1,2,3,4) Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] taught the Qur'an/to learn and to teach, formed human, taught him the good and the evil, and how to make distinction between them.
5) The sun and the moon move by a calculation.
6) And stemless plants and trees submit too.
7,8,9) And He formed the heavens/universe and raised it and placed the scale/measurement/balance so you may not transgress in scale/measurement/balance. Establish the measure with justice and equity, do not damage the scale/measurement/balance.
33) O communities of jinn and ins![#385] If you are able to pass beyond some of the boundaries of the heavens/universe and the earth, then do it, but you will not be able to do that without a supreme power.
34) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
31) O you two groups that have weight! We will soon conclude your accounts.
32) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
35) Flames and smoke from the fire will be sent upon you so you will not have any help.
36) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
10,11,12) And He formed the earth which has fruits and date palms with clusters, leafed grains and scented plants and He descended it for the creatures of it.
13) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
14,15) He formed seen, known creatures from a dry clay/a changeable substance which resembles baked mud. And He formed unseen creatures, forces from the smokeless of fire/energy.
16) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
17) Rahman [Allah; the One Who shows great mercy on the earth to all living beings that He created] is Rabb of two easts and Rabb of two wests.
18) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
19,20) He released the two seas to meet. There is a barrier between them, they do not mix together.
21) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
22) Pearl and corral are extracted from both of them; many things which are for your benefit; food, ornament, drinking water, watering water and easiness in transportation are obtained from both of them.
23) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
24) And belong to Him the ships that are elevated on the sea like mountains.
25) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
26,27) Everyone upon the earth will perish. And only Rabb Himself, owner of majesty and possessor of bounty will remain.
28) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
29) Those who are in the heavens/universe and on the earth ask Him. He is upon a matter at any time.
30) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
37) And when the heavens/universe is split open and becomes a rose like olive oil...
38) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
39) And on that day, none, known-unknown, that has come and will come, will be held responsible for sin of another.
40) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
41) The criminals will be known by their marks and seized by their foreheads and feet.
42) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
43,44) This is Jahannah [Hell] which the criminals denied. There they will go around between it and the scalding water.
45) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
46) And there are two gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] for those who fear the position of your Rabb.
47) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
48) Both of them have branches.
49) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
50) In both of them are springs, flowing.
51) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
52) In both of them are of every fruit in pairs.
53) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
54) The crops of the both gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] are close as the ones who will recline on the beds lined with thick silk/satin.
55) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
56) In there are those who stare, who have not been touched by anyone, known-unknown, that has passed and will come.
57) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
58) As if they are like rubies and coral.
59) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
60) Is the recompense of good deeds other than the good?
61) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
62) And there are two other gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] which are inferior to them.
63) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
64) All green are they.
65) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
66) In both of them are two springs, gushing constantly.
67) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
68) In both of them are fruits, dates and pomegranates.
69) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
70) And within those fruits are good-beautiful.
71) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
72) There are bright-eyed ones, secluded in pavilions.
73) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
74) Known-unknown, none has touched them before these.
75) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
76) Reclining on green cushions and excellently embroidered mattresses...
77) Then you two, which of what your Rabb is capable of; His unique power, unequalled blessings do you deny?
78) How generous is the name of your Rabb, owner of majesty and sublimity, the One Who is to impose commands and prohibitions.[#386]