one who has turned away from his former beliefs? And Allah took Abraham as the "groundbreaking who left his mark; pioneer, leader" for later generations.
126) And that which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Allah. And Allah is the One Who encompasses all things very well.
127) They request from you a ruling about those women [who are liable for taking care of the orphans]. Say: "Allah and 'that which are recited to you in the Book/the Qur'an about the orphans of those women whom you do not give that which have been decreed upon them and with whom you are not inclined to marry and about the children who are wished to be oppressed and about to maintain justice and equity for the orphans' give you the ruling concerning them. And whatever you do of good, know that Allah is certainly the One Who knows it best.
131) That which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Allah. Surely, We have instructed those to whom the Book has been given and to you to enter under the guardianship of Allah as a liability. Even if you disbelieve; consciously deny/do not believe in the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, know that whatever is in the heavens/universe and whatever is on the earth belongs only to Allah. Allah is the One Who is free of need, worthy of all praises.
132) That which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Allah. Allah is sufficient as the "One Who arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it".
133) O people, if Allah wills, He will take you away. And He will bring others. And Allah is the One Who is competent to do that.
134) Whoever desires the reward of this world; let him know that the reward of this world and Akhirat [Afterlife] is only with Allah. And Allah is the One Who hears very well, sees very well.
135) O you who have believed! Be those who maintain/seek justice and equity as the ones who testify for Allah even if it is against yourselves, your parents and relatives. Whether rich or poor, know that Allah is closer to both. Do not follow your vain, transitory desire in order to be able to establish justice. If you distort or turn away, know that Allah is definitely aware of what you do.
136) O you who have believed! Do not leave anything concealed; that may cause anxiety, fear about Allah, His Messenger, the Book He has sent down to His Messenger and the book He had sent down before. And whoever conceals; does not explain Allah, His angels, books, messengers and the last day completely, has certainly gone astray into a distant astray.
137) Surely, as for those who have believed then disbelieved; who have consciously denied and then believed and then disbelieved; who have consciously denied and then increased their denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; Allah will not forgive them and guide them to a path.
138,139) Give those hypocrites who have taken those who have gone astray into disbelief; conscious denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb from among those that are inferior to the believers as their familiars who guide, protect the tidings of a painful punishment that will definitely be for them! Do they seek glory and honor with them? But, all glory and honor belong only to Allah.
140,141) And Allah has revealed to you in the Qur'an: "When you hear that the Ayat of Allah are consciously denied and ridiculed, do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Otherwise, you will be like them". Surely, Allah will gather in Jahannah [Hell] those who observe you/the hypocrites and infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. When you gain a victory from Allah, they say: "Were we not with you?". And when there is a share for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, they say: "Did we not gain advantage for you, did we not protect you from the believers?". On the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], Allah will judge among you. Allah will never give a way to the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb against the believers.
142,143) Surely, the hypocrites try to deceive Allah. Yet, He is the deceiver upon them. And when they stand for Salah [supporting financially and spiritually; enlightening the community]/go into public, they move lazily, being irresolute hesitating between the two, they do not stay with the believers nor the infidels, they make a display to the people. And they remember Allah but a little. And whomever Allah leads astray; you can not find a way for him.
144) O you who have believed! Do not take the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, who are lesser than yourselves in degree as your familiars who help, guide, protect/do not make them governors. Do you wish to give Allah an explicit evidence against yourselves?
145,146) Indeed the hypocrites -except for those who have repented, corrected, who hold onto Allah tightly and purify their religion for Allah; now they are among the believers and Allah will give the believers a great reward- will be in the lowest level of the Fire. And you will not find for them a helper.
147) If you repaid for the blessings you were given and believed, why would Allah punish you? Allah is the One Who repays for what has been done and knows best.
148) Allah does not like public mention of evil word except by those who have been treated unjustly. And Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
149) If you disclose a good or hide it or if you pardon an evil deed, know that Allah is very forgiving, the One Who is the most competent.
150,151) As for those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers; who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; who try to separate Allah and His messengers saying: "We believe in some part of it and disbelieve in some part of it", thus seeking to find a way between faith and disbelief; conscious denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; it is those who are the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb. And We have prepared a humiliating punishment for the infidels; those who consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb.
152) And as for those who believe in Allah and His messengers and do not make discrimination between them; they are the ones whom Allah will soon give their reward. And Allah is very forgiving, the One Who shows great mercy.
