1) O you who have believed! Do not put yourselves before between two hands of Allah and His Messenger/do not bring forth your own ideas in the religion. And enter under the guardianship of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Who hears best, knows best.
2) O you who have believed! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet. Do not be loud to the Prophet like you are loud to each other; or you may transgress in respect while you do not perceive and your deeds become wasted.
3) Surely, as for those who lower their voices before Messenger of Allah; they are the ones whose hearts Allah tests so they may enter under the guardianship of Himself. For them will be forgiveness, protection and a great reward.
4) Surely, those who call you from the back of the rooms; most of them do not use reason.
5) And if they had been patient until you come out to them, it would surely have been better for them. And Allah is One Who covers the sins of His servants very much, does not punish them and has much forgiveness, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
6) O you who have believed! When a man who has gone astray from the righteous path brings you news, investigate/verify immediately. Otherwise, you may attack/harm a people out of ignorance and then become the ones who would be regretful over what they have done.
7,8) And indeed, know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he was to obey you in much of the matters, you would definitely be in difficulty. But Allah has made you love the faith and made it adornment for your hearts as a favor and blessing from Him. He has made hateful to you disbelief; conscious denial of the divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb, going astray from the righteous path and disobedience. Those are the ones who have the maturity of reason. And Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is the best law maker, the One Who makes incorruptible.
9) And if two groups from among the believers are made to battle each other, immediately make peace between them. Should one of them attack the other, fight against the attacking side until they return to the command of Allah. And if the attacker returns, make peace between them with justice and treat in justice and equity. Surely, Allah likes those who treat in justice and equity.
10) Believers are only brothers. Therefore, make peace between your brothers and enter under the guardianship of Allah so you may receive mercy.
11) O you who have believed! Let not a people ridicule a people. Perhaps, whom they ridicule may be better than them. Let not women ridicule other women. Perhaps, whom they ridicule may be better than them. And do not insult one another; do not humiliate nor scorn; do not call each other with nick names; do not insult, do not despise. How evil is to be named of going astray from the righteous path after faith! And whoever does not repent; he is the one who does wrong; acts against his own good.
12) O you who have believed! Avoid most of assumption. Surely, some assumption is of that which causes to waste time/delaying the good/being reluctant for the good/harming. Do not investigate the faults of each other. Do not let some of you backbite some other/speak out of place when the other one is absent. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest this. And enter under the guardianship of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Who accepts repentances most, gives many opportunities to repent, the One Who is the possessor of vast mercy.
13) O people! We formed you from a male and a female, made you nations and groups so you might meet each other. Surely, in the sight of Allah, the most noble of you is the one who has entered under the guardianship of Allah the most. Truly, Allah is the One Who knows best, the One Who is all aware.
14) Bedouin Arabs said: "We have believed!". Say: "You have not believed, but say 'Eslamna' [We have strengthened/assured ourselves]; faith has not yet entered your hearts. And if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not deprive you from anything of your deeds". Truly, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful!
15) Believers are only the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then do not doubt about this and who strive in the path of Allah with their wealth and lives. They are the ones who are truthful.
16) Say: "Do you teach your religion to Allah? Yet, Allah knows what is in the heavens/universe and what is on the earth". And Allah knows everything best.
17) They expect you to be grateful for they have entered Islam. Say: "Do not expect gratefulness from me for you have entered Islam. Rather, if you are truthful, be grateful to Allah for He has made you reach the faith".
18) Indeed, Allah knows the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt of the heavens/universe and the earth. And Allah is the One Who sees very well that which you do.