153) The People of the Book ask you to bring down a book from the heavens/universe. And they had definitely asked Moses greater than that and said: "Show us Allah manifestly". Then the thunderbolt hit them for their wrongdoing. Then they took gold as their god although clear evidences had come to them. Then We forgave them from that as well. And We gave Moses clear evidence.
154) And upon their covenant, We raised the highest/the dearest among them/Moses up to Mount Tur.[#375] And We said to them: "Enter that gate while you submit". And We also said to them: "Do not transgress on the contemplation/servitude day". Then We took their solemn covenant.
160,161) Then, for the unjust behaviors of those who had become Jews, their efforts to avert many people from the path of Allah, that they took Riba [obtaining revenues without effort, service and risk] although it was forbidden to them and their consumption of wealth of the people without right, We made haram/forbidden that which had been made halal/permissible to them. And We have prepared a painful punishment for the infidels; those who consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb from among those that had become Jews.
162) But those who have been deep in knowledge and who believe from among those who became Jews believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before. They are the ones who establish Salah [establish and maintain the institutions that support financially and spiritually; enlighten the community], give zaqah; the tax that the believers sincerely give as a liability of belief and duty of servitude so that the religion of Allah may be spread, maintained and Salah may be established, believe in Allah and the day of Akhirat [Afterlife]. They are the ones whom We will give a great reward.
163,164,165) No doubt that We have revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and all prophets after him. We revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, their grandsons, Jesus, Job, Jonas, Aaron and Solomon, the messengers about whom We have mentioned to you, the messengers about whom We have not mentioned to you as warners and harbingers so the people might not have any evidence against Allah after the messengers. And We gave David the Psalms. And Allah spoke to Moses/hurt him, made him go through many distress. And Allah is the One Who is the most exalted, the most powerful, the most honorable, the invincible/the subduer, the best law maker, the One Who precludes corruption best/makes incorruptible.
166) But Allah bears witness to that which He has revealed to you -He has revealed it with His knowledge-. And all the Ayat bear witness too. And Allah is sufficient as witness.
159) Surely, there is none from the People of the Book who would not believe in what has been revealed to you/the Qur'an before he dies. And on the day of Qiyamat [Resurrection], what has been revealed to you/the Qur'an will be a good witness against them.[#376]
167) Surely, those who have disbelieved; consciously denied the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb and avert from the path of Allah, have fallen into a far astray.
168,169) Surely, as for those who disbelieve; consciously deny the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb; who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah; Allah will not forgive them. He will not guide them anywhere but the path of Jahannah [Hell] where they will abide eternally. And it is very easy for Allah.
170) O mankind! Surely, the Messenger has brought upon you the truth from your Rabb. Then, believe in the truth which is for your own good. Should you disbelieve, you should also know that all that is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Allah. Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker.
174) O mankind! Indeed, an explicit proof from your Rabb has come to you. And We have sent down to you an explicit light/a light that clarifies.
175) As for those who believe in Allah and hold tight onto the explicit light; Allah will admit them into a mercy from Himself and into abundant blessings as an extra bounty and He will guide them to Himself as a straight path.[#377]
171) O People of the Book! Do not transgress in your religion. And do not say about Allah that which is not true. Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and His word directed/bestowed to Mary and a soul from Him; he was a person born by revelation [Wahy]. Then, believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three". Desist; it is better for you. Allah is the One and Only God. Purified is He from that there should be a child for Him. That which is in the heavens/universe and on the earth belongs only to Him. Allah is sufficient as the "One Who arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and implements this schedule by supporting, maintaining it".
172,1,2,3,4,5,6) The Messiah and the angels that have been brought close [Forces which those who believe in Jesus believe that they helped Jesus] never disdain to be a servant of Allah. And whoever disdains to be a servant to Him and acts arrogantly, let him know that He will soon gather them to Himself, when the earth is shaken with its own tremor, the earth discharges its burdens and man says, "What is happening to this earth?". On that day, the earth will definitely report all its news one by one because its Rabb has commanded to itself. That day, the people will come forth in groups so their deeds may be shown/so they may see their deeds.
173) And as for those who believe and do amendatory deeds; Allah will give them their rewards fully and will grant them extra from His bounty as well; and as for those who disdain to be servants and act arrogantly; Allah will punish them with a painful punishment. They will not find a familiar who is protector, guide nor a good helper for themselves from among those that are inferior to Allah.[#378]